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strohs;1192538; said:
If TW doesnt have the big ten network at the start of this season, then I am making the call to Direct TV

Don't wait until the start of the season. DirecTV have contractors do the installs, and there are certain times of year where the waiting list grows to two weeks or more. The start of football season is definitely one of those times. I wouldn't wait past August 15th or so.
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DaddyBigBucks;1192652; said:
Don't wait until the start of the season. DirecTV have contractors do the installs, and there are certain times of year where the waiting list grows to two weeks or more. The start of football season is definitely one of those times. I wouldn't wait past August 15th or so.

Hopefully best buy or circuit city runs one of those "buy a TV and get Direct TV installed for free" type of deals in early August...
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Cable deal gives clout to Big Ten
Clock is ticking for Big Ten deal
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Friday, Jun 27, 2008

Normally I don't like anyone interrupting a vacation, but when the Big Ten Network and Comcast announced their deal last week, more than a few readers e-mailed with questions.
My children will forever remember my Treo going crazy with e-mail notifications as we cruised through Pirates of the Caribbean at Disney World.
The gist of them all: Comcast customers now have it. When do we get it?
Sorry, folks, I'm no psychic, but speaking from a common-sense perspective. Time Warner's bluff has now been called.
Hours after announcing its deal with Comcast, BTN sent out a graphic showing the channel's penetration in several Big Ten states. Smack in the middle was Ohio, painted in a scarlet so deep that it would shock Hester Prynne of The Scarlet Letter.

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Ohio State football team to appear on two early Big Ten Network broadcasts
Posted by From staff reports July 02, 2008

The Big Ten Network announced its early-season and prime time football schedule today, and it includes two Ohio State games.

The BTN will air the Buckeyes' season opener Aug. 30 at noon against Youngstown State, as well as their noon game against Troy on Sept. 20.

But Northeast Ohioans without satellite service may be left out again. Time Warner, which serves nearly 1 million Cleveland-area homes, still has not reached an agreement with the Big Ten Network.

Akron's game against Wisconsin will also air Aug. 30 at noon. (The network splits feeds regionally during simultaneous broadcasts, and allows cable and satellite providers to carry additional games on overflow channels).

The network will air the season openers of six other conference schools.

Here is the early-season and prime time schedule. Note: Some kickoff times will be announced six or 12 days ahead of time by the Big Ten and its television partners.

Saturday, August 30

Indiana vs. Western Kentucky, noon

Iowa vs. Maine, noon

Ohio State vs. Youngstown State, noon

Penn State vs. Coastal Carolina, noon

Wisconsin vs. Akron, noon

Minnesota vs. Northern Illinois, 7 p.m.

Saturday, September 6

Illinois vs. Eastern Illinois, noon

Iowa vs. Florida International, noon

Michigan State vs. Eastern Michigan, noon

Purdue vs. Northern Colorado, noon

Wisconsin vs. Marshall, noon

Indiana vs. Murray State, 7 p.m.

Saturday, September 13

Illinois vs. UL-Lafayette, noon

Iowa vs. Iowa State, noon

Minnesota vs. Montana State, noon

Northwestern vs. Southern Illinois, noon

Saturday, September 20

Minnesota vs. Florida Atlantic, noon

Northwestern vs. Ohio, noon

Ohio State vs. Troy, noon

Penn State vs. Temple, noon

Purdue vs. Central Michigan, noon

Indiana vs. Ball State, 7 p.m.

Saturday, October 18

Illinois vs. Indiana, 8 p.m.

Saturday, November 22

Minnesota vs. Iowa, 8 p.m.

Ohio State football team to appear on two early Big Ten Network broadcasts - Cleveland Sports News – The Latest Breaking News, Game Recaps and Scores from The Plain Dealer
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Just a heads up: Circuit City is in deep financial trouble and will not be bought by Blockbuster. This could be their end. Watch for blowout deals in their stores. Back to The Big Ten Network.....................
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