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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

The candy ass'd sports writters and voters hate the Big Ten and they already have the teams they'd like to see play for the National Title. Ohio State was just in their way but now that they've lost the sports writters can put LSU and The Sooners back in the National Title race. The truth is they aren't better teams they've been beat by teams they shouldn't have lost to also. The Big 12 and the SEC both have a couple programs at th top while the other schools in their conference have losing records just like the Big Ten.

I'm a Big Ten fan and I'll always defend the Big Ten.
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If we beat scUM, we will be 11-1; if we win our bowl, that would be the first time we've had a one loss season since our NC year in 2002.
So, to beat Meatchicken and win a bowl, it will STILL be a very good year.

A very disappointing loss, but there are always upsides...

Boeckman- should be embarassed, angry, and dedicated to winning the next two games.

The D - certainlyhas a lot of film to look at.

Juniors who were thinking about the NFL ---- have one more reason to come back: to beat Illinois and NOT dance on their logo next year. Restore the class.

And, if we had to lose sometime, someday, well, at least it wasn't to scUM and it wasn't in a bowl.

So let's beat scUM, let's beat USC or ASU or whoever ends up in the Rose Bowl. It would be a great year.

And let's hope the Big Ten wins all of their bowls, especially the Big Ten/SEC matchups.

Life goes on........ although I'm still bummed.

Go Bucks!
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Carmen Ohio;990747; said:
Hell no!!! (Don't stop him he's on a roll)

:rofl: :biggrin:

osucollegebuck;990826; said:
Wasn't it the Japanese?

ummmm please see Animal House immediately. There is no other option.

localyokel;990828; said:
I realize I don't usually comment here, just lurk, so I don't have a solid take on everybody's personality & sense of humor. That said, Mike, you are joking around, right?

After yesterday, my confidence in my ability to interpret reality is a little shaky.

We can either dwell on the loss and let it ruin our season or we can take it as the learning experience it was and move forward. Sometimes some levity can refocus people and make them realize the world is not at an end.

sandgk;990847; said:
Thanks - we all needed a laugh ...

you are most welcome sir :biggrin:
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UpNorthBuckeye;990859; said:
If we beat scUM, we will be 11-1; if we win our bowl, that would be the first time we've had a one loss season since our NC year in 2002.
So, to beat Meatchicken and win a bowl, it will STILL be a very good year.

A very disappointing loss, but there are always upsides...

Boeckman- should be embarassed, angry, and dedicated to winning the next two games.

The D - certainlyhas a lot of film to look at.

Juniors who were thinking about the NFL ---- have one more reason to come back: to beat Illinois and NOT dance on their logo next year. Restore the class.

And, if we had to lose sometime, someday, well, at least it wasn't to scUM and it wasn't in a bowl.

So let's beat scUM, let's beat USC or ASU or whoever ends up in the Rose Bowl. It would be a great year.

And let's hope the Big Ten wins all of their bowls, especially the Big Ten/SEC matchups.

Life goes on........ although I'm still bummed.
Go Bucks!

x-cellent points and I am so bummed
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lumpster63;990856; said:
The candy ass'd sports writters and voters hate the Big Ten and they already have the teams they'd like to see play for the National Title. Ohio State was just in their way but now that they've lost the sports writters can put LSU and The Sooners back in the National Title race. The truth is they aren't better teams they've been beat by teams they shouldn't have lost to also. The Big 12 and the SEC both have a couple programs at th top while the other schools in their conference have losing records just like the Big Ten.

I'm a Big Ten fan and I'll always defend the Big Ten.
FWIW, only Minnesota has a losing record in the Big 10....and only Mississippi has a losing record in the SEC.....and only Iowa State and Baylor having a losing record in the Big 12. In fact, the Pac 10 is the only BCS conference with more than 2 teams with losing records- they have 4.

5 teams in front of tOSU will lose before bowl season, but that won't be enough to put us in New Orleans.
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I'll be damn happy with a win against scUM next week and a trip to the Rose Bowl. We can't make it to the NC game every year folks. The Bucks didn't play like they usually do yesterday and Illinois took advantage of it. If somehow we make it to the NC game anyway, then great, but if we don't and go to the Rose Bowl, it's still a successful season.
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