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Fantasy BuckeyePlanet Fantasy Football - Keeper League (R.I.P.)

BuckTwenty;1617384; said:
I'd have gotten into the playoffs this week if it wasn't for Psycho D winning his game (he won by less than a point too...). Disappointing end to the season for Charlie Luvs Burgers. That'll be the last time I name my team after a lame duck coach... haha.

Drafted 6 RBs, and ended up waiving the one that had the best year (Rashard Mendenhall) after week 1. Willie Parker still seemed like he was "the man" and that wasn't gonna change. Stupid decision. Of my 2 keepers, Brees was feast or famine and Slaton was nothing short of a complete and utter disappointment. I managed to draft 3 STUD WRs, but couldn't get consistent play from my RBs... and almost always had one RB on my bench that would have an unexpectedly great day to go along with one starter having a terrible outing (usually Slaton). With Pittsburgh and Kellen Winslow not playing like they did last year, my team was reliant on Brees to get big points, and when he had a bad week, my team lost. Combine that with bad luck with the schedule and you'll get a team that scored the 5th most points in the league's regular season finishing 7th and outside of the playoffs. That'll happen though! =)

I'm definetly in for next year though. I really have no idea who I'm gonna keep just yet. Lots of prospects (Andre Johnson-1st, Brees-2nd, Roddy White-2nd, Moreno-5th, Slaton-5th, Ochocinco- 6th, Crabtree-7th, McFadden-7th, Felix Jones-7th, Cadillac Williams-7th, Hightower-10th). Looking back, Mendenhall would have been an 11th rounder for me. Damn.

I can attest to Drew Brees carrying your team. I'm glad I didn't lose out on the #1 seed after that big comeback you had against me a couple weeks ago. That kinda pissed me off, but I guess that's karmic retribution for beating Bucklion, though I'm sure that's little consolation to him.

Oh, and OUCH on Mendenhall. My line of thinking has been to take chances on young RBs and stash them even if I didn't get much production out of them. That was my reason for drafting McCoy and my thought process on hanging on to Forsett & Sproles. As it has turned out, they've all contributed in one way or another along the way, but I think would've ended up hanging on to McCoy even if Westbrook never got hurt. I probably should've put in a claim for Mendenhall when he was out there, but I remember feeling pretty good about my RBs at the time (when I thought Forte was gonna be worth something) and really needing help at WR instead. Outside of Moss my WR draft was brutal. Gonzo got hurt right at the same time Mendenhall was released, but at that time they were projecting that he'd be back around midseason. I probably missed out on a lot of good pickups by holding on to him so long.

I've made sure to hold on to Ronnie Brown. It kinda sucks having to keep a guy that can't help you at the end of the season. I don't want any of you guys to get him for a 7th rounder though, even if I end up not keeping him.

I'm interested to see what happens this offseason with Sproles. The CBA situation will have a big effect on him.
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jlb1705;1617407; said:
I can attest to Drew Brees carrying your team. I'm glad I didn't lose out on the #1 seed after that big comeback you had against me a couple weeks ago. That kinda [censored]ed me off, but I guess that's karmic retribution for beating Bucklion, though I'm sure that's little consolation to him.

Oh, and OUCH on Mendenhall. My line of thinking has been to take chances on young RBs and stash them even if I didn't get much production out of them. That was my reason for drafting McCoy and my thought process on hanging on to Forsett & Sproles. As it has turned out, they've all contributed in one way or another along the way, but I think would've ended up hanging on to McCoy even if Westbrook never got hurt. I probably should've put in a claim for Mendenhall when he was out there, but I remember feeling pretty good about my RBs at the time (when I thought Forte was gonna be worth something) and really needing help at WR instead. Outside of Moss my WR draft was brutal. Gonzo got hurt right at the same time Mendenhall was released, but at that time they were projecting that he'd be back around midseason. I probably missed out on a lot of good pickups by holding on to him so long.

I've made sure to hold on to Ronnie Brown. It kinda sucks having to keep a guy that can't help you at the end of the season. I don't want any of you guys to get him for a 7th rounder though, even if I end up not keeping him.

I'm interested to see what happens this offseason with Sproles. The CBA situation will have a big effect on him.
Yeah... I drafted Sproles in the 12th. I REALLY REALLY wanted to hold onto him just in case, but midway through the season, I was struggling and passed on him to pick up somebody else I needed at the time. I had Jeremy Maclin for a time too, but had to drop him (I was loaded all year at WR anyways). Not used to having to think about keepers and about "next year" with regards to fantasy football. I'll be better about that next year.

Yeah... sorry about that. It was a crazy year this year. I beat you by 5 points a couple weeks ago and managed two other wins by less than a point (a half-point win in week 2 against Appalachia and a win by 0.2 in week 7 against Psycho D). They originally posted Appalachia the winner until they re-figured Pittsburgh D's score and gave them credit for 1 more sack. I'm sure he was even more pissed than you were! Probably the one lucky break I had all year.
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BuckTwenty;1617413; said:
Yeah... I drafted Sproles in the 12th. I REALLY REALLY wanted to hold onto him just in case, but midway through the season, I was struggling and passed on him to pick up somebody else I needed at the time. I had Jeremy Maclin for a time too, but had to drop him (I was loaded all year at WR anyways). Not used to having to think about keepers and about "next year" with regards to fantasy football. I'll be better about that next year.

Yeah... sorry about that. It was a crazy year this year. I beat you by 5 points a couple weeks ago and managed two other wins by less than a point (a half-point win in week 2 against Appalachia and a win by 0.2 in week 7 against Psycho D). They originally posted Appalachia the winner until they re-figured Pittsburgh D's score and gave them credit for 1 more sack. I'm sure he was even more pissed than you were! Probably the one lucky break I had all year.

Damn, I got Maclin from you too?

That said, I started Maclin last week ahead of Robert Meachem, which wasn't the best decision as it turned out. Week in and week out Maclin has barely been in consideration as a flex play, even with my WR situation for most of the season. I don't think you missed him too much.
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jlb1705;1616636; said:
Appalachian Moonshine was in the top spot going into last week, and dropped to third behind myself and his opponent last week - SuperFanChachi. 10.1 aggregate points separated him from the #2 spot and the first round bye - OUCH!

Yeah, crappy last couple weeks which coinsided with running back injuries. I started out 0-2 (with a loss by less than a point that was changed from a win after some shitty points correction on Tuesday after the week was over!), then went 8-1, then finished 0-2. My running backs are sweet, my receivers suck, and my scUMmer qb is adequate. Who would have thought that Cedric Benson would be a possible keeper? I remember being pissed at myself for drafting him. My possible keepers would be Turner for a 2nd, Brady for a 2nd, Mendenhall for a 7th, Chris Johnson for a 8th (duh!), and Benson for an 8th. Damn I wish I could keep all my rbs...
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BuckTwenty;1617413; said:
Yeah... sorry about that. It was a crazy year this year. I beat you by 5 points a couple weeks ago and managed two other wins by less than a point (a half-point win in week 2 against Appalachia and a win by 0.2 in week 7 against Psycho D). They originally posted Appalachia the winner until they re-figured Pittsburgh D's score and gave them credit for 1 more sack. I'm sure he was even more [censored]ed than you were! Probably the one lucky break I had all year.

Damn, so that's what is was, a sack for the Steelers D that got you the win? I was pretty pissed after seeing the W taken away...
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jlb1705;1617420; said:
Damn, I got Maclin from you too?

That said, I started Maclin last week ahead of Robert Meachem, which wasn't the best decision as it turned out. Week in and week out Maclin has barely been in consideration as a flex play, even with my WR situation for most of the season. I don't think you missed him too much.

Yeah. I got in on him early, but it was either get rid of him or one of my RBs, and I had 3 great WRs already (A.Johnson, R.White, & Ochocinco) + a potential keeper in Crabtree if he blows up in San Fran. I was planning on picking him up again in a week or two, but he didn't last long on the waiver wire :)

Ahiacitian;1617518; said:
Damn, so that's what is was, a sack for the Steelers D that got you the win? I was pretty [censored]ed after seeing the W taken away...

Yuuuup. I couldn't believe it either. I'd never seen that before in online fantasy football. I'm sorry it had to be like that man.
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Ahiacitian;1617516; said:
Yeah, crappy last couple weeks which coinsided with running back injuries. I started out 0-2 (with a loss by less than a point that was changed from a win after some [censored]ty points correction on Tuesday after the week was over!), then went 8-1, then finished 0-2. My running backs are sweet, my receivers suck, and my scUMmer qb is adequate. Who would have thought that Cedric Benson would be a possible keeper? I remember being [censored]ed at myself for drafting him. My possible keepers would be Turner for a 2nd, Brady for a 2nd, Mendenhall for a 7th, Chris Johnson for a 8th (duh!), and Benson for an 8th. Damn I wish I could keep all my rbs...

Wow. ...And I thought I did well at RB. Apparently not THAT well.

BuckTwenty;1617621; said:
Yeah. I got in on him early, but it was either get rid of him or one of my RBs, and I had 3 great WRs already (A.Johnson, R.White, & Ochocinco) + a potential keeper in Crabtree if he blows up in San Fran. I was planning on picking him up again in a week or two, but he didn't last long on the waiver wire :)

Yeah, I was desperate at that point. Here was my WR draft:

1.) Randy Moss
7.) Anthony Gonzalez
8.) Lance Moore
12.) Ted Ginn, Jr.

I also picked up Kevin Walter for a time. Looking back, I think I ended up starting him for about half of the season. He was brutal all year too. I was fortunate to pick up Sims-Walker early, but he was an unknown to me and I was hesitant to start him sometimes.
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jlb1705;1617676; said:
Wow. ...And I thought I did well at RB. Apparently not THAT well.

Yeah, I was desperate at that point. Here was my WR draft:

1.) Randy Moss
7.) Anthony Gonzalez
8.) Lance Moore
12.) Ted Ginn, Jr.

I also picked up Kevin Walter for a time. Looking back, I think I ended up starting him for about half of the season. He was brutal all year too. I was fortunate to pick up Sims-Walker early, but he was an unknown to me and I was hesitant to start him sometimes.

Mendenhall was about my only decent waiver pick up all year, and I already had the other three. I always believe in a bevy of running backs, I think they are the ones that will consistently deliver the W's.

My wr's suck, I have been starting the law firm of Steve Smith and Steve Smith all year. Basically I treat any points from my wr's as bonus points.
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  1. The Soup Vixens :groove:
  2. SuperFanChachi
  3. Appalachia Moonshine
Great season everyone - I hope all of you come back for next year. Like I said before, I'll be sure to record all of the transaction info and stuff so we can set keepers without guesswork next year. Draft order for the first round will be in reverse order of finish, with any new owners' teams moving to the back of the draft order.
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I'm starting to get things set up for our 2010 season.

The first thing I need to know is who's still in. I know we're going to have at least one open franchise. Derek 2K3 had one of the teams last year, but he is now banned from BP. We had a heck of a time last year trying to track people down and line things up, so I'm hoping an early start this year might make it go a little smoother.

Same scoring and rules as last year. See jwinslow's post from earlier in this thread for rules on how keepers will be treated.

This link has a somewhat limited archive for last season - most importantly final rosters & draft results:


Last year was the first year we had keepers. Here are the players that each team kept last year:

  1. The S&G Show (A. Boldin - 5th, S. Moss - 12th)
  2. New Carlisle (A. Bryant - 6th (7th) T. Gonzalez - 7th)
  3. The Soup Vixens (R. Brown - 4th, M. Forte - 6th)
  4. Charlie Luvs Burgers (D. Brees - 4th, S. Slaton - 7th)
  5. SuperFanChaChi (M. Jones-Drew - 2nd, L. Fitzgerald - 3rd)
  6. Spybait (F. Gore - 2nd, D. Williams - 10th)
  7. Saccamano's Storks (A. Peterson - 1st, D. McNabb - 8th)
  8. Appalachia Moonshine (M.Turner - 3rd, C. Johnson - 9th)
  9. Boll Weevils (S. Jackson - 1st, B. Jacobs - 3rd)
  10. Psycho D (D. Clark - 7th, A. Bradshaw 14th)

Keeping any of those players will cost you a pick two rounds higher than the one you gave up to keep him last year. Keeping a player you drafted last year will cost you a pick in the same round that you got him then. Keeping a player you traded for will cost you the pick that the original owner would have had to use to keep him. Keeping a free agent/waiver pickup will cost a 7th rounder.

I took screenshots of all of last season's transactions. I thought I had posted them at the end of the season, but apparently not. I'm pretty sure they're on my home computer - I'll be sure to upload them to this thread when I have a chance so we're not guessing on trades/free agents like last year.

The order of the draft will be in reverse order of last year's standings, with new owners (those who take over an abandoned team) moving to the back of the order.
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I'm in for another exciting season! (Charlie Luvs Burgers)

I have no idea who I'm gonna keep yet. Kicking myself in the face for not keeping Rashard Mendenhall after week 1 (had picked him up in round 12-14ish).
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BuckTwenty;1723825; said:
I'm in for another exciting season! (Charlie Luvs Burgers)

I have no idea who I'm gonna keep yet. Kicking myself in the face for not keeping Rashard Mendenhall after week 1 (had picked him up in round 12-14ish).

If you're lucky you'll get the pleasure of using a 1st round pick on him instead, provided Appalachia Moonshine doesn't keep him over Chris Johnson/Michael Turner (you suck).
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I'm in. I believe I'll keep:

7 - Jamaal Charles (FA pickup)
8 - DeAngelo Williams (10th rd last year)

but am also considering:
1 - Frank Gore

Do we learn the draft order before the keepers are finalized? Obviously a later first round pick would make Gore a more attractive option.
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