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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

Tresselbeliever;982877; said:
Oregon won't have a chance.

This biggest victory of the year, over SC, is looking less and less glamorous cuz SC is really not the team that people expected. Michigan will have three L's by the end of the season, one of which is App. State.

I think it'll be OSU/LSU provided both win out.

Oregon just beat an undefeated ASU team that the computers loved. Depending on how the computers see Oregon now, they have a shot BCS wise because they will likely only be 1 spot back in the human polls.

Then again if Oklahama wins the B12 CG they will have another quality win under their belts but that Colorado loss is getting uglier by the week.

I think it would be OSU/LSU if both win out but if everyone wins out it will get interesting.

BTW don't look now but Arkansas is getting hot and LSU's D is not.
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Tresselbeliever;982877; said:
Oregon won't have a chance.

This biggest victory of the year, over SC, is looking less and less glamorous cuz SC is really not the team that people expected. Michigan will have three L's by the end of the season, one of which is App. State.

I think it'll be OSU/LSU provided both win out.

Cant we say the same about LSU. Big confrence win vs. Florida, but now florida isn't looking so hot.
Big non-confrence win vs. VT, but now VT has 2 losses.
Both have close losses, and wins over other top 25 teams. I can easily see an argument for both teams as #2
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Bowl Projections:

BCS National Championship
Ohio State (BCS #1) vs. LSU (BCS #2)

Orange Bowl
Boston College (ACC Champs) vs. West Virginia (Big East Champs)

Fiesta Bowl
Oklahoma (Big 12 Champs) vs. Auburn (At-large)

Sugar Bowl
Hawaii (At-large) vs. Arizona State (At-large)

Rose Bowl
Oregon (Pac-10 Champs) vs. Kansas (At-large)
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TGfan06;982888; said:
Cant we say the same about LSU. Big confrence win vs. Florida, but now florida isn't looking so hot.
Big non-confrence win vs. VT, but now VT has 2 losses.
Both have close losses, and wins over other top 25 teams. I can easily see an argument for both teams as #2

Florida looks good. VT pulled off an near upset of #2. If LSU wins out, and I'm not saying this is right, the voters will give them that #2 spot. Everything, the TV ratings, the traveling fan base, the number of storylines, all these factors go against Oregon being picked for #2.
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Tresselbeliever;982895; said:
Florida looks good. VT pulled off an near upset of #2.

Florida might end up in third place in their division. And that VT near upset of #2 is looking less and less interesting, since that #2 team lost to an average FSU team at home. I say Boston College pulls another South Florida and they begin a free fall.
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BCS National Championship
Ohio State (BCS #1) vs. Oregon (BCS #2)

Orange Bowl
Virginia Tech (ACC Champs) vs. U Conn (Big East Champs)

Fiesta Bowl
Oklahoma (Big 12 Champs) vs. Boston College (At-large)

Sugar Bowl
Georgia (SEC Champs) vs. West Virginia (At-large)

Rose Bowl
LSU (At-large) vs. Kansas (At-large)
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Jaxbuck;982883; said:
Oregon just beat an undefeated ASU team that the computers loved. Depending on how the computers see Oregon now, they have a shot BCS wise because they will likely only be 1 spot back in the human polls.

Then again if Oklahama wins the B12 CG they will have another quality win under their belts but that Colorado loss is getting uglier by the week.

I think it would be OSU/LSU if both win out but if everyone wins out it will get interesting.

BTW don't look now but Arkansas is getting hot and LSU's D is not.

That's a pretty good projection there JaxBuck ..

tellshowbcs has new computer data up for November 4th.

Ohio State has 4 1st place, one 2nd and one 3rd place in computer - throw out low and high as always - average ranking of 1.25.
LSU snares a rating of 2.25 based on the middle of the following 1, 3, 2, 4, 3, 1

The interesting part is Kansas and Oregon.

They are separated in the computers by 0.25 of rank
Oregon the middle of 3, 4, 3, 3, 5, 2 - average 3.25

Kansas the middle of 4, 2, 12, 2, 2, 6 - average of 3.50.

Respective computer points
OSU - 0.99
LSU - 0.95
Oregon 0.90
Kansas 0.91

Things could get interesting if LSU drops another, Kansas' schedule beefs up some with the championship game in offing and a tilt against Missouri.

Tellshow also indicates Harris Poll as follows:

West Virginia
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With KU getting to #5 in the human polls they have to be in control of their own destiny, I would think.

They still play Mizzou and probably Oklahoma in the B12 CG (assuming they beat Mizzou). Thats two top 10 BCS wins at the end to go with an undefeated record. The only thing that could hold them back at that point would be the human pollsters but they are already 5th and the human polls try to jive up with the BCS rankings at the end of the year.

Again, all the talk will be over OU/LSU/OU and no one will be mentioning KU.

Part of me still wants LSU for all the credability it would bring but the dirty rotten prick in me wants to see an undefeated KU play us over a 1 loss LSU so I can see the rednecks down here go as apoplectic as they did when Woodson beat Manning for the Heisman.
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Eventually, Kansas has to be recognized as a force this season. 76 points against any team is impressive.
Against Nebraska, is just sick.
Their name is worth about as much as Notre Dame's at this point. I'm guessing you missed their last 8 games. Points given up? 49, 41, 17, 41, 45, 36, 28, 76. Charles ran for 200+ yards in the 4th quarter. Ball State hung 40 on them (dropped a wide open TD to make it 47).
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Bobby Hoying;982936; said:
Florida might end up in third place in their division. And that VT near upset of #2 is looking less and less interesting, since that #2 team lost to an average FSU team at home. I say Boston College pulls another South Florida and they begin a free fall.
Unlikely given their remaining schedule: @Maryland, @Clemson, Miami. At worst I'd say they go 2-1 in that stretch. Maryland and Miami are in great danger of not going bowling.
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HailToMichigan;983532; said:
Unlikely given their remaining schedule: @Maryland, @Clemson, Miami. At worst I'd say they go 2-1 in that stretch. Maryland and Miami are in great danger of not going bowling.

I thought the same thing till I looked at the standings. That Clemson game is big as it could cost BC the ACC title game and nobody is going to care about a middling ACC team this year. That UVA/VT game is looking bigger every week as well.
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Interesting facts from Sagarin's (used in BCS formula)

The Sagarin's ranking (ELO CHESS) that the BCS uses...has Northern Iowa (div 1 AA) #10

YSU is considered to be of higher value than Minnesota (120 vs. 125 ELO CHESS)

Notre Dame is #102 (2nd hardest schedule in country, #1 is Washington)

Our schedule strength is #63 and 1-0 vs. top 30

PSU is the only top 30 team we have played, although Purdue (#32) can probably get in there if they win out. Illinois #30 but will fall after Sat.

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