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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

OregonBuckeye;1435878; said:
I tried that twice and I got some message that it couldn't verify. Also saw I had two charges pending for $1 for doing that. Paypal hates BP, I guess. Bastards.

I believe they charged me a similar fee and those pending charges are dropped at some point (at least I think they were). Looks like you may just have to do the whole snail mail thing.
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Buckeye86;1435882; said:
I believe they charged me a similar fee and those pending charges are dropped at some point (at least I think they were). Looks like you may just have to do the whole snail mail thing.

I think yall are just PBKAC'd shit works like a champ for me a year or so ago. Yall are gettin old
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HailToMichigan;1435703; said:
Posting not for brownie points, but to shame any remaining non-donors into forking out. :evil:

This site is too well-run and I've derived too much entertainment from it over the past two and a half years not to offer any assistance for the owners and proprietors to keep it that way.

I haven't exactly broken the bank. What I gave is small. But the challenge for the rest of those who haven't ponied up is this: you're not going to let a Michigan fan outdo you, are you?

jwinslow;1435716; said:

I agree with Josh.

Where's HtM's GPA?
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