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Fantasy BuckeyePlanet Fantasy Football - Keeper League (R.I.P.)

jlb1705;1723829; said:
If you're lucky you'll get the pleasure of using a 1st round pick on him instead, provided Appalachia Moonshine doesn't keep him over Chris Johnson/Michael Turner (you suck).
Did we put in a term limit for keepers? (like 3 years max)
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edit: so I missed jlb linking my rule post, I'll quote it here for clarity:
jwinslow;1523995; said:
Sweet, I'm obviously in favor of this change. Here is my proposal for the rules:

1. You can keep 0-2 players from the previous year.

2. Keeping a drafted player costs you their draft slot (round) in the upcoming draft.

3. Keeping a free agent pickup will cost you a seventh round pick.

4. You can keep a keeper, but it costs you their draft slot minus the number of years they were kept.

- Carson Palmer... drafted 5th rd. Keeper yr 1 costs a 5th, 2nd yr costs a 3rd, 3rd yr costs a 2nd, 4th yr he's a free agent (see below)

5. A player can only be kept for 3 years total even if traded. After that, he becomes part of the draft again.

6. If a player is traded, he maintains his keeper value. Step 4's example still holds true if Carson is traded at any point.
A few other rules established last year but not listed above:

  1. Two identical value keepers are rounded up (ie 7th & 7th become 6th & 7th).
  2. You cannot keep two first round value keepers
  3. Players dropped for season ending injuries are regular free agents, so be cautious
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The draft order is the opposite of the league standings, with any newcomers dropped to the end of the order.

Draft Order 2010 (bold = confirmed returnees)

Round 1

  1. The S&G Show
  2. Spybait - jwinslow
  3. Boll Weevils - Bucklion
  4. Charlie Luvs Burgers - BuckTwenty
  5. new carlisle
  6. Physco D
  7. Saccamano's Storks
  8. Appalachia Moonshine
  9. SuperFanChachi
  10. The Soup Vixens - jlb1705
Round 2

  1. The Soup Vixens
  2. SuperFanChachi
  3. Appalachia Moonshine
  4. Saccamano's Storks
  5. Phsyco D
  6. new carlisle
  7. Charlie Luvs Burgers
  8. Boll Weevils
  9. Spybait
  10. The S&G Show
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My list of potential keepers:

1) Andre Johnson
2) Drew Brees (kept last year)
4) Knowshon Moreno
7) Felix Jones (FA)
7) Darren McFadden (FA)
7) Michael Crabtree (FA)
7) Carnell Williams (FA)
9) Tim Hightowner

When do we need to lock in our keepers?
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BuckTwenty;1723873; said:
My list of potential keepers:

1) Andre Johnson
2) Drew Brees (kept last year)
4) Knowshon Moreno
7) Felix Jones (FA)
7) Darren McFadden (FA)
7) Michael Crabtree (FA)
9) Tim Hightowner

When do we need to lock in our keepers?

Last year we locked in a week before the draft.

Last year we drafted on a Tuesday evening. I've tentatively set the draft for Tues. Sept. 7 at 8PM, but before that's set for sure I need to make sure all teams are accounted for and that we all agree on that date. The first regular season game is Thurs. Sept. 9.
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scarletandgrey;1723928; said:
He's not playing...:p

I'm In! I have to go and look at my players to see who I'm going to keep

I'm not so sure I want to keep any of them...lol

Dude, I hear you!

Theres so few players worth giving up a top pick for...and I had so many duds because I was trying to get lucky and get a decent RB for the playoffs. So I had a ton of dead weight...ARGH!

Anyway, we'll see...I assume we'll do it the same as last year and lock in a week before?
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OK, I've had a chance to review the screenshots I took at the end of last season of our league's transactions.

There was only one trade last season:

  • Psycho D sent Hines Ward (WR) to SuperFanChachi - SuperFanChachi sent Leon Washington (RB) to Psycho D

That means every player on your year-end roster that wasn't drafted by you will carry a 7th round value as a keeper

I was going to attach the screenshots, but Firefox is crashing everytime I try. If somebody really wants to see them, PM me and I can attach them to an email or something.
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Each team's final roster, with this year's keeper value:

1.) The S&G Show (scarletandgrey)
Anquan Boldin* (3)
Jerricho Cotchery (7)
Lee Evans (8)
Thomas Jones (4)
Eli Manning (9)
Heath Miller (13)
Santana Moss* (10)
Greg Olsen (6)
Willie Parker (7)
Pierre Thomas (2)
Kurt Warner (3)
Brian Westbrook (1)
Kris Brown (14)
Chicago DEF (11)
Denver DEF (7)

2.) Spybait (jwinslow)
Jamaal Charles (7)
Donald Driver (11)
Antonio Gates (4)
Frank Gore* (1)
Percy Harvin (13)
Santonio Holmes (7)
T.J. Houshmandzadeh (5)
Mario Manningham (7)
Willis McGahee (9)
Clinton Portis (1)
Philip Rivers (3)
Mark Sanchez (7)
DeAngelo Williams* (8)
Nick Folk (7)
Arizona DEF (7)

3.) Boll Weevils (bucklion)
Donald Brown (7)
Brent Celek (7)
Chris Chambers (7)
Jay Cutler (7)
DeSean Jackson (6)
Steven Jackson* (1)
Brandon Jacobs* (1)
Greg Jennings (2)
Julius Jones (9)
Mohamed Massaquoi (7)
Matt Ryan (8)
Beanie Wells (4)
Mason Crosby (15)
Green Bay DEF (7)
New York Jets DEF (12)

4.) Charlie Luvs Burgers (BuckTwenty)
Drew Brees* (2)
Michael Crabtree (7)
Tim Hightower (10)
Andre Johnson (1)
Felix Jones (7)
Marshawn Lynch (3)
Darren McFadden (7)
Knowshown Moreno (5)
Chad Ochocinco (6)
Steve Slaton* (5)
Roddy White (2)
Carnell Williams (7)
Kellen Winslow (8)
Nate Kaeding (7)
Pittsburgh DEF (9)

5.) new carlisle (jlb1705's non-BP friend)
Joseph Addai (5)
Dwayne Bowe (3)
Steve Breaston (7)
Patrick Crayton (7)
Tony Gonzalez* (5)
Todd Heap (7)
Devery Henderson (7)
Devin Hester (7)
Peyton Manning (2)
Brandon Marshall (4)
Ben Roethlisberger (13)
LaDanian Tomlinson (1)
Ricky Williams (7)
Stephen Gostkowski (9)
Buffalo DEF (7)

6.) Psycho D (BlufftonBuckeye)
Miles Austin (7)
Mike Bell (7)
Ahmad Bradshaw* (12)
Chris Brown (7)
John Carlson (11)
Dallas Clark* (5)
Marques Colston (2)
Justin Fargas (7)
David Garrard (7)
Larry Johnson (7)
Tony Romo (6)
Kevin Smith (3)
Reggie Wayne (1)
Matt Prater (7)
New Orleans DEF (7)

7.) Saccamano's Storks (Bob Saccamano)

Marion Barber (2)
Kevin Boss (7)
Reggie Bush (7)
Brett Favre (7)
Fred Jackson (13)
Derrick Mason (11)
Donovan McNabb* (6)
Terrell Owens (3)
Adrian Peterson* (1)
Sidney Rice (7)
Wes Welker (4)
Garrett Hartley (7)
Carolina DEF (7)
New England DEF (7)
Tennessee DEF (9)

8.) Appalachia Moonshine (Ahiacitian)
Cedric Benson (8)
Tom Brady (2)
Quinton Ganther (7)
Pierre Garcon (7)
Chris Johnson* (7)
Rashard Mendenhall (7)
Steve Smith (Car.) (1)
Steve Smith (NYG)
Jason Snelling (7)
Michael Turner* (1)
Jason Witten (4)
Rob Bironas (7)
Houston DEF (7)
Indianpolis DEF (7)
San Diego DEF (13)

9.) SuperFanChachi (Padraig)
Vernon Davis (7)
Larry Fitzgerald* (1)
Jerome Harrison (7)
Vincent Jackson (4)
Calvin Johnson (1)
Maurice Jones-Drew* (1)
Laurence Maroney (7)
Hakeem Nicks (13)
Ray Rice (5)
Matt Schaub (6)
Hines Ward (via trade) (8)
David Akers (14)
Minnesota DEF (9)
Philadelphia DEF (7)
San Francisco DEF (7)

10.) The Soup Vixens (jlb1705)
Ronnie Brown* (2)
Joe Flacco (14)
Justin Forsett (7)
Matt Forte* (4)
Ryan Grant (2)
LeSean McCoy (10)
Robert Meachem (7)
Randy Moss (1)
Aaron Rodgers (3)
Visanthe Shiancoe (7)
Mike Sims-Walker (7)
Darren Sproles (7)
Jonathan Stewart (7)
Ryan Longwell (15)
Baltimore DEF (9)
*denotes number of years player has been kept
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jwinslow;1724029; said:
Can I request a Not-Top-5 list of Waiver Wire moves? :lol: If it's only two or three that's fine, but a little public shaming is always enjoyable.

Let's see... Here's some of what I've gleaned so far:

  • Charlie Luvs Burgers dropped Rashard Mendenhall
  • Appalachia Moonshine dropped Shonn Greene to pick up Mendenhall. If he had held on to Greene, he could've kept him at the price of a 14th rounder this year. :yow1: Not that he isn't already stacked at RB this offseason. At one point he was able to pick Greene back up, only to drop him again.
  • Appalachia Moonshine himself dropped Mendenhall at one point, and was able to reclaim him a few days later. That's egg on all of our faces.

  • I drafted LenDale White fairly early, and held onto him until the last week of October :shake:
  • Psycho D also dropped Shonn Greene
  • My personal favorite: SuperFanChachi dropped Jonathan Stewart after the first round of the playoffs to pick up San Francisco DEF. I picked him up in time for the second round and rode him to the title. Stewart rushed for 206 yards and 1 TD in my championship game matchup with SuperFanChachi. :)
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