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BTN was nice to have during Basket ball season... My guess is folks will drop the "premium" sports tier after B-ball season then pick it back up in August for football... I guess 8 months of income is better than zero for the BTN...
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I have Insight and so I have had BTN since the get go but they also have a sports tier with ESPN Classic, ESPN News, NFL Network, and other sports channels. It costs around $5/monthly but you really can get it for only one day and they would prorate the costs because they can be turned off/on from their offices. So if TW puts the BTN on a sports tier you can have it during football and basketball season and then have them turn it off. I really don't see what the big is about the BTN not willing to put that channel on a sports tier in the first place.
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Looks like the Big Ten Network got what they wanted, for the most part.

Big Ten Network, Comcast ready to call a truce

Sources: Announcement of long-term partnership near
By Teddy Greenstein | Tribune reporter
10:16 PM CDT, June 15, 2008

There were times when a Big Ten Network-Comcast union appeared as likely as uncovering scratchy footage that showed Woody Hayes screaming "Go Blue!"

But that day is here. Almost.

Comcast and the BTN are prepared to put nearly two years of bitter negotiations aside to announce a long-term partnership, the Tribune has learned.

"For all intents and purposes, it's done," one source close to the negotiations said Sunday.

Technically, it's not done. But sources expect the deal will be completed and unveiled this week.

The deal will nearly double the number of homes that can access the BTN, from 30 million to 55 million. In the eight-state Big Ten footprint, the number will surge from 6.5 million to about 13 million.
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Last week I read at the OSU Official Athletic web site that today the BTN programming is dedicated to Ohio State...replaying this year's Spring Game (3 pm), 1991 Basketball Classic, Indiana vs. Jimmy Jackson's Buckeyes (10 am), 2003 National Championship Game, tOSU vs. Miami (10 pm), and last year's football victory over Michigan (@ 7:00 p.m.) for anyone interested.

Link to schedule:

Schedule - Big Ten Network TV Schedule - Big Ten Network
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Oh8ch;1185098; said:
Do they rotate through the entire Big Ten doing this? And if so, what do they do when they get to a team like Northwestern? Fill with videos of commencement exercises?


Yep, found the original link that I referenced:

Ohio State Day on Big Ten Network is June 16 - The Ohio State Buckeyes Official Athletics Site - OhioStateBuckeyes.com

"Throughout the month of June, the Big Ten Network will air university-themed programming for a full 24 hours devoted to each of the Big Ten member institutions..."

Luckily Northwestern's day of programming was June 12th, so I won't accidentaly stumble upon it while channel surfing, but here's what their program schedule looked like:

Big Ten Network Celebrates Northwestern Day on June 12 :: Network to air 24 consecutive hours of Wildcats programming

5 am ... Chapel Choir

12 pm ... Student Concerto

1 pm ... Evens Scholars

1 am ... Percussion Ensemble


(hmmm, nothing highlighting the achievements of ESPN's Mike Greenberg...a bit surprising :wink: )
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BTN Please offer games online?

I don't know if anybody has asked this already, but does anybody know if there has been talk of BTN offering games online? Living in FL and having the local cable service, BrightHouse, I am probably not going to be able to convince them to pick up BTN. If they would offer football or basketball games online I would gladly pay to be able to watch OSU on my computer. Anyways, just thought somebody might have heard a rumor that this was being discussed.

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scarletngray;1185258; said:
Does anyone know if Comcast on the West Coast is going to be picking up the Big Ten network as well, or is this just mostly in Big Ten territory?

The BTN completed the deal without caving on its central demand: that the channel be placed on expanded basic, rather than a sports tier, in the eight-state footprint. Only Philadelphia will be excluded.

so it will be on expanded basic in the eight-state footprint

philly and everywhere else it will be on the sports tier you have to pay extra for
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I'm still not sure of the financial side of things... but the exorbitant fee per subscriber might be the only thing keeping BTN afloat.

It seems that about 90% of its commercial time is devoted to the universities--how much, if anything, are they billing for that airtime?

That, and i'm sick of seeing the same 11 commercials over, and over, and over....
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