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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

I'm thinking Georgia will end up playing LSU for the SEC and if that happens I think UGA has a chance to beat them. If it ends up with Tennessee in that game LSU rolls. Our Buckeyes will need a lot of help if we get past Meatchicken but there are some matchups that would work in our favor. Georgia making it to the SEC title game is one of those matchups.
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Bucklion;990658; said:
It's not over mathematically, but in every other way it is. Ole Miss is a bye week, Arkansas is a one man team with no backbone, and the SEC title game looks like it will be against middling Tennessee, so I don't see LSU losing. Oregon should win those 3 easily, it would be almost impossible for no one to come out of the Big XII with one loss, and if WVU wins at Cincy next game they should cruise in too. I'm facing reality and saying we're out, but we can still try for #2 with a big bowl win.

There you go being logical. Few people thought Illinois beats us at home, Stanford beats USC at home, Appalachian State beats Michigan at home... blah, blah, blah. It ain't over.
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This is rough! This was from the sportsline players of the game.
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Carmen Ohio;990639; said:
If we fall no lower than 8th in the BCS Ohio State is NOT out of the National Championship picture.

That is a big if. I think most media and a lot of coaches blew their load last night when they saw the final score. I don't think we get the love like LSU and stay close enough to the top.
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I also think that the voters have just been waiting for this to happen. They've heard all the talk about a weak conference/schedule and I feel that Ohio State will be lucky to stay in the top 10. Even though we know that Illinois is a much improved team, they are still Illinois in the eyes of many around the nation.

A Rose Bowl win against Oregon would be some vindication, but after yesterday I worry about what Oregon might do to this Buckeye team.
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EastSide;990705; said:
i hope that you don't coach kids! going out with two final wins is more than respectable and to beat meatchicken and possibly face florida now in a bowl game.

this could be really nice so IT ISN'T OVER!

poll before the season we had here at BP... I selected 11-2 for the season. given that illinois wasn't one of the lost I counted in two loses... being a home game and last year's results.

However, I am gonna be pretty happy if we finish 11-2 or better. That would meet my expectations this year. These are just growing pains for most of the young kids.
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BuckeyeMike80;990649; said:
Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?

I realize I don't usually comment here, just lurk, so I don't have a solid take on everybody's personality & sense of humor. That said, Mike, you are joking around, right?

After yesterday, my confidence in my ability to interpret reality is a little shaky.
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Bucklion;990658; said:
It's not over mathematically, but in every other way it is. Ole Miss is a bye week, Arkansas is a one man team with no backbone, and the SEC title game looks like it will be against middling Tennessee, so I don't see LSU losing. Oregon should win those 3 easily, it would be almost impossible for no one to come out of the Big XII with one loss, and if WVU wins at Cincy next game they should cruise in too. I'm facing reality and saying we're out, but we can still try for #2 with a big bowl win.

You may very well be right, but as we have already seen EVERY WEEK this season, any top ten team can lose to any unranked team, any given week. It's not over till it's over.

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