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Brady "XLLL" Hoke (Head Coach San Diego State)

The discussion in this thread today lives up to the standards set by the thread's name.

Come on, guys, we're all Buckeyes here. We shouldn't give a fuck what they call us. If Ohio is the worst he can come up with, that's a compliment. I know we've all been called worse.
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Wearing lifts? Look at his right shoe...:slappy:

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I'm late to the "Ohio" discussion, but I'll try to give an middle ground opinion. I get Max's point that Ohio has/is used by people in reference to OSU without meaning any disrespect. I see the script "Ohio" shirts, the band does script "Ohio", and somebody referenced the O-H-I-O chant, so it's easy to associate tOSU w/ a simple Ohio.

So even though it's possible for "Ohio" to be used synonymously with "Ohio State", Hoke obviously does so with a negative intent. I don't know if disrespectful is the word, but he's obviously going out of his way to make sure that people don't say "Ohio State". I don't remember the article, and can find it if I need to, but no one is allowed to say Ohio State inside tsun facilities. Seems pretty clear that even if it isn't inherently disrespectful, Hoke intends to make it that way.

Sorry for the thesis and for regurgitating the topic, but it's the offseason.
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DaddyBigBucks;2267288; said:
More examples:

Check the scoreboard pictures from the 1970s and earlier. The scoreboard didn't say "Home" and "Visitors"; it said "Ohio" and "Visitors".

The radio play-by-play guy (pre-Paul-Keels) referred to Ohio State as "Ohio" almost exclusively. Check out any YouTube video of games from the 1970s.

We chant "O-H-I-O" and "O-H" : "I-O". Nowhere in there do we spell out "State" (like Florida State does).

Long story short:

This is all a great big bag of who gives a [Mark May]. Is Hoke trying to be disrespectful when he says it? Yes.


Since when does his worthless opinion count for squat?
& then OU pitched a bitch, and we became THE Ohio State University, which is mistaken for arrogance because no one knows the history or cares to learn it.
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OhioState001;2267480; said:
I almost kinda feel bad for the guy. He's fat, he's not very good at his job, he seems to lack the ability to speak a comprehensible sentence. Poor guy's hopeless.

He's Tommy Boy.

Only in the real world Tommy Boy can't run the company for shit.
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Jaxbuck;2267560; said:
I know that seems like a lot to you and I but if you are bringing in 3MM a year while spending 3.5MM on food, you'll go broke sooner or later.

That's not what [insert politician's name of your choice] told me!
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