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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

Is it because Hawaii gets a NR for the computer ranking that keeps them behind scUM (and others) in the BCS?

USA Today coaches poll -hawaii 12 and scUM 13
Harris Poll -hawaii 10 and scUM 15

I know these are only two components but hawaii has an idle week and they fell from 14 to 16 and scUM stays pat at 12.

Honestly I think the higher they're ranked the better for us and again this BCS system seems to be getting it right but thats four 2 loss teams (texas, scUM,VT, Georgia) and a 3 loss floriduh team ahead of an 8-0 team because of a NR comp.ranking?

I predict the bowls end up:

BCS National Championship (Ohio State vs Oregon)

Orange Bowl (Clemson vs Kansas)

Fiesta Bowl (Oklahoma vs ASU)

Sugar Bowl (LSU vs UCONN)

Rose Bowl (Hawaii vs scUM)

Oregon wins out moves to #2 after LSU falls to Arkansas in Baton Rouge the last week of the reg season but LSU still wins the SEC ccg ASU (at large) to the fiesta Oklahoma takes the Big 12 and hands KU their first loss albeit very close and KU ends up an at large in the Orange Bowl vs Clemson after BC pukes all over themselves the rest of the way after losing to a sub par FSU team at home and the atlarge bids for the rose bowl are scUM and an undefeated Hawaii my favorite part is the pissing and moaning of sec fan for being left out of the NC game!

Will this happen? maybe. (50/50) but that's why they play the game(s)!
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TS10HTW;983910; said:
Is it because Hawaii gets a NR for the computer ranking that keeps them behind scUM (and others) in the BCS?

USA Today coaches poll -hawaii 12 and scUM 13
Harris Poll -hawaii 10 and scUM 15

I know these are only two components but hawaii has an idle week and they fell from 14 to 16 and scUM stays pat at 12.

Honestly I think the higher they're ranked the better for us and again this BCS system seems to be getting it right but thats four 2 loss teams (texas, scUM,VT, Georgia) and a 3 loss floriduh team ahead of an 8-0 team because of a NR comp.ranking?

I predict the bowls end up:

BCS National Championship (Ohio State vs Oregon)

Orange Bowl (Clemson vs Kansas)

Fiesta Bowl (Oklahoma vs ASU)

Sugar Bowl (LSU vs UCONN)

Rose Bowl (Hawaii vs scUM)

Oregon wins out moves to #2 after LSU falls to Arkansas in Baton Rouge the last week of the reg season but LSU still wins the SEC ccg ASU (at large) to the fiesta Oklahoma takes the Big 12 and hands KU their first loss albeit very close and KU ends up an at large in the Orange Bowl vs Clemson after BC pukes all over themselves the rest of the way after losing to a sub par FSU team at home and the atlarge bids for the rose bowl are scUM and an undefeated Hawaii my favorite part is the pissing and moaning of sec fan for being left out of the NC game!

Will this happen? maybe. (50/50) but that's why they play the game(s)!

How likely do you think it is if the Rose Bowl loses both the Big 10 and Pac 10 teams that they are pressured to take on the second place teams?

Hawaii still has to beat Boise St. Since Boise is ranked it should help them jump.

Clemson has already been crushed by VT once.... Not much reason to believe they win the ACC championship unless you think UVA knocks off VT.
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TS10HTW;983910; said:
Is it because Hawaii gets a NR for the computer ranking that keeps them behind scUM (and others) in the BCS?

USA Today coaches poll -hawaii 12 and scUM 13
Harris Poll -hawaii 10 and scUM 15

I know these are only two components but hawaii has an idle week and they fell from 14 to 16 and scUM stays pat at 12.

Honestly I think the higher they're ranked the better for us and again this BCS system seems to be getting it right but thats four 2 loss teams (texas, scUM,VT, Georgia) and a 3 loss floriduh team ahead of an 8-0 team because of a NR comp.ranking?

I predict the bowls end up:

BCS National Championship (Ohio State vs Oregon)

Orange Bowl (Clemson vs Kansas)

Fiesta Bowl (Oklahoma vs ASU)

Sugar Bowl (LSU vs UCONN)

Rose Bowl (Hawaii vs scUM)

Oregon wins out moves to #2 after LSU falls to Arkansas in Baton Rouge the last week of the reg season but LSU still wins the SEC ccg ASU (at large) to the fiesta Oklahoma takes the Big 12 and hands KU their first loss albeit very close and KU ends up an at large in the Orange Bowl vs Clemson after BC pukes all over themselves the rest of the way after losing to a sub par FSU team at home and the atlarge bids for the rose bowl are scUM and an undefeated Hawaii my favorite part is the pissing and moaning of sec fan for being left out of the NC game!

Will this happen? maybe. (50/50) but that's why they play the game(s)!
If OSU and Oregon go to the title game, the Rose gets to choose their own matchup. (A very interesting scenario that would be.) If they pick Michigan under that scenario, it'll only be because they want the Big Ten-Pac 10 matchup, so they'll pick Arizona State for that. Fiesta would salivate to get ASU but it won't happen because I think the Rose would pick ASU regardless of whether they also take Michigan.

Also, I don't see Clemson making it to the Orange Bowl. They'd have to win out against both Wake (not a terrible team) and BC to do it, and I think BC is better than that. Plus, Clemson would also have to get past either VT or UVA in the ACC game. They already got smoked by VT, and I'm biased but I think UVA'd beat 'em too.
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HailToMichigan;983922; said:
If OSU and Oregon go to the title game, the Rose gets to choose their own matchup. (A very interesting scenario that would be.) If they pick Michigan under that scenario, it'll only be because they want the Big Ten-Pac 10 matchup, so they'll pick Arizona State for that. Fiesta would salivate to get ASU but it won't happen because I think the Rose would pick ASU regardless of whether they also take Michigan.

Also, I don't see Clemson making it to the Orange Bowl. They'd have to win out against both Wake (not a terrible team) and BC to do it, and I think BC is better than that. Plus, Clemson would also have to get past either VT or UVA in the ACC game. They already got smoked by VT, and I'm biased but I think UVA'd beat 'em too.

My thoughts exactly, The Rose would get the first two at large bids and wouldnt likely take Hawaii or Michigan.
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kartaron;983920; said:
How likely do you think it is if the Rose Bowl loses both the Big 10 and Pac 10 teams that they are pressured to take on the second place teams?

Hawaii still has to beat Boise St. Since Boise is ranked it should help them jump.

Clemson has already been crushed by VT once.... Not much reason to believe they win the ACC championship unless you think UVA knocks off VT.

absolutely agree about the Rose bowl however I'd much rather see scUM try and handle an all out passing attack, that's all. (ASU vs scUM) not bad

The fiesta prolly would take Hawaii if they're still undefeated (Hawaii vs Oklahoma) I like it.

sorry, but I don't think BC is worth shit. they have struggled too much as of late and Ryan didn't show me much with 1 TD and 3 INTs vs FSU I also think he blew the Heisman Sat. night too...as far as clemson, VT or UVA could easily replace them when it's all said and done I know.(VT vs Kansas) would be sweet too. or (UVA vs Kansas)

That was just my two cents; with three games left for most conferences and a championship game, there's alot of football left, it's a shame the Big ten doesn't schedule a bye week somewhere in the sched. so it's not so damn long before the bowls.

I really think those extra two weeks hurt more than help. IE last year's 50+ day lay off. Oh well, until JD starts scheduling a bye week for the Big Ten and has The Game after turkey day that's just the way it is.

Go Bucks!!
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What's going to be funny as shit is LSU winning the rest of their regular season games, staying at clear-cut #2 in the BCS standings, only to lose in the SEC title game...you know, the game that's supposed to determine the "real" SEC champion despite a team having the best in-conference record and being a consensus #2 in the country. It would be hilarious for the SEC to fuck itself out of having a team in the NC game...
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