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Best Buckeye;1185776; said:
BTN is showing the 2002 NC game right now.

Dammit, you beat me to it... Clarett just stole the ball back from Sean Taylor

edit: hilarious - they just flashed to the sideline where a very young Troy Smith congratulates MoC. Who would have thought in 2003 when they flashed that shot the directions that the two of them would go...
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I can't believe I am saying this but I wish TW would get the BTN. I switched from them to dish last year becasue of itr and I am ready to go back to TW. Dish isn't bad but I want my locals in HD back without having to put up yet another Dish to get them.
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Looks like Comcast and B10 Net have come to an aggreement, that is actually a better deal than DirecTV and Dish. They have an additional on demand service that the Dish companies do not. This could be a benefit as well whenever TW does its agreement. One of the bennies will be the ability to watch a snap to snap replay of a game without having to watch all the bogus adds and commentary. Of course the Cable companies are looking to eventually move the B10 Net to a higher level Digital service. But for short term comcast has agreed to carry it on the Basic service. Doubt that will last more than a year!
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Contending stories cloud BTN-Comcast issue - The Sports Blog with The Patriot-News

Whatever, while the cable carrier's people confirm a deal is close, the agreement as it stands now would place the BTN on expanded basic for only eight months -- the upcoming football and basketball season -- on a trial basis and only within the Big Ten's eight-state footprint. Comcast, they say, would then have the option of pulling the BTN off expanded basic and sticking it on the more expensive digital tier, possibly in a sports-channel package.
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Deal is official:

From the press release just sent out:

Under the terms of the agreement, Comcast will initially launch the network as part of its expanded basic level of service to promote it to the majority of its customers residing in states with Big Ten universities (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin) starting August 15th. (Comcast does not have systems in Iowa, the eighth Big Ten state.) In Spring 2009, Comcast may elect to move the network to a broadly distributed digital level of service in most of its systems in these states. Comcast?s digital customers in the Big Ten states will also have immediate access to live Big Ten games and events in high definition, Big Ten programming via Comcast?s video-on-demand platform, and a wide array of conference-related content through Comcast.net.

Outside of the Big Ten states that Comcast serves, Comcast has the option to provide Big Ten Network programming on any level of service, including its Sports Entertainment Package.
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C-busBuck;1185993; said:
Looks like Comcast and B10 Net have come to an aggreement, that is actually a better deal than DirecTV and Dish. They have an additional on demand service that the Dish companies do not. This could be a benefit as well whenever TW does its agreement. One of the bennies will be the ability to watch a snap to snap replay of a game without having to watch all the bogus adds and commentary. Of course the Cable companies are looking to eventually move the B10 Net to a higher level Digital service. But for short term comcast has agreed to carry it on the Basic service. Doubt that will last more than a year!

DirecTV has on demand through an internet connection. BTN is channel 1220.
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jlb1705;1188403; said:
It's 10:22 PM, and M*ch*g*n and Time Warner still suck.

mstevmac;1188407; said:
Amen to that

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Comcast, Big Ten reach pay-TV deal | Philadelphia Inquirer | 06/20/2008

Philadelphia market will not be considered as part of the "states with Big 10 colleges." Comcast to pay $0.70 per subscriber, compared to rates for other sports channels:

Per-subscriber fees paid monthly by cable companies for selected national and regional sports networks.
Network Fee
ESPN $3.26
YES (Yankees) 2.15
SportsNet Phila. 1.97*
SportsNet Md-Atl 1.95*
FSN Detroit 1.92
NFL Network 0.80
Big Ten Network 0.70**
ESPN 2 0.46
NBA TV 0.36
Fox College 0.32
*Comcast-owned **Estimated fee in Big Ten states
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