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BCS predictions/discussion/Knock Em' Off


Will Eagles fly into Ohio State's future?

Monday, October 29, 2007
It's . . . of the Week, the best of a weekend that was. Admit it, you're ac tually won dering where Todd Boeck man fits in the Heisman race.

Player of the Week
Boston College quarterback Matt Ryan:

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Article published Monday, October 29, 2007
Critics poke holes in Buckeyes' No. 1 ranking


COLUMBUS - Ohio State sits atop the college football world, on a perch that has proved both precarious, and tenuous. No. 1 always wears the largest bulls-eye on its back. But in the Buckeyes' case, a lot of the biggest shots that have come their way have been launched from off the field. Ohio State started the season out of the top 10, inched up in the poll as Buckeyes' wins were matched with losses by higher-ranked teams, and then assumed the No. 1 ranking three weeks ago, after previously top-ranked Southern Cal, and then Louisiana State, both lost.

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Article published Monday, October 29, 2007
Ohio State remains No. 1 to top poll


NEW YORK - For a change, there was little change at the top of the Top 25. Ohio State was No. 1 with Boston College second and LSU third, which is how they lined up last week. It's just the second time this season the top three was unchanged, the other being Week 1, when the preseason top three held their spots in the first regular season poll. The only changes in the top seven this week were minor with No. 4 Oregon and No. 5 Oklahoma switching places and No. 6 Arizona State and No. 7 West Virginia flip-flopping.

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Now do you believe me?

Now earlier when I posted that the Gators were over rated alot of you did not agree...how? I dont know. considering they had 2 losses by week 6. But now with 3 conference losses they are #20 in the BCS? This is getting rediculous.
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jeepman121;975739; said:
Now earlier when I posted that the Gators were over rated alot of you did not agree...how? I dont know. considering they had 2 losses by week 6. But now with 3 conference losses they are #20 in the BCS? This is getting rediculous.

People might agree or disagree with your opinion ... it has nothing to do with "believing" you. Personally, I think they are a little better than #20 but that does not matter. It isn't how good you are, it is how you perform. I think we were the better team last year but we did not perform like it. It only matters how you perform and what you do on the field.
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jeepman121;975739; said:
Now earlier when I posted that the Gators were over rated alot of you did not agree...how? I dont know. considering they had 2 losses by week 6. But now with 3 conference losses they are #20 in the BCS? This is getting rediculous.

I definitely believe that this did not need its own thread...

...therefore, merged for DJTideBuck.
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SEC voices little respect for Ohio State, Big Ten

Thursday, November 01, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- If the national championship game pits Ohio State against Boston College, the SEC may secede from the rest of the college football.
"I'm a huge college football fan," said Paul Finebaum, a columnist and sports talk radio host based in Birmingham, Ala., and one of the most influential college football voices in the South. "If it ends up Boston College and Ohio State, I'm getting a movie on pay-per-view that night. I'm not watching that game."
"I don't think anyone in Baton Rouge would take Ohio State and Boston College seriously," said Josh Innes, a co-host in LSU's hometown on The Score 1210. "People would think it's bogus. People think Ohio State is a complete fraud."

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Here's a BCS prediction for you:

If it ends up OSU-LSU in the title game, OSU will show up with a gigantic chip on their shoulder and win a close one.

Some of the SEC homers will not deal well with the sudden realization that cheering for the Tigers doesn't make them better than those damn Yankees. They will seek to find other ways to deem themselves superior, and there will be trouble; isolated incidents here and there and hopefully nothing more, but there will most certainly be trouble.
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osugrad21;978392; said:

SEC voices little respect for Ohio State, Big Ten

Thursday, November 01, 2007Doug Lesmerises
Plain Dealer Reporter
Columbus- If the national championship game pits Ohio State against Boston College, the SEC may secede from the rest of the college football.
"I'm a huge college football fan," said Paul Finebaum, a columnist and sports talk radio host based in Birmingham, Ala., and one of the most influential college football voices in the South. "If it ends up Boston College and Ohio State, I'm getting a movie on pay-per-view that night. I'm not watching that game."
"I don't think anyone in Baton Rouge would take Ohio State and Boston College seriously," said Josh Innes, a co-host in LSU's hometown on The Score 1210. "People would think it's bogus. People think Ohio State is a complete fraud."


I wonder how many times this writer tried to hit the Ignore button when his spell checker kept telling him that fraud is NOT spelled "frod"?
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Retired coaches say their poll is the champ

Saturday, November 3, 2007 3:32 AM
By Rob Oller

  • Master poll voters
  • John Cooper, Ohio State, Arizona State
  • Terry Donahue, UCLA
  • Vince Dooley, Georgia
  • Pat Dye, Auburn
  • LaVell Edwards, Brigham Young
  • Hayden Fry, Iowa
  • Don James, Washington
  • Frank Kush, Arizona State
  • Dick MacPherson, Syracuse
  • Bill Mallory, Indiana, Colorado
  • Don Nehlen, West Virginia
  • Tom Osborne, Nebraska
  • John Ralston, Stanford, Utah State
  • John Robinson, Southern California
  • R.C. Slocum, Texas A&M
  • Gene Stallings, Alabama
  • George Welsh, Virginia

Former Iowa coach Hayden Fry insists that the defining distinction among poll voters lies just beneath the, uh, surface.
"Our poll really should be the best poll in college, because in the other polls they've got guys voting who haven't ever put on a jock," said Fry, without apology.
Retirement has its privileges, such as stating your opinion without having the athletic director or school president slap you on the wrist, which is a big reason why Mondays are so much fun for the 17 former college coaches who comprise the Master Coaches Poll.
Created in 2005, the Master poll is not part of the Bowl Championship Series formula used to determine the two best teams in the country, but that hasn't stopped some of the coaches from saying that it should be.

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Jaxbuck;982523; said:
I can't wait to hear the wailing and nashing of teeth down here when the Oregon vs LSU for #2 debate starts.

The BCS has a job to do. If tOSU wins out, it will have to determine their opponent from:

1. LSU, if they get past Arkansas and the SEC CCG
2. The Kansas/Missouri winner and their opponent (s/ be Oklahoma) in the Big 12 CCG
3. Oregon, assuming they win out
4. West Virginia, assuming they win out

Instead of listening to Brent Musberger, and mindlessly moving up LSU from 3 to 2 since BC has lost, each voter in the Harris and Coaches poll should look at each team's body of work for the entire season, and rank them from 2 through 7 accordingly. And after each week's games, they should repeat that process.

Of course, I realize that's asking too much. :tongue2:
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BB73;982539; said:
The BCS has a job to do. If tOSU wins out, it will have to determine their opponent from:

1. LSU, if they get past Arkansas and the SEC CCG
2. The Kansas/Missouri winner and their opponent (s/ be Oklahoma) in the Big 12 CCG
3. Oregon, assuming they win out
4. West Virginia, assuming they win out

Instead of listening to Brent Musberger, and mindlessly moving up LSU from 3 to 2 since BC has lost, each voter in the Harris and Coaches poll should look at each team's body of work for the entire season, and rank them from 2 through 7 accordingly. And after each week's games, they should repeat that process.

Of course, I realize that's asking too much. :tongue2:

From that list of 4 its hard to take WVU seriously. That loss to USF is looking worse and worse.

Then again they did beat an SEC team this year so maybe thy should be #1.
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Jaxbuck;982523; said:
I can't wait to hear the wailing and nashing of teeth down here when the Oregon vs LSU for #2 debate starts.

Oregon won't have a chance.

This biggest victory of the year, over SC, is looking less and less glamorous cuz SC is really not the team that people expected. Michigan will have three L's by the end of the season, one of which is App. State.

I think it'll be OSU/LSU provided both win out.
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