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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

I see I done been called out for falling behind on all the vcash bonuses & transfers & such. I'm working on another project tonight, but will get those caught up tomorrow. Hold yer fire! :p

In the meantime, anyone interested in researching some things on YouTube for BP? Could use a little help. :)
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[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrFVFEbmCGM]YouTube - 1993: Ohio State v. Penn State (Drive-Thru)[/ame]

Deety, I can research all night, and give you more of these videos, is this what you are asking for?
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schwab;1437323; said:
YouTube - 1993: Ohio State v. Penn State (Drive-Thru)

Deety, I can research all night, and give you more of these videos, is this what you are asking for?
Groups of good stuff like that, yes. The same user should have lots of good videos, and all I need is the name of the user, not the individual videos. I'll check that user against my list to see if we can use them. The links so far have been great, but no matches to the list yet.
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Bucky Katt;1437590; said:
I have no idea what yu are talking about. :paranoid:

Wrong Bronco...

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