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Bo "The Grinch" Ryan (Hip Hop Dancer & Former Wisconsin Head Coach)

Sort of surprising that Dekker is going Pro. I think he would have benefited greatly from another year in school but just like all the other guys who have declared and could benefit from another year they want the money. I think he will make it in the NBA but so many of those other guys are going to end up over in Europe or the Far East.
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Sort of surprising that Dekker is going Pro. I think he would have benefited greatly from another year in school but just like all the other guys who have declared and could benefit from another year they want the money. I think he will make it in the NBA but so many of those other guys are going to end up over in Europe or the Far East.
Well at least Dekker is going to make a roster, which is a lot more than you can say for Thomas and Ross.
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Sort of surprising that Dekker is going Pro. I think he would have benefited greatly from another year in school but just like all the other guys who have declared and could benefit from another year they want the money. I think he will make it in the NBA but so many of those other guys are going to end up over in Europe or the Far East.
I don't think these guys develop as much during another year in college as a full year practicing and playing in the NBA where it's their full-time job.

This seemed like a pretty easy decision for Dekker. A lot of people are drawing comparisons between his situation this year and Kaminsky's last year. But Kaminsky was a late bloomer and knew he was coming back to essentially the same team that had made a Final Four. That won't be the case for next year's team. Dekker would only be able to improve his draft stock incrementally by coming back next year IMO. He made the right decision in my eyes.
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When it comes to basketball, it seems to me like all you accomplish with extra years in college is to prove what you aren't capable of and drop your draft status.
Yup. Something about in this day and age, scouts start to think you have an unfixable hole in your game if you stay through your senior year. In other words, that "potential" and "youth" are replaced with hours and hours of film to be nitpicked to death.
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Amazingly, I believe Dekker will be Bo Ryan's second "early" entry to the draft over the course of his 14 seasons in Madison. And each one left after his junior year, a total of two years lost to the draft in Bo Ryan's entire tenure at Wisconsin. Hell, Matta will lose more than that just this year with Russell leaving after his freshman year.

Certainly it is an overlooked advantage in this day and age for Bo to be able to retain his best players for four years almost always, and then have the rare early entries last 3 years in college. While he doesn't recruit as well in terms of quantity of top-100 prospects, being able to keep his stars the maximum number of years has made up the difference in large part.
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Amazingly, I believe Dekker will be Bo Ryan's second "early" entry to the draft over the course of his 14 seasons in Madison. And each one left after his junior year, a total of two years lost to the draft in Bo Ryan's entire tenure at Wisconsin. Hell, Matta will lose more than that just this year with Russell leaving after his freshman year.

Certainly it is an overlooked advantage in this day and age for Bo to be able to retain his best players for four years almost always, and then have the rare early entries last 3 years in college. While he doesn't recruit as well in terms of quantity of top-100 prospects, being able to keep his stars the maximum number of years has made up the difference in large part.
I don't know how much of an advantage it is to not have NBA caliber guys.
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I don't know how much of an advantage it is to not have NBA caliber guys.
When other teams are losing their stars with 2 and sometimes 3 years of eligibility and you aren't, it makes up for not having those type of players in large part. Obviously he couldn't get over the F4 hump until one of his unheralded players developed into a pro, but he did about everything else you could ask for. Clearly in CBB these days one can get a lot of wins without NBA guys, but Bo also had guys like Leuer and Stiemsma make the NBA and they stayed 4 years.
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Entire article: http://www.elevenwarriors.com/colle...o-coach-one-more-season-of-college-basketball
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