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Bo "The Grinch" Ryan (Hip Hop Dancer & Former Wisconsin Head Coach)

Anyone that doesn't think the smug, arrogant ass that Barry Alvarez is hasn't bred this type of attitude in his 2 major program coaches is fooling themselves... Sports radio hosts calling for Alvarez to step in and make things right. Alvarez is part of the problem.
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Bucky32;2143821; said:
Ryan is a good coach. But he has a history of treating people in a way that I disagree with.

That way of dealing with people should come back to haunt him. How many 16 and 17-year-old kids would want to play for the guy after listening to that ESPN interview?

He didn't say anything to improve his perception or explain his position effectively.
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If the kid doesn't want to talk to you about transferring, he doesn't want to talk! Why do you have the ability to do something like force him to appeal his desire to go to another school to force him to tell you why he wants to transfer? If he doesn't want to tell you, forget it and move on!

I can understand blocking the conference/regular OOC rival, direct knowledge of a competing school, and whatever else you want to claim. But finding out he wants to go to an ACC school and then blocking every ACC school just because you want to make him tell you why he's transferring? I call bullshit.
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scarletmike;2143828; said:
If the kid doesn't want to talk to you about transferring, he doesn't want to talk! Why do you have the ability to do something like force him to appeal his desire to go to another school to force him to tell you why he wants to transfer? If he doesn't want to tell you, forget it and move on!

I can understand blocking the conference/regular OOC rival, direct knowledge of a competing school, and whatever else you want to claim. But finding out he wants to go to an ACC school and then blocking every ACC school just because you want to make him tell you why he's transferring? I call bullshit.

Yeah, look what transfers did for Rich Rod. He was able to fill his roster with slot dots.
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Bo, the kid wants to leave your program.

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BB73;2143827; said:
That way of dealing with people should come back to haunt him. How many 16 and 17-year-old kids would want to play for the guy after listening to that ESPN interview?

He didn't say anything to improve his perception or explain his position effectively.

But some things from Uthoff's side just have me scratching my head. He said the reason he is transferring is because the system didn't fit his style of play? It's not like Ryan hasn't run the same system since he was born. Then he has a friend deliver his letter of appeal? He definitely could've handled things better than he did.

Finally, a classic case of ESPN grabbing this story and running with it. Definitely making this story bigger than it probably is.
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Bucky32;2143922; said:
Well, yeah. Probably would've been a good idea just to forego that whole thing.
or just announce that uthoff is free to transfer to any school except marquette or any in the conference. if there isn't such an announcement by day's end, consider it another pr failure.

at the this point, the benefit of letting uthoff go with minimal restrictions far outweighs the possible harm of facing him in the future and the certain injuries you'll receive from the press and general public.

ryan was largely considered to be the odd but playful patriarch. now he's just the spiteful curmudgeon.
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