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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

MililaniBuckeye;984287; said:
What's going to be funny as shit is LSU winning the rest of their regular season games, staying at clear-cut #2 in the BCS standings, only to lose in the SEC title game...you know, the game that's supposed to determine the "real" SEC champion despite a team having the best in-conference record and being a consensus #2 in the country. It would be hilarious for the SEC to fuck itself out of having a team in the NC game...

and lets all take a moment and reflect on the fact that OSU and tsun have 1 game left each before they meet for the B10 CG on 11/17.
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MililaniBuckeye;984287; said:
What's going to be funny as shit is LSU winning the rest of their regular season games, staying at clear-cut #2 in the BCS standings, only to lose in the SEC title game...you know, the game that's supposed to determine the "real" SEC champion despite a team having the best in-conference record and being a consensus #2 in the country. It would be hilarious for the SEC to fuck itself out of having a team in the NC game...

It wouldn't be the first time. In 2001, LSU beat Tennessee who was #2 at the time and headed to the championship game with a victory.
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College football
After Ohio State, who's next?
As unpredictable season winds down, teams jockey for No. 2 spot in BCS rankings
Tuesday, November 6, 2007 3:46 AM
By Tim May

It is folly to count two victories before they happen in college football, this season especially. Just for the sake of conjecture, however, imagine that top-ranked Ohio State is 12-0 with its ticket already punched to the national championship game. Which is the next-best team out there? Or, more to the point, with four weekends left in the race, which team from among unbeaten Kansas and once-beaten LSU, Oregon, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Missouri and Boston College has the best chance of grabbing the No. 2 spot?

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Boston Globe

Fitting ending will be an upset

By Mark Blaudschun Globe Staff / November 9, 2007

If the regular season plays out without any more upsets involving teams in the top 5, the Bowl Championship Series national championship game in New Orleans Jan. 7 will likely pit Ohio State and Louisiana State.
Big Ten vs. Southeastern Conference. Power vs. speed.
Do we really want to see that? Didn't we see that a year ago, when an Ohio State team loaded with more talent, including Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback Troy Smith, roared into the BCS title game looking to go undefeated and was routed by Florida, the once-beaten SEC champion?
On paper, such a matchup is appealing. Unbeaten Big Ten champion with a stout defense and an opportunistic, aggressive offense, a team that has been on top in the rankings since mid-October, against once-beaten LSU, its only loss coming in triple overtime at Kentucky.


What we might see, however, is a repeat of last year's title game rout, which would be a tough way to end what has been a spectacular season.
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MililaniBuckeye;984287; said:
What's going to be funny as shit is LSU winning the rest of their regular season games, staying at clear-cut #2 in the BCS standings, only to lose in the SEC title game...you know, the game that's supposed to determine the "real" SEC champion despite a team having the best in-conference record and being a consensus #2 in the country. It would be hilarious for the SEC to fuck itself out of having a team in the NC game...

I have a friend that is a huge LSU fan and he has been saying this for a while, and your right ? it will be hilarious.
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MililaniBuckeye;984287; said:
What's going to be funny as shit is LSU winning the rest of their regular season games, staying at clear-cut #2 in the BCS standings, only to lose in the SEC title game...you know, the game that's supposed to determine the "real" SEC champion despite a team having the best in-conference record and being a consensus #2 in the country. It would be hilarious for the SEC to fuck itself out of having a team in the NC game...

I agree that that would be funny. The SEC fans would then complain that the Big Ten should have a championship to make things "fair." (Don't bother explaining that even if the Big Ten WANTED a championship game, they aren't allowed to have one with only 11 teams in the conference.) The SEC fans would rather complain about the Big Ten (something that no SEC official has ANY power over) than fix their own situation (something that they DO have power over).
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CONFIRMED! BCS: Knock Em' Off/It Ain't Over

If we fall no lower than 8th in the BCS Ohio State is NOT out of the National Championship picture.

LSU: @Ole Miss, Arkansas, SEC Championship
Oregon: @Arizona, @UCLA, Oregon State
Kansas: Iowa State, Missouri, BIG 12 Champsionship
Oklahoma: @Texas Tech, Oklahoma State, BIG 12 Championship
Missouri: @Kansas State, @Kansas, BIG 12 Championship
West Virginia: @Cincinnati, U Conn, Pitt
Arizona State: USC, Arizona

Our regular season may end next week but there is still a lot of football to be played. Every team but Kansas needs just one more loss to drop below Ohio State and I don't see any of them as world-beaters. In what may be one of the wackiest years ever in college football - why not?

Get focused - Beat Michigan - Wait.
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As I said earlier ...
sandgk;990622; said:
Go Bucks!

But, we are 10-1, we are one win away from Pasadena. Gone is the National Championship dream, barring convulsive errors on the part of several other contenders - all of whom will be ranked higher than the Buckeyes by 7PM Sunday.
It was better when things were fully in the Buckeyes control. Now, to paraphrase Blanche DuBois, they depend on the foolishness of strangers.
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Where is all this respect for Oklahoma coming from? Their schedule has not been tougher and they have an uglier loss than us. I guess it comes down to the media's infatuation with offense(even though OU could only manage 17 points against lowly ISU) because it sure as hell isn't their D that's worthy of respect.
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It's not over mathematically, but in every other way it is. Ole Miss is a bye week, Arkansas is a one man team with no backbone, and the SEC title game looks like it will be against middling Tennessee, so I don't see LSU losing. Oregon should win those 3 easily, it would be almost impossible for no one to come out of the Big XII with one loss, and if WVU wins at Cincy next game they should cruise in too. I'm facing reality and saying we're out, but we can still try for #2 with a big bowl win.
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Go Cincinnati! Beat West Virginia!

Got to rep some in-state pride every once in a while. And, they could really help us out.

But yeah, we can always hope for the dominos to fall into place, but we really have to worry about Michigan.
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