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So that U-Verse is available off campus? I currently have TW and will be moving in early September to my new apartment. All I'm looking for is BTN. Screw TW, that whole situation is rubbish.
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I like TW service, the cable and High Speed internet can't be any better. Sure it is more expensive than other companies and because of this we should have BTN. TW is just being dumb about this whole thing.

TW better bring me BTN soon
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I think a TWC rep said that the Comcast deal will not affect the negotiating. TWC is acting like some stubborn brats or something. I have TWC and get p*ssed every time I read an article about the two working out a deal.:pissed: Big Ten came down 40 cents for Comcast. If the same offer is made with the one year deal on basic with the chance to move to a sports tier and TWC doesn't take, I'm done.
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This is so ridiculous. Friggin' BTN. With this network at least for our conference TV viewing is worse than the NFL even with the NFL network. Last year I went to 5 home games. I have a tailgate session with generator and TV and didn't bother with the TV because without satellite I couldn't watch any games worth watching before or after our game. Before the BTN there were good games on local broadcast TV. Now, I have an HD TV to bring to the game and unless I switch to satellite I might as well leave that at home too. If I go to a Bengals game at least I can watch a decent game before or after in HD for FREE. And if the BTN succeeds it won't be long for the PAC 10 Network, SEC Network, etc.

Now, I understand that if you are not in the Ohio area it is great for you. But, why can't there just be a pay per view set up at a decent price? It could be cheaper than going to a bar to watch it.
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You may enjoy this:

Is Time Warner next? | lancastereaglegazette.com | Lancaster Eagle Gazette

But Mary Jo Green, the vice president of public affairs for Time Warner, said that the deal brokered between Comcast and the BTN is a good sign.
"I think the fact that the Big Ten Network and Comcast came to an agreement is very encouraging and is a positive development," Green said. "I think the fact that Comcast had similar concerns that we do, and that they were able to come to an agreement is encouraging."
Green said the two sides had a number of discussions in the spring, and that Time Warner has heard from some customers who want the BTN.
"We know that certain customers are interested in the network and we do hear from them," Green said. "We're hopeful that we can reach an agreement before football season."
To hear Comcast tell it before the deal was finished, nobody had even heard of the Big Ten let alone their network. So the fact that TW execs are acknowledging there's demand for the BTN is an immensely positive sign for TW subscribers.

It's all the same to me though. In RI we have Cox :(
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