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Taosman;1197696; said:
Just a heads up: Circuit City is in deep financial trouble and will not be bought by Blockbuster. This could be their end. Watch for blowout deals in their stores. Back to The Big Ten Network.....................

This has been going on a for a while now. Definitely keep a look out on deals for dishes etc...

TIME WARNER I have a feeling something bad is gonna happen to you!! :biggrin:
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Programming note: Starting at 6 PM tonite the 1997 Rose Bowl (Ohio State vs Arizona State) will be shown.


P. S. Can we set up a quick vBet on the outcome of the game? :biggrin:
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UF, Sun Sports ink 10-year $100M deal

The University of Florida and Fox's Sun Sports have signed a media rights deal that is not only one of the most lucrative in the country, but also could end the likelihood of an SEC channel being created any time soon.

The deal will pay Florida's marketing arm, the University Athletic Association, roughly $10 million a year for the next 10 years. Florida, one of the Southeastern Conference's most marketable schools, was one of the few major colleges that handled many of its marketing and media rights in-house.

And an interesting part at the end:

The Florida-Sun Sports deal takes yet another school off the board that had handled some of its own marketing and media rights in-house. Multimedia rights holders will now turn their attention to Ohio State, one of the few remaining schools that has not bundled its rights into a single deal with an agency.
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Best Buckeye;1207504; said:
BTN is now showing the scum game. It just never gets old watching my Buckeyes kick butt.

12:13 A.M.!?!? Damn, Best, I didn't know you had it in ya! :tongue2:

I wasn't awake to watch the scUM game again, but I did get to see the "Legends" show on Archie...god, I love watching him run! :biggrin: I tried describing it (how he runs) to my wife, but you just have to see some of those amazing runs / spin moves / balance / leg drive to "understand".

It's a beautiful, poetic thing to watch. :osu:
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CleveBucks;1205446; said:
UF, Sun Sports ink 10-year $100M deal

And an interesting part at the end:

Buckeyes on FSN Ohio? Interesting. It does make you wonder (1) Why a University with the exposure of Ohio State, and the roll its on with the football and basketball programs, would want to be relegated to a TV network that nobody gets (BTN), and (2) If OSU truly has the largest athletic department and alumni base in the country, national appeal, and national contempt, then there's no reason OSU shouldn't have its own TV deal.
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From the networks website:

1. Beanie Wells, Ohio State RBI smell a possible Heisman Trophy in Wells' future. Plain and simple, there is no bigger offensive threat currently suiting up in the Big Ten. Last year as a sophomore, the Buckeye back ran all over opponents, averaging 5.9 yards per carry en route to eclipsing the 100-yard plateau nine times, including two 200-yard affairs. With all the offensive weapons around him, expect even gaudier stats down the road.
2008 PREDICTED STATS: 295 att., 1,830 yards, 19 TD; 12 rec., 85 yards, 1 TD​
2007 STATS: 274 att., 1,609 yards, 15 TD; 5 rec., 21 yards​
2. James Laurinaitis, Ohio State LB​
The Animal's son shocked quite a few people when he turned down millions in the NFL Draft to return for his senior season. Already considered one of the nation's elite linebackers, Laurinaitis will only get better. Consider these statistics: 118 tackles, 4.5 sacks and 3.5 INTs. Those are the numbers Laurinaitis has averaged as a starter the past two years. Good luck, opposing offenses.​
2008 PREDICTED STATS: 138 tackles, 4 sacks, 3 INT​
2007 STATS: 121 tackles, 5 sacks, 2 INT​
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Dryden;1207626; said:
Buckeyes on FSN Ohio? Interesting. It does make you wonder (1) Why a University with the exposure of Ohio State, and the roll its on with the football and basketball programs, would want to be relegated to a TV network that nobody gets (BTN), and (2) If OSU truly has the largest athletic department and alumni base in the country, national appeal, and national contempt, then there's no reason OSU shouldn't have its own TV deal.

I don't understand your logic here. With Comcast and FIOS on board starting next month, BTN will be in over 50 million homes by mid August. FSN Ohio is probably in 5 million homes at best.
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