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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

Clarity;1426213; said:
It might be worth more than that. I was recently contacted by his former employer (who shall remain nameless, at their request) -- Trey was fired for using company time and resources to troll here. You really can't even teach that sort of stupid, it's a real gift.


Clarity said:
Finally, please don't be offended if you see me on the visitors list, send me a PM, and don't get an immediate response. Because of the crashes, I leave my laptop on 24/7 and have it within visual range of the bed. The site reloads every 2 or 5 minutes (depending on how the site's behaving) so I'll know (hopefully) as soon as something happens.


Rep this man, and donate to this site. Every little bit helps, and you don't get this kind of dedication most places, these days.
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