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heisman;1207967; said:
That's a marketing/licensing deal. OSU has marketing agreements and licenses with many vendors, including FSN Ohio to show the Jim Tressel show or Nike for apparel. The Big Ten runs itself just like the NFL. If the Bears wanted to play their games on WGN, they couldn't, but they own their trademark and can license it to whomever they choose.

Here is a much better article explaining exactly what the Gators are selling in the deal:

Gators, Sun Sports dial in $80M deal | floridatoday.com | FLORIDA TODAY

This is the kind of thing that your blanket statements seemed to imply were impossible. Now that you've clarified, I'm not convinced our positions are all that different.
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matcar;1208098; said:
It's HD quality is...umm...crappy in my home theater compared with other sources, but otherwise, they ARE good at landing sports packages.

It's not bad where I'm at. Then again, Oceanic's (Time Warner) cable quality here has always been shitty, so I don't have much to make a comparison.
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matcar;1208098; said:
It's HD quality is...umm...crappy in my home theater compared with other sources, but otherwise, they ARE good at landing sports packages.

MililaniBuckeye;1208110; said:
It's not bad where I'm at. Then again, Oceanic's (Time Warner) cable quality here has always been [censored]ty, so I don't have much to make a comparison.

The MPEG-2 HD channels on Directv are brutally bad. MPEG-4 HD channels on Directv, however, definitely at least challenge cable for HD PQ supremacy. By month's end, all Directv HD will be switching to MPEG-4. BTN HD has always been MPEG-4 on Directv. At worst, an extremely above average picture.
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The News-Herald - Time Warner deal looming

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I sure hope that they sign the deal. With me moving into a new apartment before school starts in september, and WOW having BTN, I may have to give TW the boot and switch to WOW unless they sign the deal
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I am always hopeful when I open this thread that there will be positive news on the TW front.

That said, I am also a bit of the skeptic. Experience tells me that an announcement of anything less than the final deal may be nothing more than an attempt to put pressure on one party or the other. In this case by saying saying they are confident a deal can be reached, BTN makes it difficult for TW to say otherwise.
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mstevmac;1215978; said:
I sure hope that they sign the deal. With me moving into a new apartment before school starts in september, and WOW having BTN, I may have to give TW the boot and switch to WOW unless they sign the deal

Direct TV isn't any better; however, this accurately portrays all the cable companies: :biggrin:

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bdR8Q6EMUbk&feature=related"]YouTube - Direct TV Anti Cable Spot[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibHoazeXfh4&feature=related"]YouTube - DirecTV commercial bashing the cable company[/ame]
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I found out earlier today that Comcast down here won't be getting Big Ten Network.... Apparently their just "Testing" it out in the Big Ten states at this time and they'll decide after spring 2009 if they're gonna offer it to the customers down here. I was raging but its another excuse to hit the sports bars...
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heisman;1208212; said:
The MPEG-2 HD channels on Directv are brutally bad. MPEG-4 HD channels on Directv, however, definitely at least challenge cable for HD PQ supremacy. By month's end, all Directv HD will be switching to MPEG-4. BTN HD has always been MPEG-4 on Directv. At worst, an extremely above average picture.

Yeah, glad that I picked up that 1 TB drive to hook up to my PVR...

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