Sweet, I'm obviously in favor of this change. Here is my proposal for the rules:
1. You can keep 0-2 players from the previous year.
2. Keeping a drafted player costs you their draft slot (round) in the upcoming draft.
3. Keeping a free agent pickup will cost you a seventh round pick.
4. You can keep a keeper, but it costs you their draft slot minus the number of years they were kept.
- Carson Palmer... drafted 5th rd. Keeper yr 1 costs a 5th, 2nd yr costs a 3rd, 3rd yr costs a 2nd, 4th yr he's a free agent (see below)
5. A player can only be kept for 3 years total even if traded. After that, he becomes part of the draft again.
6. If a player is traded, he maintains his keeper value. Step 4's example still holds true if Carson is traded at any point.