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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

Deety;1438643; said:
Current total: $6,280

Current donors: 138

First-Time Donor Week - new donor count: 21

Yes, we made our new donor totals, and then some! :biggrin: Thanks so much to everyone who participated, and to our two friends who are donating the challenge funds.
and to those of you who will be donating in the future because you have not donated yet.:wink2:
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Okay Deety... I just made a donation to the Spring Drive for your birthday.

I suggest you post a notice in your birthday thread that all gifts (preferably monetary) should be donated to BP's Spring Drive.

Deety definitely has earned a b-day gift for everything she does on here. Let's show her some appreciation.
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My burfday giff to DT has killed this thread!

No posts in 24 hours... :sad2:

Good people of BP: Don't let this thread experience an agonizingly slow and unseemly demise! Don't let it go the way of the TSUN football program.

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Total: $6,725

Total Donors: 143

Monthly Donors: 25


Spring Drive Goals - BuckeyePlanet

Note: Time frames were added due to SportsWar collapse and subsequent cash flow issues; see above for details.

  • $2,200 - by March 15 - Goal met March 9 - That's right, Spring Drive Day 3 - you all rock!!!
  • $2,200 - by April 15
  • $2,200 - by May 15
  • Secure new ad revenue within this time frame; reassess site needs
Thank you!


Phase I of this drive has been about managing a critical situation, keeping both the site and the man behind it going when the rug has been pulled out from under them. And you all stepped up big time to make this happen so quickly... well... Clarity isn't too big on letting people see how tough things really can get, and the true impact of what's happening here isn't always right out there for all to see. But you all get it. And God Bless you all for doing it.

Phase II is about achieving the right long-term balance to ensure BP and Clarity's long-term financial stability. Donations are going to be a necessary part of the picture, and probably the largest part of the equation, for the foreseeable future. However, as the advertising is implemented and tweaked for best results, we should be able to achieve a certain level of predictable income that will be a huge help, both financially and psychologically. For now, though, please keep donating what you can, when you can, and know that your help is vital to what we're doing here.

In terms of where ads stand, we have networks, we have a good delivery system, and we're working on implementation. The trick now is keeping things moving smoothly during the process and tweaking the system to keep out the pop-ups and things we just don't want. Then, a few weeks of data and we'll have a good idea where we stand. Right now, it looks as though we haven't fully replaced the SportsWar income, but things are certainly looking up. Ultimately, our own ads would mean the fastest loading times while benefiting the greater Buckeye community, too, so those of you in marketing or with your own businesses, start thinking about it... :)

Now let's keep this party rolling!

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Deety;1442161; said:

Katt? The Greatest American Hero, William Katt, donated to BP? Awesome!

I think you gave me his banner on accident. I would never donate money to a bunch of elitist pr icks like you people.
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