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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

Wingate1217;1456866; said:
I just wrote a check and will be sending it out on Monday........:)
snail mail....:(
Awesome! :biggrin: Your courier is preparing for the journey. :p


We have now passed the $7,000 mark. Very nice! :)

Let's please keep it going strong.
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FeistyRedHeadAZ;1464687; said:
I donated, this year but my name isn't on the list.

Y'all can keep the chicks, or I distribute my share evenly[Gatorbutt and Dayton get the ugly ones LOL :P]
You'll probably be on the next update, but I gotcha blinged now. Likewise for Mr. Sandler. :p


Current Total: $7,380

Cash/check/money order ----1,150
PayPal/PayPal eCheck --------5,780
PayPal subscription -------------450

Thank you all so much for your donations to help BuckeyePlanet and Clarity pay the bills. We're entering the territory where the summer months are starting to look worrisome, so I'd like to see if we can push things forward a little more and keep Clarity from stressing too much. If you enjoy BP and haven't donated yet, please do consider contributing now. :)
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