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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

OCBucksFan;1425452; said:
You're gonna love my nuts.

Upvote 0
shetuck;1424963; said:
I'd say he's probably willing to pay much more to have the thread taken down! :p

You my friend, have stumbled on a powerful source of revenue, that could set Clarity and BP financially free forever, and maybe make us all rich in the process.

Besides, the term "blackmail" gets thrown around a lot these days. Frankly I think it gets a bad wrap is society.
Upvote 0
Current total: $3,403! You know who you are, you know what you did, you know why you rock. :biggrin:

BB73 spreading around that v34,003,000 sure does stimulate the vEconomy. :p

OCBucksFan is down v11,500,000. Muhahaha!

Nice work, everyone!
Upvote 0
Deety;1426078; said:
Current total: $3,403! You know who you are, you know what you did, you know why you rock. :biggrin:

BB73 spreading around that v34,003,000 sure does stimulate the vEconomy. :p

[fungo squiggly] Shouldn't that be v34,030,000? Take away every vDollar you can from that elitist pr ick! [/fungo squiggly, a.k.a BP Bean Counter]
Upvote 0
OCBucksFan;1425308; said:
To add to that, if you donate 50 bucks, I'll give you a million vcash. That would go, well for the first 13 people, since I don't have more that that. So, if you donate 50 bucks to BP you get:

500K Vcash from BP
500K Vcash from BB73
1 Mil Vcash from me.

So, donate 50, get 2 million AND if you act now, we can't do this all day, you get a lock of Kyles beard.

Call now, operators are waiting.

I'll let Deety take my vcash as people donate.

Done. Pay me my monies biatch.
Upvote 0
Deety;1426078; said:
Current total: $3,403! You know who you are, you know what you did, you know why you rock. :biggrin:

BB73 spreading around that v34,003,000 sure does stimulate the vEconomy. :p

OCBucksFan is down v11,500,000. Muhahaha!

Nice work, everyone!

Oh well, I needed to get off of my vhooker and vblow habbit for a while anyways. I was afraid of getting too vaddicted, or even worse, a vstd, so it's for the best :p
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