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Fantasy BuckeyePlanet Fantasy Football - Keeper League (R.I.P.)

jlb1705;1724046; said:
Let's see... Here's some of what I've gleaned so far:

  • Charlie Luvs Burgers dropped Rashard Mendenhall
  • Appalachia Moonshine dropped Shonn Greene to pick up Mendenhall. If he had held on to Greene, he could've kept him at the price of a 14th rounder this year. :yow1: Not that he isn't already stacked at RB this offseason. At one point he was able to pick Greene back up, only to drop him again.
  • Appalachia Moonshine himself dropped Mendenhall at one point, and was able to reclaim him a few days later. That's egg on all of our faces.
  • I drafted LenDale White fairly early, and held onto him until the last week of October :shake:
  • Psycho D also dropped Shonn Greene
  • My personal favorite: SuperFanChachi dropped Jonathan Stewart after the first round of the playoffs to pick up San Francisco DEF. I picked him up in time for the second round and rode him to the title. Stewart rushed for 206 yards and 1 TD in my championship game matchup with SuperFanChachi. :)
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jlb1705;1724041; said:
Each team's final roster, with this year's keeper value:

*denotes number of years player has been kept

I have some interesting choices...Donald Brown with a 7, Celek with a 7, DeSean with a 6, and Ryan with an 8 are all good options. Beanie with a 4 as well.
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Brown doesn't seem very attractive right now. Celek is a tough call, but it's hard to tell how he'll do without McNabb. Part of the reason he caught so many passes was that Philly was a rare squad that could be that unbalanced and still succeed via the pass.

With the inevitable dropoff at QB, will they sustain drives as well? Will that mean less overall passing opportunities for Celek?

If Celek keeps rolling, I think Celek & Beanie is a no brainer. With McNabb's departure, I probably still lean towards that group (a young QB will lean on his TE, and they will continue to throw in red zone situations where mcCoy has struggled).

edit: I missed Ryan with a 6, that's a safer pick. I would base that on your draft slot and how many QBs are returned to the draft pool. Unless 4-6 top QBs get kept, I'll take my chances of finding a comparable QB in the draft, whereas it will be very hard to find any RBs
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jlb1705;1724046; said:
Let's see... Here's some of what I've gleaned so far:

  • Charlie Luvs Burgers dropped Rashard Mendenhall
  • Appalachia Moonshine dropped Shonn Greene to pick up Mendenhall. If he had held on to Greene, he could've kept him at the price of a 14th rounder this year. :yow1: Not that he isn't already stacked at RB this offseason. At one point he was able to pick Greene back up, only to drop him again.
  • Appalachia Moonshine himself dropped Mendenhall at one point, and was able to reclaim him a few days later. That's egg on all of our faces.
  • I drafted LenDale White fairly early, and held onto him until the last week of October :shake:
  • Psycho D also dropped Shonn Greene
  • My personal favorite: SuperFanChachi dropped Jonathan Stewart after the first round of the playoffs to pick up San Francisco DEF. I picked him up in time for the second round and rode him to the title. Stewart rushed for 206 yards and 1 TD in my championship game matchup with SuperFanChachi. :)

To be fair, Greene didn't do [censored] until the month of the season and the playoffs. Its tough to let unproductive players ride the bench during the bye weeks when you need to use your bench. I don't even remember picking him up again and dropping him again though! At least I made up for it with picking up Mendenhall. A Mendenhall/Johnson combo for a #6 and #7 looks pretty enticing for this year though. Who knew that Benson would even be a keeper candidate, assuming he doesn't get suspended for being a dumbass, then a #8 for him would be possible as well. I am definitely in again, hopefully won't waste my early picks this year...
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jlb1705;1724046; said:
  • My personal favorite: SuperFanChachi dropped Jonathan Stewart after the first round of the playoffs to pick up San Francisco DEF. I picked him up in time for the second round and rode him to the title. Stewart rushed for 206 yards and 1 TD in my championship game matchup with SuperFanChachi. :)

First of all....YOU SIR, SUCK! (actually "I suck" would be more accurate, but I'm sticking to my original statement out of spite) therefore, YOU SUCK! :lol:

MAN, I just got an email reminder from my other league, so I decided to search for this thread. I can't believe I've missed the first 2-1/2 weeks of FF chatter!


#1 I'm in! (SuperFanChachi)

#2 I'm 99.9% sure (baring pre-season injuries) that I will be keeping MJD in the 1st round at pick #9 & Ray Rice as the second to last pick in round 5! :biggrin:

#3 Most draft dates work for me. Just let me know.

#4 Thanks for all the work you guys have put into keeping this going. I love me some Fantasy Football. Can't wait to get things going!
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jwinslow;1723856; said:
The draft order is the opposite of the league standings

Draft Order 2010 (bold = confirmed returnees)

Round 1

  1. The S&G Show - scarletandgrey
  2. Spybait - jwinslow
  3. Boll Weevils - Bucklion
  4. Charlie Luvs Burgers - BuckTwenty
  5. new carlisle - jlb1705's non-BP friend
  6. Physco D - BlufftonBuckeye
  7. Saccamano's Storks - Bob Saccamano
  8. Appalachia Moonshine - Ahiacitian
  9. SuperFanChachi - Padraig
  10. The Soup Vixens - jlb1705
Round 2

  1. The Soup Vixens
  2. SuperFanChachi
  3. Appalachia Moonshine
  4. Saccamano's Storks
  5. Phsyco D
  6. new carlisle
  7. Charlie Luvs Burgers
  8. Boll Weevils
  9. Spybait
  10. The S&G Show

So just to bump & update jwins post, I think these are the teams I've seen post as returning this season. Just a month and a half until some football! :biggrin:
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Padraig;1734992; said:
So just to bump & update jwins post, I think these are the teams I've seen post as returning this season. Just a month and a half until some football! :biggrin:

I have edited your quote to add usernames to all confirmed returnees. I spoke with my non-BP friend this past weekend and he's still in too. Looks like we just need to hear from Bob Saccamano. I'll send a PM. Once that last spot is confirmed I'll send out a PM to everybody with the League ID & Pass.
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Right now the draft is set for Tues., Sept. 7 at 8PM. I will assume that we are going forward with that date/time unless I hear strong objections to it soon.

Keepers will need to be set by 8PM on Tues., Aug. 31 - exactly one week before the draft. I know many of you have already named your keepers, but many of you will probably want continue to assess as injuries and transactions occur through the preseason.
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I won't be around for that draft date, but I'll try to get a buddy to fill in for me. However, if there are other people it doens't work with, then obviously im down with changing it.

I'm gone from the 4th to the 11th (Of sept). Other than that, I'm free. But, like I said, I can try to get a friend to cover for me.
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jlb1705;1735083; said:
Right now the draft is set for Tues., Sept. 7 at 8PM.

Hey jlb, just noticed while joining Jake's other BP league that the draft time is scheduled for 11 pm and not 8 pm. I am assuming yahoo pulled a pacific time zone trick out of their ass which made it the three hour time difference. Figured I would let you know before it was too late to change it back...
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