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BuckeyePlanet Spring Drive 2009

Bucky Katt;1442324; said:
Katt? The Greatest American Hero, William Katt, donated to BP? Awesome!

I think you gave me his banner on accident. I would never donate money to a bunch of elitist pr icks like you people.
Lol... I was itching to use Wordle. Interpretive art, not literal... just ask Nim and Burns. :p
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Bucky Katt;1442324; said:
Katt? The Greatest American Hero, William Katt, donated to BP? Awesome!

I think you gave me his banner on accident. I would never donate money to a bunch of elitist pr icks like you people.

And while you're at it, tell jwins to get off my back! I'm tired of carrying him. My "k" is starting to hurt!

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Bucky Katt;1442324; said:
Katt? The Greatest American Hero, William Katt, donated to BP? Awesome!

I think you gave me his banner on accident. I would never donate money to a bunch of elitist pr icks like you people.
I think she's saying you have a split personality... not as many as bkb but at least two.

I'm just glad my name isn't beside that overpaid elitist JCOSU.
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LitlBuck;1446162; said:
The Drive is still alive:biggrin2:
Indeed! We're good for April and May, but it will be several months before the ads really start covering what BP and Clarity need, and things will get scary at the end of May if we don't keep the ball rolling. So, let's keep that ball rolling. :)
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Spring Drive--let's keep it alive:)
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