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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

generaladm;1425531; said:
OCBW's new outfit?


It's pedophilifantastic!

OCBucksFan;1426092; said:
Oh well, I needed to get off of my vhooker and vblow habbit for a while anyways. I was afraid of getting too vaddicted, or even worse, a vstd, so it's for the best :p

Those vhookers have been kind of piling up in your vtrunk and if your nose bleeds one more time onto my vsheets I will have to wash your mouth out with vbleach again. You now vMommy doesn't like that.
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Deety;1425287; said:
Special Report:


Current total:


Un-freaking-believable. That's 63 BPers contributing between $1 and $150. In 36 hours.

Really only one thing to say at a time like this.



Great job, everyone!
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By my calcs, we have

35 days left to raise $997, to meet the April 15 goal of $4,400... sitting on $3,403 as Wednesday arrives..

65 days left to raise another $3,197

Dating back to a week ago tonight, Deety started this thread, and we have averaged $486.14 in donations, per day since then.

The April 15 goal certainly looks good by the end of the weekend, and that includes trimming a lot off of the average, due to many big hitters already crossing the plate.

Point being, the goal is well within reach.

Another thing I noticed...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 12,379...

Does BP chill with 12K+? Is that how we roll? How many remain active, how many have not checked back in over the years, and most importantly, how many have been shetucked?

If we can get even $.50 out of each member, we will be going places.

Thanks to everyone who has donated.. I am in the process of repping everyone, and I'm sure I've either repped twice already and/or missed one, but I can only rep 10 a day, and we've got a long list. Bravo BP!

And lastly, thanks to those big hitters.. I am in the camp that one of you just dropped a hugey on the site.. awesome. you may or may not be the folks who actually run this site, but I dream of the day I can drop a huge sum on you guys, and leave you to figure out who did it. Sic the BPRT on that one :biggrin:
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NFBuck;1424962; said:
The Trey McNeil thread alone is worth $25.

It might be worth more than that. I was recently contacted by his former employer (who shall remain nameless, at their request) -- Trey was fired for using company time and resources to troll here. You really can't even teach that sort of stupid, it's a real gift.

Thank you, so much, donors and volunteers (and particularly those who do both). I really thought we were on the cusp of being able to treat these drives differently, but we'll adapt to the ad situation, and life (and site) will go on. BP is an incredible place. I can say that without any self-serving purpose, because what makes it such an incredible place has virtually nothing to do with me. We've collected a wonderfully diverse but largely unified group of passionate fans and volunteers here, and though it's a struggle at times, I think we've done a good job, collectively, of maintaining the sort of atmosphere we can be proud of. I rarely use the term 'proud,' because I generally find it out of place, but I'm proud of what we've done with this site. From a personal standpoint, I couldn't possibly be more appreciative of what you all have done for both Jo/Longwood and myself as well. I'll have more to say about all of that over the next month or two.

Finally, please don't be offended if you see me on the visitors list, send me a PM, and don't get an immediate response. Because of the crashes, I leave my laptop on 24/7 and have it within visual range of the bed. The site reloads every 2 or 5 minutes (depending on how the site's behaving) so I'll know (hopefully) as soon as something happens.
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Clarity;1426213; said:
It might be worth more than that. I was recently contacted by his former employer (who shall remain nameless, at their request) -- Trey was fired for using company time and resources to troll here. You really can't even teach that sort of stupid, it's a real gift.

Thank you, so much, donors and volunteers (and particularly those who do both). I really thought we were on the cusp of being able to treat these drives differently, but we'll adapt to the ad situation, and life (and site) will go on. BP is an incredible place. I can say that without any self-serving purpose, because what makes it such an incredible place has virtually nothing to do with me. We've collected a wonderfully diverse but largely unified group of passionate fans and volunteers here, and though it's a struggle at times, I think we've done a good job, collectively, of maintaining the sort of atmosphere we can be proud of. I rarely use the term 'proud,' because I generally find it out of place, but I'm proud of what we've done with this site. From a personal standpoint, I couldn't possibly be more appreciative of what you all have done for both Jo/Longwood and myself as well. I'll have more to say about all of that over the next month or two.

Finally, please don't be offended if you see me on the visitors list, send me a PM, and don't get an immediate response. Because of the crashes, I leave my laptop on 24/7 and have it within visual range of the bed. The site reloads every 2 or 5 minutes (depending on how the site's behaving) so I'll know (hopefully) as soon as something happens.

He got fired? Doesn't that make that thread the greatest in internet history?
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