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Bo "The Grinch" Ryan (Hip Hop Dancer & Former Wisconsin Head Coach)

I went ahead and looked up Bo's record on the road against Big Ten teams that made the NCAA tourney. This breakdown is from the time he coached in the Big Ten (2001-02 through 2009-10). I was surprised that he had some success in his first year; however, lately he has not fared well. It seemed like Bo was able to avoid an unusually high percentage of B10 NCAA tourney teams on the road due to scheduling quirks that were partly due to the fact that (other than MSU) B10 teams were inconsistent in making the tourney. The stats I compiled don't include this year, which hurts my case to support my hypothesis (i.e., that Bo has fared exceptionally poorly on the road against league teams that make the tourney) because their only conference road wins this year have been @ NW and @ Iowa, while they lost @ IL, @ MSU, @ PSU and @ PU. Their road trips left this year are @ UM, @ IU and @ OSU (and you can make a good argument that UM will only make the tourney if they beat UW in Crisler). At this point it's safe to say they are 0-1 vs. NCAA tourney locks and 0-3 on the road against possible NCAA teams from the B10 this season ... it is unlikely Bo finishes better than an 0-fer this year against the better B10 teams on the road.

Bo's breakdown by league foe:
MSU - 9 possible games, 2-5 + 2 schedule road misses when they were an NCAA tourney team
Illinois - 7 possible games, 1-5 + 1 schedule miss
OSU - 5 possible games, 0-3 + 2 schedule misses
Purdue - 5 possible games, 0-4 + 1 schedule miss
Indiana - 5 possible games, 2-1 + 2 schedule misses
Minny - 3 possible games, 0-3
Iowa - 2 possible games, 0-1 + 1 schedule miss
UM - 1 possible game, 1-0
PSU - 0 possible games
NW - 0 possible games
Total: 37 possible games, 6-22 record, 9 schedule misses.

So Big Ten NCAA tourney teams have lost at home to Bo Ryan only six times in Bo's 9 seasons at Wisconsin. The Badgers do have a better win % than I expected at 21.4%, but that percentage is likely to drop this season. Scheduling quirks have reduced Bo's league road games vs. NCAA tourney teams by 24% - his teams have played about 3 of every 4 Big Ten NCAA tourney teams on the road.

Here are Bo's UW teams on the road vs. B10 NCAA tourney teams by year [tourney seed in brackets]:
2002 : 2-1 : L @ IL[#4], W @ MSU[#10], W @ IU[#5] (finished 3-5 in B10 on road)
2003 : 0-2 : L @ IL[#4], L @ PU[#9]
2004 : 1-1 : L @ IL[#5], W @ MSU[#7]
2005 : 0-3 : L @ IL[#1], L @ MSU[#5], L @ MN[#8]
2006 : 0-3 : L @ MSU[#6], L @ OSU[#2], L @ IA[#3]
2007 : 1-3 : W @ IL[#12], L @ MSU[#9], L @ OSU[#1], L @ IU[#7]
2008 : 1-1 : L @ PU[#6], W @ IU[#8]
2009 : 1-4 : L @ IL[#5], L @ MSU[#2], L @ PU[#5], L @ MN[#10], W @ UM[#10]
2010 : 0-4 : L @ MSU[#5], L @ OSU[#2], L @ PU[#4], L @ MN[#11]

So his wins have come against teams seeded #5, #10, #7, #12, #8, and #10. He has not won a conference road game against a team seeded higher than a #8 since 2004 (which bodes well for OSU's chances on March 6th!). His Badger teams have gone 3-18 (.142 win %) against league NCAA tourney foes on the road since 2005 (which also bodes well for OSU's chances on March 6th!).

Compare to Matta's NCAA tourney teams at OSU (Bo has made the tourney every year at Wisky):
'10 : 2-2 : L @ UW, L @ MN, W @ PU, W @ MSU (missed 0 NCAA teams)
'09 : 1-5 : L @ MN, L @ MSU, W @ UM, L @ IL, L @ UW, L @ PU (missed 0 NCAA teams)
'07 : 3-1 : W @ IL, L @ UW, W @ PU, W @ MSU (missed IU)
'06 : 1-3 : L @ IU, L @ IA, L @ UW, W @ MSU (missed IL)
Totals: 7-11 (.388)
Of course, Matta's non-NCAA tourney teams haven't done well (combined 0-8 over 2 years; missed 0 of 5 NCAA teams in '05 and 1 of 4 in '08) ... even so he has a better road record than Bo with a 26% win rate overall, and again, this year is likely to widen the gap in Thad's favor. Matta's OSU teams have had to play 26 of a possible 29 B10 NCAA tourney team road games (so basically Matta has had the B10 NCAA tourney team road games cut down by only 11%, or about half of what Bo has had; however, Bo has had 3 more years in the league than Matta & the league had one fewer road game in those three years). But comparing apples to apples is what this is all about - Ryan's NCAA tourney teams just haven't done very well on the road against NCAA tourney teams in league play, and this is especially true in the past several seasons.
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shiznit7;2142694; said:
What an asshole. UW, as a whole, is getting on the level of UM and ND for my level of hatred. Honestly, what a piece of [Mark May].


I can't imagine a time when I've been so disgusted by so many other Big Ten schools. Ped Aggy for obvious reasons that transcend sports and basic human decency. TSUN hires the two biggest whining douchebag coaches since I've been following the rivalry, yet they're only the second most douchiest football and basketball coaches in the league when compared to the two fucktards up in Madison. Throw in the corn getting booted from the AAU, and I'm back to wishing Texas had made the jump to the Big Ten.
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