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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009


Joe Cabot says:
"Never mind what you normally would do. Just cough in your goddamn buck like everybody else. Thank you."
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Donation submitted thru paypal. Unfortunately, at this time I can't give nearly as much as would like, but I'm sure every little bit helps. I do plan on giving again (hopefully more) sometime soon, to help us reach the projected goals. My contribution probably makes BUCKYLE look like Andrew freaking Carnegie! :lol:

Even though I'm aware that Clarity does not like to have attention drawn to his situation, I have to say this: I was somewhat aware of his problems thru incidental comments here and there, but I just finished reading the link in the first post, and it has truly affected my perspective on life, and for the better. I feel at the same time humbled, sad, inspired, and several things I don't know if there are words for. Believe me, C-Dog, it has nothing to do with pity, or whatever you would call it. I have the utmost respect for the strength, honesty, pragmatism, humility, and humor you share with us in regards to your condition. Anyone who values the community that has spawned from Clarity's initiative should read at least his first couple posts in this thread. Just the fact that Clarity puts one ounce of effort into maintaining this site, with everything he has to deal with, is incomprehensible to me. Not to mention the fact that he consistently places the spirit of the community well above his own preferences, in many ways. Buckeye Planet is an online community like no other, and it all started with one man. I knew early on that this site was much more than just a forum for people to exchange opinions about The Buckeyes and hard poop jokes, and it continues to impress me how unique this community really is. (Sorry I called attention to you C-Dog. I'll try to make it up to you.)

That being said, it's time to get this shit rolling. It's already rolling, thanks to the many great members who are so generous in many ways, but there is always room for more. If you want to donate, but don't think what you can give would mean anything, you're wrong. A dollar, a quarter, it will add up. If you buy a $1.50 bottle of coke from the vending machine at work every day, cut back one day a week, and that's $6 a month. Pack a day smoker? Give up three cigs a day, and that's $20 over the course of a month (and better for you, both the soda and smokes). Anyone who reads the site everyday, but is not a member, take the 2 minutes to create an account, and give just $1. If everyone did that, it could generate thousands of dollars for a very worthy cause. But even beyond donating money personally, come up with ideas that will create revenue for the site. There are so many brilliant posters on here, in so many ways, that I'm sure a minimum amount of effort could lead to the means to make this site more self sufficient. Got some old OSU ticket stubs or programs that are sitting in a box? I'll bet that there is someone here who would be willing to buy them. Even if you only donate part of the price, it will make a difference. If you have experience acquiring advertisments for websites, post your ideas here. Even if they don't work out, you will be contributing to the comminity, and inspiring others to do the same. If you have any ideas that could help this effort, share them. No one will think less of you for sharing (now that Tibor's banned). Anyone who's spent much time here should know that the "pay it forward" concept is a big part of the Ohio State tradition (even before Woody), this is a great opportunity to make a small effort go a long way. Just do it.

Special thanks to all the admins and mods who make significant personal time commitments to this site. Your efforts are what makes BP the beautifully crazy place it is.

/end rant
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I don't want to repeat a lot of the things that generaladm as said above but when you think about whether you should donate or not just think of all the sacrifices that Clarity, admins, and even moderators have given to make this such a wonderful site. Don't put it off, donate today it will make you feel good:biggrin2:
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gregorylee;1424174; said:
I thinks I am not going out for beer tonight, and I shall donate said beer monies.

[censored] that, I will donate deux and go out and drinks the beers....

Eat it BB73~!!!11!!!!!!11!!!1!!1televen!!!

mother [censored]ers!
That's a man to sacrifice his beer money to make a donation:biggrin2: well at least he thought about it but still made the donation:biggrin:
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I've been here nearly since the beginning. We're going on 6 years this May. All those that have been here since the beginning remember Clarity and some of the regulars from their Bucknuts days. When that site started their downward spiral, Clarity was the one with the balls to start a site for intelligent Buckeye talk without the need to bash. Just spend a day on both sites after a game and you'll glady press the Paypal donate button.

No, don't wait until after a game, just take my word for it and donate now. It's certainly money well spent, regardless of amount donated.

Oh yea, fuck Michigan too.
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