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Fantasy BuckeyePlanet Fantasy Football - Keeper League (R.I.P.)

jwinslow;1526113; said:
Just to clarify, teams have the ability to own a player for 4 years, since the 3 keeper years come after the drafted season. That's a long time, but it sounds like that's the popular method.

As far as two firsts, I'm not sure there's a fair way to allow those keepers. Docking them a 1st and 2nd doesn't work, and docking them a 1st in later years doesn't fix the current year's imbalance, not to mention what do you do when they want to keep those players the next year? It seems like limiting to 1 first round value keeper is the way to go.

Also, should we have any provision for season ending injuries? Picking up tom brady off the waiver wire is a bit different than Matt cassel or desean Jackson. Maybe an average of their draft slot and round 7 (the waiver wire standard value)?

That way someone still throws a lot away with dropping brady or Peterson, but that doesn't create an unrealistic rating. Tom brady as a 3rd or 4th sounds more fair, that's a valuable but not elite pick, compsed to a 7th which is second tier qb territory. The same would be reasonable if Peterson tore his acl. If we did that, should we round up (4) or down (3), since brady's value would be 3.5

I like the rule the way it is now. I think it's simpler. Quite honestly, I'm not sure if too many other people are gonna drop a Tom Brady-type player like that. Plus the rule would maybe keep people from dumping a player like that in the first place. You might think twice about getting rid of a hurt Adrian Peterson if you know your opponent is going to be able to pick him up and keep him for the next three years after that at a cheap value.
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The only thing I don't like about the no two first rounders deal is that it takes players off the table with regards to trading. The beauty of a keeper league is that it is the long haul, not just one year at a time. If I have a first rounder at RB, and someone offers me their first rounder QB in exchange for two of my later round players, its great for the one year, but I immediately have to release one of my first rounders at the end of the season. Not only am I not being rewarded for a good trade, I'm being punished for having too many good players. I realize this would allow for a potential dynasty if a guy played his cards right, but that is the beauty of the game, and just adds another layer to the strategy.

*deep breath*
That said, those are just my thoughts. I wouldn't say I have it all figured out, and I know there isn't a perfect solution. I don't mean to make things more difficult; I really do appreciate what you guys have put in to the league.

And Matt Forte is a friggin steal in the 6th round!
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I would say the layers of strategy are already there. The scenario you talked about does kinda suck, but the rule could also make for some interesting trades. Say you have two guys with first round values on your roster but the rest of your team stinks and you're not gonna make the playoffs. You know you're not going to be able to keep both of them next year - but near the top of the standings somebody else is trying to make a push to win the league and is one player away. You might be able to move one of your first rounders for a really good rookie fifth rounder that you can keep next year under those circumstances - and if the guy you trade him to can't or doesn't want to keep him, you just may be able to pick him back up in the next year's draft.

I definitely understand where you're coming from though. If Yahoo gave us the capacity to assign a higher value to a player (multiple picks, future picks) then it may be worth considering. It's like the salary cap in the NFL though. Good teams lose good players all the time because they can't sign them all. The keep the very best and try to replace the rest in the draft.
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jlb1705;1526142; said:
I like the rule the way it is now. I think it's simpler. Quite honestly, I'm not sure if too many other people are gonna drop a Tom Brady-type player like that. Plus the rule would maybe keep people from dumping a player like that in the first place. You might think twice about getting rid of a hurt Adrian Peterson if you know your opponent is going to be able to pick him up and keep him for the next three years after that at a cheap value.

I agree with you. I feel it makes just one more strategic thing to keep in mind when letting injured players go and it keeps things simple.

Then again, I'm not sure if this is an option in our league, but is there an IR you could put him on and still keep the injured player on your team? I think I've seen that in fantasy games on yahoo before...
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jlb1705;1526467; said:
I would say the layers of strategy are already there. The scenario you talked about does kinda suck, but the rule could also make for some interesting trades. Say you have two guys with first round values on your roster but the rest of your team stinks and you're not gonna make the playoffs. You know you're not going to be able to keep both of them next year - but near the top of the standings somebody else is trying to make a push to win the league and is one player away. You might be able to move one of your first rounders for a really good rookie fifth rounder that you can keep next year under those circumstances - and if the guy you trade him to can't or doesn't want to keep him, you just may be able to pick him back up in the next year's draft.

I definitely understand where you're coming from though. If Yahoo gave us the capacity to assign a higher value to a player (multiple picks, future picks) then it may be worth considering. It's like the salary cap in the NFL though. Good teams lose good players all the time because they can't sign them all. The keep the very best and try to replace the rest in the draft.

Gotcha. I'm on board either way...there scenarios I gave are probably a million to one odds that it could happen. If its a problem, then we can brainstorm next year...either way, I'm ready to get this started!
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OK, keepers have been entered. I have copied it from Yahoo. Let me know if there are any mistakes by noon tomorrow, or forever hold your peace.

The S&G Show
1. Pick #1
2. Pick #20
3. Pick #21
4. Pick #40
5. (41) Anquan Boldin This player is a keeper.
6. Pick #60
7. Pick #61
8. Pick #80
9. Pick #81
10. Pick #100
11. Pick #101
12. (120) Santana Moss This player is a keeper.
13. Pick #121
14. Pick #140
15. Pick #141

new carlisle
1. Pick #2
2. Pick #19
3. Pick #22
4. Pick #39
5. Pick #42
6. (59) Antonio Bryant This player is a keeper.
7. (62) Tony Gonzalez This player is a keeper.
8. Pick #79
9. Pick #82
10. Pick #99
11. Pick #102
12. Pick #119
13. Pick #122
14. Pick #139
15. Pick #142

The Soup Vixens
1. Pick #3
2. Pick #18
3. Pick #23
4. (38) Ronnie Brown This player is a keeper.
5. Pick #43
6. (58) Matt Forte This player is a keeper.
7. Pick #63
8. Pick #78
9. Pick #83
10. Pick #98
11. Pick #103
12. Pick #118
13. Pick #123
14. Pick #138
15. Pick #143

Charlie Luvs Burgers
1. Pick #4
2. Pick #17
3. Pick #24
4. (37) Drew Brees This player is a keeper.
5. Pick #44
6. Pick #57
7. (64) Steve Slaton This player is a keeper.
8. Pick #77
9. Pick #84
10. Pick #97
11. Pick #104
12. Pick #117
13. Pick #124
14. Pick #137
15. Pick #144

1. Pick #5
2. (16) Maurice Jones-Drew This player is a keeper.
3. (25) Larry Fitzgerald This player is a keeper.
4. Pick #36
5. Pick #45
6. Pick #56
7. Pick #65
8. Pick #76
9. Pick #85
10. Pick #96
11. Pick #105
12. Pick #116
13. Pick #125
14. Pick #136
15. Pick #145

1. Pick #6
2. (15) Frank Gore This player is a keeper.
3. Pick #26
4. Pick #35
5. Pick #46
6. Pick #55
7. Pick #66
8. Pick #75
9. Pick #86
10. (95) DeAngelo Williams This player is a keeper.
11. Pick #106
12. Pick #115
13. Pick #126
14. Pick #135
15. Pick #146

Saccamano's Storks
1. (7) Adrian Peterson This player is a keeper.
2. Pick #14
3. Pick #27
4. Pick #34
5. Pick #47
6. Pick #54
7. Pick #67
8. (74) Donovan McNabb This player is a keeper.
9. Pick #87
10. Pick #94
11. Pick #107
12. Pick #114
13. Pick #127
14. Pick #134
15. Pick #147

Appalachia Moonshine
1. Pick #8
2. Pick #13
3. (28) Michael Turner This player is a keeper.
4. Pick #33
5. Pick #48
6. Pick #53
7. Pick #68
8. Pick #73
9. (88) Chris Johnson This player is a keeper.
10. Pick #93
11. Pick #108
12. Pick #113
13. Pick #128
14. Pick #133
15. Pick #148

Boll Weevils
1. (9) Steven Jackson This player is a keeper.
2. Pick #12
3. (29) Brandon Jacobs This player is a keeper.
4. Pick #32
5. Pick #49
6. Pick #52
7. Pick #69
8. Pick #72
9. Pick #89
10. Pick #92
11. Pick #109
12. Pick #112
13. Pick #129
14. Pick #132
15. Pick #149

Physco D
1. Pick #10
2. Pick #11
3. Pick #30
4. Pick #31
5. Pick #50
6. Pick #51
7. (70) Dallas Clark This player is a keeper.
8. Pick #71
9. Pick #90
10. Pick #91
11. Pick #110
12. Pick #111
13. Pick #130
14. (131) Ahmad Bradshaw This player is a keeper.
15. Pick #150
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jwinslow;1526679; said:
Highway robbery.

Haha, we will see about that. Who knew while drafting last year that I would be keeping a career backup and a surprising rookie? I stand by my statement of the best keeper/round combo is DeAngelo Williams in the 10th, who was of course a platoon guy his first couple years. You never know who is going to break out/step up through injuries/be the one injured for the year, damn I love fantasy sports...
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Our league only has ten. I'll be surprised if my offline friends makes it - I visited him this weekend and he was still having problems with his DSL since moving into his new house a couple months ago.

Nobody else has said they can't make it, so I'm thinking we'll have 8-9 people live tonight - which is good. Autopickers always fuck up my shit - as evidenced by the early rounds of the draft I was in last night for another league.
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I got the best steal for one player, but two top-13 picks plus a consensus top-2 pick... That's a nasty setup. Deangelo is more of a top-6/8 guy.

Then again who would have thought barber would be so unattractive this year, even ignoring the keeper value?

I plan on being there for the draft.
Ahiacitian;1526776; said:
Haha, we will see about that. Who knew while drafting last year that I would be keeping a career backup and a surprising rookie? I stand by my statement of the best keeper/round combo is DeAngelo Williams in the 10th, who was of course a platoon guy his first couple years. You never know who is going to break out/step up through injuries/be the one injured for the year, damn I love fantasy sports...
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Well, after a night to digest my draft I'll say that I'm less than thrilled with my team, but don't feel as badly as I did immeddiately following. For only ten teams in the league I thought I'd feel better about things than I do, but I think I've got good potential.

QBs: Schaub & Palmer

Both have very good weapons.....I need at least one to actually stay healthy though. That's a pretty big question mark.

RBs: MJD, Ray Rice, Larry Johnson, Leon Washington, Chester Taylor, Glen Coffee

I love Jones-Drew this season! After him though I need someone to pan out. Rice could have a great year!, but his lack of TDs last year will concern me until he shows somthin. I also think Leon Washington could have a very good year, but the RBBC situation always concerns me. LJs offense could be really bad, but he should get a lot of touches & camp reports say he's looking pretty good. Chester Taylor will only be a 'nice' player unless ADP goes down. Coffee was a flyer pick just-in-case. Nice depth, but need 1 or 2 to really step up if I want to contend this year.

WRs: Larry Fitz, Calvin Johnson, Vincent Jackson, Hakeem Nicks

I'll take my starting wideouts against anyone's in the league.....if I have any injury to one of my top two, I could be in serious trouble. No depth.

TE: Visanthe Shiancoe

After the top 4 TEs I think he's as good as the next tier will produce. Pretty much a pick 'em from the next 5 or 6 imo...so we'll see. A waiver wire pick up will get me thru the bye.

K: David Akers

Keeps on producing...like the offense he's in. He should hopefully be top 10 for me. Waiver wire will again get me thru the bye.

DEF: Minnesota

I feel good about my D. Even with a crap load of penalties in the third quarter the other night, Minny's O ate up nearly the entire 3rd. If the other team isn't on the field, they can't score against my D :wink: Plus I think they're pretty good too. After Pitt & Baltimore, I had them in the next 2 or 3, so I'm good with that.

It was a fast and furious draft.....definitely a different vibe than I'm used to, so I think I misjudged how I thought the players/positions would come off the board, which caused me to make a few minor mistakes, but over all I think I should be competitive.

Nice draft, all. Good luck this season.

SuperFanChachi :osu:
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