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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

To add to that, if you donate 50 bucks, I'll give you a million vcash. That would go, well for the first 13 people, since I don't have more that that. So, if you donate 50 bucks to BP you get:

500K Vcash from BP
500K Vcash from BB73
1 Mil Vcash from me.

So, donate 50, get 2 million AND if you act now, we can't do this all day, you get a lock of Kyles beard.

Call now, operators are waiting.

I'll let Deety take my vcash as people donate.
Upvote 0
OCBucksFan;1425308; said:
So, donate 50, get 2 million AND if you act now, we can't do this all day, you get a lock of Kyles beard.
Why can't we do this all day!? I think you're seriously underestimating the length and fullness of my beard.

$50 = A patch of beard with red hair in it.
$100 = A patch with a single white hair in it.

Operators are standing by!
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OCBucksFan;1425308; said:
To add to that, if you donate 50 bucks, I'll give you a million vcash. That would go, well for the first 13 people, since I don't have more that that. So, if you donate 50 bucks to BP you get:

500K Vcash from BP
500K Vcash from BB73
1 Mil Vcash from me.

So, donate 50, get 2 million AND if you act now, we can't do this all day, you get a lock of Kyles beard.

Call now, operators are waiting.

I'll let Deety take my vcash as people donate.
Are you sure? You'll be at -v8,000,000 so far. Only we can't actually give negative vcash, or you get banned - just ask Mili (sorry again for that, Mili... okay not very because it was hilarious).
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Deety;1425344; said:
Wait... BEARD? As a bonus? Really?

Find some shades, because the interwebs are gonna light up!

I figured I should mention that only Buckeye fans that donate will recieve a patch of Beard. We can't be having this power fall into the wrong hands.

Gator, Woof, Nutria, H2M...I'm looking at you crafty bastards!
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BUCKYLE;1425352; said:
I figured I should mention that only Buckeye fans that donate will recieve a patch of Beard. We can't be having this power fall into the wrong hands.

Gator, Woof, Nutria, H2M...I'm looking at you crafty bastards!
How about going all in and offering locks of your girl friends beard ?
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