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Fantasy BuckeyePlanet Fantasy Football - Keeper League (R.I.P.)

jwinslow;1751716; said:

7 - Jamaal Charles
8 - DeAngelo Williams

BlufftonBuckeye;1752759; said:
Well, at least Ahmed didn't do [censored] for me last season :biggrin:

Would have sucked if I would have gotten out of the first round because he had like a 45 point day...

And this years keepers:

6 - Tony Romo
7 - Miles Austin

Bucklion;1752934; said:
I reserve the right to change these is somebody blows out a knee this weekend, but I will keep:

B Wells (4)
D Jackson (6)

All duly noted.
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Did we ever discuss a "buy-in" option?

Only reason I mention is this:
$5 is a cheap buy in. Most leagues are $10, and higher, with several much much higher. With the amount of work that jlb puts in with regards to history, keepers etc, it would be a nice gesture to pitch a little his way. He's never asked for anything, never so much as mentioned it. I for one am glad to not have to go through the history, keep logs etc etc.

If he kept all $50, fine. If he wanted to give 1st, 2nd and 3rd their $5 buy-in back as a "prize", thats cool too.

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Bp is run with lengthy volunteer hours, whether it is the moderating duties, weekly game previews, video game dynasties, nfl and fantasy mock drafts, etc. All of those take a ton of hours of management, planning, communicating and patience.

I think it is a nice gesture to say thank you with a little donation, but I do not think anyone should feel compelled to do so because others are.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1753429; said:
Did we ever discuss a "buy-in" option?

Only reason I mention is this:
$5 is a cheap buy in. Most leagues are $10, and higher, with several much much higher. With the amount of work that jlb puts in with regards to history, keepers etc, it would be a nice gesture to pitch a little his way. He's never asked for anything, never so much as mentioned it. I for one am glad to not have to go through the history, keep logs etc etc.

If he kept all $50, fine. If he wanted to give 1st, 2nd and 3rd their $5 buy-in back as a "prize", thats cool too.


Thanks, but no thanks. I don't need the money, and honestly I don't work that hard on this - I'm just really busy at home in the evenings right now so it's tough for me to hammer out some of the longer stuff.

I suggest that if anybody is in a giving mood, they kick those dollars BP's way. Every donation counts, no matter the amount.

BuckeyePlanet Ohio State Forums PayPal Donations
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OK, the wiki posts have all been added to the News thread. I think everything is there and correct. Please let me know if something looks off.

I have been adding this year's keepers to the first post as people have declared/changed them. I will update keepers on each team's post after they have all been declared/locked-in.
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