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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off

sandgk;964877; said:
Taos - BC isn't thus rated in the BCS till after they play their game this weekend. Should they lose at VT no dice. Should they win and Ohio State take care of business vs. the Spartans then they retain their presumptive #2 BCS ranking.

Right now they are #3 in the BCS standings.

So yes, they are presumptive - by definition.

There is a minor but important clarification to be made here...

Three of the five remaining unbeatens are idle this weekend, and BC is one of them (along with ASU and Hawaii). BC plays in Blacksburg next Thursday.

Nevertheless, your point that they are presumptive is valid. If LSU destroys Auburn it is possible (not likely) that they will gain enough ground in the human polls to catch BC. Oklahoma stands between LSU and BC in both human polls, so they'd probably have to look bad against ISU for LSU to make up enough ground. The Tigers need not catch BC in the human polls: they are already ahead of the Eagles in every single one of the computer polls.

All of this is a moo point after BC loses next Thursday.
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DaddyBigBucks;965030; said:
All of this is a moo point after BC loses next Thursday.

Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion. It just doesn't matter. It's moo.

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DaddyBigBucks;964474; said:
Here is my take on Boston College:

They beat the University of Massachussets Minutemen by 10 points.

starBUCKS;964480; said:
Here is my take on Boston College

They won't be in the BCS Championship game
Here is my take on Boston College

Flutie's a dork...

Taosman;964875; said:
If the BCS formula says your #2 or #1, your not presumptive.

If you're using the wrong homophone twice in the same sentence, then you're not very smart...

By the way, a homophone is not what Thump uses to make calls...
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I just wish once a week ESPN had a 1 hour show on how the week before they praised and gave butt love to a certian team and that team goes down in flames that same day. Justice needs to be served!!!! I heard how USF is WAY better the tOSU from Monday till Thursday night. I didn't hear too much on friday about HOW WRONG those idoits were!!!
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Taosman;964876; said:
Give Mark May credit for knowing how to stir the pot! :tongue2:

Yeah, South Florida is #1 and here's why :slappy:

Nah, let's give credit where credit is due, Mark May is a guy who knows his football...


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If Va. Tech's 10-0 lead entering the 4th quarter holds up, B.C. should drop below South Florida and have no reasonable shot at the title game.

ESPN just showed the BCS standings, including the large gap between LSU and 4th place Arizona St. Chris Fowler said that if LSU won out, they probably wouldn't be jumped.

I diasgree. I think he's right about an undefeated Kansas not jumpng a 1-loss LSU. But I think an undefeated Arizona St. team (with wins over Oregon, USC and Cal) should jump a 1-loss LSU, whose remaining opponents have a combined 14-16 W-L record (of course they'll probably get a 10-2 team in the SEC Championship Game).

But I see that as the next BCS debate - assuming tOSU, LSU, and Arizona State all win this weekend. I think Arizona St. is under-ranked in the polls right now, but if they win out, the humans will place them at #3, behind tOSU and LSU, but ahead of even 1-loss Oklahoma. The computers would probably have them at #1 or #2 if they finish undefeated. I think that would be enough to jump LSU for #2 in the overall BCS rankings, and send the folks in SEC-land, especially bayou country, through the roof.

edit - well, I did say "If ..." for Va. Tech. I still think B.C. will lose a game, and then the Arizona State scenario could play out. But there won't be much talk about it for the next week.
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But now, even if BC loses a game....they just beat a VERY highly ranked team on the road. One of the best things you can do as far as the computers are concerned. They just put themselves in perfect position to not necessarily be jumped if they lose one......although LSU would have to be out of the picture.
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BB73;971481; said:
If Va. Tech's 10-0 lead entering the 4th quarter holds up, B.C. should drop below South Florida and have no reasonable shot at the title game.

ESPN just showed the BCS standings, including the large gap between LSU and 4th place Arizona St. Chris Fowler said that if LSU won out, they probably wouldn't be jumped.

I diasgree. I think he's right about an undefeated Kansas not jumpng a 1-loss LSU. But I think an undefeated Arizona St. team (with wins over Oregon, USC and Cal) should jump a 1-loss LSU, whose remaining opponents have a combined 14-16 W-L record (of course they'll probably get a 10-2 team in the SEC Championship Game).

But I see that as the next BCS debate - assuming tOSU, LSU, and Arizona State all win this weekend. I think Arizona St. is under-ranked in the polls right now, but if they win out, the humans will place them at #3, behind tOSU and LSU, but ahead of even 1-loss Oklahoma. The computers would probably have them at #1 or #2 if they finish undefeated. I think that would be enough to jump LSU for #2 in the overall BCS rankings, and send the folks in SEC-land, especially bayou country, through the roof.

edit - well, I did say "If ..." for Va. Tech. I still think B.C. will lose a game, and then the Arizona State scenario could play out. But there won't be much talk about it for the next week.

Yeah, well............... BC 14 VT 10 Final.

Agree with the Arizona State thing, though

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HailToMichigan;971576; said:
But now, even if BC loses a game....they just beat a VERY highly ranked team on the road. One of the best things you can do as far as the computers are concerned. They just put themselves in perfect position to not necessarily be jumped if they lose one......although LSU would have to be out of the picture.

A 1-loss B.C. team would need more help beside LSU losing. I see a 1-loss BC dropping below the 1-loss winner of the USF-W. Va game, 1-loss Oklahoma, and any 1-loss Pac-10 team (Oregon, USC, even Arizona St.). They should stay above 1-loss Missouri and Kansas, though.
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BB73;971588; said:
A 1-loss B.C. team would need more help beside LSU losing. I see a 1-loss BC dropping below the 1-loss winner of the USF-W. Va game, 1-loss Oklahoma, and any 1-loss Pac-10 team (Oregon, USC, even Arizona St.). They should stay above 1-loss Missouri and Kansas, though.

Especially if they lose now. Had they lost this game, to Va Tech on the road at night in the 9th game of the season, they could have recovered by winning out and hoping some other teams lose. But if they lose later in the season, they wont have enough time to recover in the eyes of the voters. Its not right, but the timing of the loss matters even more than who the loss is to and where.
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