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Fantasy BuckeyePlanet Fantasy Football - Keeper League (R.I.P.)

  1. The Deuce Taker - scarletandgrey
  2. Spybait - jwinslow
  3. Boll Weevils - Bucklion
  4. Charlie Luvs Burgers - BuckTwenty
  5. new carlisle - jlb1705's non-BP friend
  6. Captain Awesome - BlufftonBuckeye (Psycho D - Derek2k3)
  7. Saccamano's Storks - Bob Saccamano
  8. Appalachia Moonshine - Ahiacitian
  9. SuperFanChachi - Padraig
  10. Britt-ish Invasion - jlb1705
The bolded teams above apparently still haven't signed up. Check your PMs for the League ID & Password that I sent you. Please let me know if you need me to send it again. I'd rather avoid posting it in the thread to keep outsiders from signing up.

As for my non-BP friend, he said he's still in. He's going through some shit right now so I'm not gonna bug him about it, but I'm gonna make sure he signs up when he comes down to my house next weekend.
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Sorry about that jlb. I'm signed up.

Since poor old Charlie got fired, Charlie Luvs Burgers is now Dick Rod's Rods. That is, until next year, when Mr. Rod gets fired and I'll think of some other poor sap who will get jinxed like Charlie & Dick.
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BlufftonBuckeye;1741979; said:
Could we get a new sticky?

One that has the new Teams/Owners, Rosters and dates on it, with the rules.

Just makes it easier to find all the info, rather than searching through the last 4/5 pages.

OK, having thought it through I decided to create a new thread rather than editing the first post since it belonged to somebody else (who is no longer in the league or active at BP).

This is explained in the new thread, but it's going to take on a News/Discussion dual-thread format that is used throughout BP. The News thread will be closed & stickyed, and it's initial post updated with current news. Other posts in the thread will be created & maintained as well - mainly to keep an archive for the league and each of its teams. I've started by creating the initial post, and will continue to add more as the draft approaches. I think I have everything in there now that people will need between now and then. The rest will be mostly for preparation for future seasons.

If there is anything that you feel needs changed or added to that thread, please post it in this thread.
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Just a reminder, your keepers are due Aug. 31 at 8PM - which is a week from tomorrow. The draft is a week after that on Sept. 7.

We're still waiting for jwinslow to sign up.

I'm still working on "wikis" for each individual team. All the info that you need to select keepers is freely available throughout this thread and in the Yahoo Archives that are linked in the first post of the News thread. For me it's just a matter of processing it all. I'm hoping to do a few more tonight, and have them all ready before the keeper deadline.
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OK, in doing the wiki posts in the News thread for BlufftonBuckeye's team history, I found that he kept Ahmad Bradshaw last year despite Bradshaw not having been present on the final roster of the team he was taking over. This actually speaks to the reasons for the new thread to keep a more detailed history. There were two different posts in last year's thread that one could have looked at - one with a final roster and another that showed draft results and free agent pickups, but did not show which of those players were still on the roster. I can see how that would've been confusing, especially with the posts coming several pages apart.

Bradshaw is still on BlufftonBuckeye's roster. As with any other rules/discrepancies I think it should be up to the opinions of the majority of the league, but I'm personally inclined to let it slide since myself and nobody else in the league picked up on this until a full year after the fact. Hopefully there are no other cases of this and the new system for tracking this stuff will keep it from happening again in the future.
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jlb1705;1751827; said:
OK, in doing the wiki posts in the News thread for BlufftonBuckeye's team history, I found that he kept Ahmad Bradshaw last year despite Bradshaw not having been present on the final roster of the team he was taking over. This actually speaks to the reasons for the new thread to keep a more detailed history. There were two different posts in last year's thread that one could have looked at - one with a final roster and another that showed draft results and free agent pickups, but did not show which of those players were still on the roster. I can see how that would've been confusing, especially with the posts coming several pages apart.

Bradshaw is still on BlufftonBuckeye's roster. As with any other rules/discrepancies I think it should be up to the opinions of the majority of the league, but I'm personally inclined to let it slide since myself and nobody else in the league picked up on this until a full year after the fact. Hopefully there are no other cases of this and the new system for tracking this stuff will keep it from happening again in the future.

If no one catches it in 365 days, I say let it go. It isn't a huge problem I don't think...the Wiki posts will prevent future such issues.
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