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Purdue vs Central Michigan - IN Michigan

Penn St VS Texas A&M - IN Texas

Michigan vs Florida - IN Florida

Illinois vs Southern California - IN California

OSU vs Louisiana St - IN Louisiana

Any truth to the rumor that the Insight bowl is being moved to Nashville?
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Oh8ch;1015848; said:
Purdue vs Central Michigan - IN Michigan

Penn St VS Texas A&M - IN Texas

Michigan vs Florida - IN Florida

Illinois vs Southern California - IN California

OSU vs Louisiana St - IN Louisiana

Any truth to the rumor that the Insight bowl is being moved to Nashville?

Says Tempe Arizona at ESPN..
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Big Ten bowl matchups

Michigan State vs. Boston College -- Champs Sports Bowl, Orlando
Purdue vs. Central Michigan -- Motor City Bowl, Detroit
Penn State vs. Texas A&M -- Alamo Bowl, San Antonio
Indiana vs. Oklahoma State -- Insight Bowl, Tempe

...and the big ones:

Wisconsin vs. Tennessee -- Outback Bowl, Tampa
Michigan vs. Florida -- Capital One Bowl, Orlando
Illinois vs. USC -- Rose Bowl, Pasadena

Ohio State vs. LSU -- BCS Championship, New Orleans

That's eight total bowl teams. We have three good matchups with the SEC, and one each with the Pac 10, ACC and Big 12.

Northwestern, Minnesota, and Iowa (Kirk who?) will be staying home to watch with the rest of us.
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we need (as much as it blows) for the big ten to beat the sec teams in the bowls. i am not looking forward to routing for scum, but we need this for the big ten to get its credibility back! although i think the scum/florida game wont even be close, we still have to route for wiscy. go big 10!!!
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3 of top 4 b10 opponents are playing home games. The other also has a significant geographical advantage over Wisky.

C'est la vie. Sure would love to see an SEC team face a snowy playoff venue up north in the future.
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osucollegebuck;1015836; said:
I hate Michigan and the SEC both with passion. Who to root for? :(

I have to root for scUM in this one. I can't stand Florida at all. Not to mention it's the whole Big 10 vs. SEC matchup.

We've already beaten scUM (again), and proved who is the better team in that matchup, so I can root for Michigan to stomp the shit out of Florida with a clear conscience.
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jwinslow;1015861; said:
3 of top 4 b10 opponents are playing home games. The other also has a significant geographical advantage over Wisky.

C'est la vie. Sure would love to see an SEC team face a snowy playoff venue up north in the future.

It is really too bad that we have to play everything in warm climates.

I guess we have to deal with that though due to the fact nobody likes seeing low scoring, smash mouth football anymore.
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Well at least I picked UF vs. Meesheegan. :!

I picked Iowa to be in the Insight since they finished #6, but forgot they needed a winning record for realistic bowl eligibility. Turns out that ISU knocked them out of a trip to the Insight or Champs Sports Bowl. :tongue2:

Indiana's got a chance to show the nation... on the NFL Network:roll2:. I think they'll win decisively.

The Orange went old school and got a Big 8 team. Missouri must be saying, "Huh??" It was the NC game or nothing for them.

The Sun Bowl passed on the #3 Pac10 team Oregon State, who beat UofO, and Oregon St ends up in the Emerald. Interesting.
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BrutusBobcat;1015855; said:
Michigan State #8 B10 vs. Boston College #2 ACC -- Champs Sports Bowl, Orlando
Purdue #9 B10 vs. Central Michigan #1 MAC? -- Motor City Bowl, Detroit
Penn State #5 B10 vs. Texas A&M #8 B12? -- Alamo Bowl, San Antonio
Indiana #7 B10 vs. Oklahoma State #7 B12? -- Insight Bowl, Tempe

...and the big ones:

Wisconsin #4 vs. Tennessee #2 SEC -- Outback Bowl, Tampa
Michigan #3 B10 vs. Florida #4 SEC -- Capital One Bowl, Orlando
Illinois #2 B10 vs. USC #1 P10 -- Rose Bowl, Pasadena

Ohio State vs. LSU -- BCS Championship, New Orleans

That's eight total bowl teams. We have three good matchups with the SEC, and one each with the Pac 10, ACC and Big 12.

Some of the matchups numbers wise look B 10 advantage... The BC/scUM lite is bizarrely uneven.
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osucollegebuck;1015836; said:
I hate Michigan and the SEC both with passion. Who to root for? :(

ScarletBlood31;1015865; said:
I have to root for scUM in this one. I can't stand Florida at all. Not to mention it's the whole Big 10 vs. SEC matchup.

We've already beaten scUM (again), and proved who is the better team in that matchup, so I can root for Michigan to stomp the shit out of Florida with a clear conscience.
MD Buckeye;1015867; said:
scUM without a doubt.

Couldn't agree more.:biggrin: I am pulling for the SEC in every game.

I was hoping you'd play the Okies so I could root for you, but....

Would y'all call Tress and get him to send his Meatchicken game tape breakdowns to us, and we'll return the favor by sending Corn Dog film???
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Gatorubet;1015901; said:
Couldn't agree more.:biggrin: I am pulling for the SEC in every game.

I was hoping you'd play the Okies so I could root for you, but....

Would y'all call Tress and get him to send his Meatchicken game tape breakdowns to us, and we'll return the favor by sending Corn Dog film???

Simply show up and you'll win. Michigan hasn't successfully defended against a good spread offense with a running QB for probably two decades now. Besides, Urban Meyer is from Ohio, ergo edge Florida. :biggrin:

I'll be rooting for Michigan, but I sure as hell will find it damn entertaining if/when Florida starts putting the hurt on the Wolverine defense.
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I like our chances in all B10 Bowl games except the Cap 1. Holy hell will that be an ass beating. scUM, with Hart and Henne feeling better matches up decently with UT, UF is just the worst team they could have drawn in all CFB.

H20-4 is going to wear the sombrero for Bowls as well.
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