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Bo "The Grinch" Ryan (Hip Hop Dancer & Former Wisconsin Head Coach)

Did you ever think you'd see Bo Ryan doing the Soulja Boy?

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Bo Ryan is an amazing coach, but he just still hasn't quite mastered how to deal with the national media. He sucks at "feeling his audience" so he talks to ESPN (who doesn't quite "get" him) the same way he talks to the Madison media. He just isn't aware of how saying things bluntly and in a combative tone is going to turn off a certain portion of the media, who is just looking for ANYTHING to write about after 10,000 boring postgame press conferences, all spewing the same pablum. It's almost like he feels like he's being clever and subtle, when he's actually pounding away with a sledge hammer. In all honesty, he could say all the exact things he said in the postgame the next morning on Mike & Mike and nobody would even have noticed them, if he simply started the segment with 30 seconds of verbal BJ for the two hosts. "Your Wildcats are really coming around Greeny and the Irish should have beat Kentucky Golic." Then everyone chortles away because they're now best buddies and Bo can joke about how much the officiating sucked without anyone challenging him.
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Bo Ryan is an amazing coach, but he just still hasn't quite mastered how to deal with the national media. He sucks at "feeling his audience" so he talks to ESPN (who doesn't quite "get" him) the same way he talks to the Madison media. He just isn't aware of how saying things bluntly and in a combative tone is going to turn off a certain portion of the media, who is just looking for ANYTHING to write about after 10,000 boring postgame press conferences, all spewing the same pablum. It's almost like he feels like he's being clever and subtle, when he's actually pounding away with a sledge hammer. In all honesty, he could say all the exact things he said in the postgame the next morning on Mike & Mike and nobody would even have noticed them, if he simply started the segment with 30 seconds of verbal BJ for the two hosts. "Your Wildcats are really coming around Greeny and the Irish should have beat Kentucky Golic." Then everyone chortles away because they're now best buddies and Bo can joke about how much the officiating sucked without anyone challenging him.

The officiating sucked and cost you a NC Bo?

Deal with it.
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