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Bo "The Grinch" Ryan (Hip Hop Dancer & Former Wisconsin Head Coach)

BB73;2143896; said:
Bo, the kid wants to leave your program.


+1 :biggrin:
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OSU_Buckguy;2143926; said:
or just announce that uthoff is free to transfer to any school except marquette or any in the conference. if there isn't such an announcement by day's end, consider it another pr failure.
ryan and alvarez obviously located a brain cell and have lifted all transfer restrictions except those within the conference.

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sepia5;2143998; said:
But not before giving future recruits a reason to pause before considering the Badgers.
i always thought the dribble-dribble-pass-pass-pass-dribble-dribble-pass-dribble-pass-dribble-pass-pass-shotfake-pass-pass-dribble-dribble-pass-dribble-pass-pass-pass-dribble-shotfake-dribble-pass-dribble-shotclock-dribble-dribble-dribble-shoot offense did a pretty good job of that.
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As much as I hate to defend Bo Ryan, this has been way overblown by ESPiN. They've been talking about this more than anything in the past couple of days. Where was the outrage when Les Miles told an incoming freshman football player (who had already moved into the dorms) that he didn't have a scholarship for him? Am I crazy or is that about 50 times worse? What about Saban pushing players into the medical hardship waiver? No, they've got to obsess about Bo Ryan being a bit of a prick by being overly restrictive about where a player transfers.
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Buckeye737;2144260; said:
As much as I hate to defend Bo Ryan, this has been way overblown by ESPiN. They've been talking about this more than anything in the past couple of days. Where was the outrage when Les Miles told an incoming freshman football player (who had already moved into the dorms) that he didn't have a scholarship for him? Am I crazy or is that about 50 times worse? What about Saban pushing players into the medical hardship waiver? No, they've got to obsess about Bo Ryan being a bit of a prick by being overly restrictive about where a player transfers.

ESPN is easy to blame here but when everyone in the entire world is coming down on this guy then its not being overblown...check any major news outlet or anyone worth a dick on twitter and no one ive seen has taken the side of Bo Ryan...what Les Miles and Saban do are deffinitly wrong for sure...times that with both saban and miles, then not letting that said kid to transfer pretty much anywhere but Washington State University and its alot worse...but what Saban and Les Miles are doing, albeit morally and every other term in the english language, wrong, its also "legal" to do so...which it is also "legal" for Bo Ryan to do...Bo Ryan is being more then just a bit of a prick...hes being the biggest asshole on the planet...this kid wants to transfer for a reason...he doesnt want to be there...fine let him leave and go wherever he wants...Bo Ryan is saying, ok you hate it here so let me make it 50 times worse...Saban and Miles are basically telling the kids that have their scholarships pulled, ok you dont hate it here yet? let me make you hate it and then you can get out of here...and they are fine with that...did you see the list Bo Ryan had? this kid had nowhere to go...and the fact they now pulled that list and eased up on it just goes to show how big of an idiot Ryan was....and the cherry on top is that he showed everyone how big of a dick he was on national radio
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y0yoyoin;2144268; said:
ESPN is easy to blame here but when everyone in the entire world is coming down on this guy then its not being overblown...check any major news outlet or anyone worth a dick on twitter and no one ive seen has taken the side of Bo Ryan...what Les Miles and Saban do are deffinitly wrong for sure...times that with both saban and miles, then not letting that said kid to transfer pretty much anywhere but Washington State University and its alot worse...but what Saban and Les Miles are doing, albeit morally and every other term in the english language, wrong, its also "legal" to do so...which it is also "legal" for Bo Ryan to do...Bo Ryan is being more then just a bit of a prick...hes being the biggest asshole on the planet...this kid wants to transfer for a reason...he doesnt want to be there...fine let him leave and go wherever he wants...Bo Ryan is saying, ok you hate it here so let me make it 50 times worse...Saban and Miles are basically telling the kids that have their scholarships pulled, ok you dont hate it here yet? let me make you hate it and then you can get out of here...and they are fine with that...did you see the list Bo Ryan had? this kid had nowhere to go...and the fact they now pulled that list and eased up on it just goes to show how big of an idiot Ryan was....and the cherry on top is that he showed everyone how big of a dick he was on national radio
A couple of things here. I agree with most of what you say, but still:

1) It's a sad state of affairs when Ryan/the program is getting slammed for not immediately jumping on Twitter following the incident and explaining themselves.

2) Uthoff wasn't exactly out of options of school to transfer to, even with Ryan's ridiculously extensive block list. I'm not ready to acquit Bo here, but Uthoff has gotten off relatively scot-free. Both sides could've handled the situation better.
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HorseshoeFetish;2144297; said:
I say [censored] Bo Ryan..but when everyone in the entire world is doing it..I tend to think that's the definition of being overblown.

Actually, I think it's more like if one lonely person tells you your breath smells like an open sewer, and they won't shut up about it, that would be overblown.

If every single person you pass on the street is pulling their shirt over their nose and running into traffic to avoid you, then it's probably time for a breath mint.

Bo needs this:

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Buckeye737;2144260; said:
As much as I hate to defend Bo Ryan, this has been way overblown by ESPiN. They've been talking about this more than anything in the past couple of days. Where was the outrage when Les Miles told an incoming freshman football player (who had already moved into the dorms) that he didn't have a scholarship for him? Am I crazy or is that about 50 times worse? What about Saban pushing players into the medical hardship waiver? No, they've got to obsess about Bo Ryan being a bit of a prick by being overly restrictive about where a player transfers.

Now you're talking about the conference that pays the freight for the network.
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