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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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bux_k_a;1056273; said:
OK. - Anyone want my plates? I'm fucking done!! I have had enough!! I am a 1987 grad of OSU and I will no longer watch them -- ever. John Cooper can kiss my ass!! He lost to the "great" SEC 6 fucking times!! And he if he hadn't lost that many times maybe i could take this loss but sorry - I've had enough fucking losses to meatchicken and the SEC in bowl games. With the talent we had we should have won 3 NCG's under Cooper's dumb ass. And the really sad thing is i just bought a 37" HD TV to take to the games next year - look for my tix for sale!!
I'll start the ticket bidding at $10 - obviously that is all they are worth to you. :tongue2:
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Alright, here is my final take on this game. And, I'm gonna be honest about it.

1. The offense. Inconsistent play calling. Unable to control the ball for a long time. No huddle offense non-existent.

2. Todd Boeckman. First interception, not his fault. Unable to get everything on that throw due to offensive line mishap. Second interception, his fault. Hartline was wide open. Fumble shouldn't have happened, since you have to get rid of it above all else on 4th down, period. Seemed to lack pocket awareness. Overall, a poor game.

3. Antonio Henton. For just a set, or a package, yes, I would have liked to have seen him.

4. Jim Heacock. My only complaint is how long the Tigers held the ball. In reality, both those touchdowns the Tigers scored in the 2nd half were opportunistic. It was a dumb penalty for running into the kicker, and then trying to raise the score. He didn't do THAT BAD OF A JOB, when you consider the amount of yards LSU gained.

5. Beanie. Great game, but he was underutilized.

6. Saine. Great game. Would have liked to have seen him get a carry.

7. Robiskie. That drop killed the momentum dearly. Not the field goal block, the drop in the endzone. That sad, he had tight coverage all day.

8. Hartline. Thanks for playing so hard, and getting that TD to make the score what it really was: A 14 point game.

9. Special teams. Kicking off to LSU was good. Return game was terrible. Running into the kicker was terrible.

10. The reality of this season. We overachieved the whole way through the drive to want to do better. If at the beginning of the season, I was told we would win the Big Ten, dominate Michigan, and lose in the BCS Championship Game, I'd have taken it.

11. The reality of next season. Players are going to be leaving. Will the drive to succeed leave them as well? I doubt it. This team just has to stay motivated, and they can achieve great things. Beating USC will certainly shut up a lot of the media that will bash on us, starting tomorrow.

12. I never gave up hope. And none of you should have either.

EDIT: Oh yeah, the afore mentioned maturity difference between the two teams. That was key.
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it was the mental ones that killed us....

Wingate is right on the money. The personal fouls were unexcusable, except for maybe the early one (poor replay angle), and they came during critical downs. The Bucks made a ton of mistakes tonight, and in a game of this magnitude, against the most talented team faced all year, that's how you get beat. On the plus side, the effort to take it into the fourth quarter was a positive. Guys played hard to the very end, and if the youth of this team isn't motivated during the off-season, then the wrong guys have been recruited. Just have to keep knocking on that national championship door, or just kick it in. :biggrin:
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Clarity;1054849; said:
We didn't lose because of speed, we lost because of LSU's strength/push and discipline (our lack thereof). I'd say this could be weakly scraped as a silver lining, but we all know that the media (and many SEC fans, although this is not meant towards the bulk of the LSU fans we've enjoyed here the last month or so) will ignore that fact.

As others have said, a huge congrats to LSU. A convincing enough win, that there is no way they should have the media diluting their win by trying to annoint USC in parallel. The Tigers ARE the 2008 National Champions, and in a season as crazy as any of us have ever seen, they are absolutely unquestionabily deserving.

Before anyone here says something ridiculous like "JT is losing his lustre" they really need to consider what it takes to go to 2 national title games back to back. Three in six years. He's losing his sheen? You've lost your mind. This team was picked by most to be third in the Big Ten. Very few of us even here on this site picked this team to go 1 loss and play for the title. The team OVER achieved, they didn't under achieve. I'm not trying to be Pollyannish, I'm not trying to blow sunshine up your collective ass -- all I'm saying is that we have nothing to be ashamed of.

We were embarrassed by Florida. We were NOT embarrassed tonight. No "coulda shoulda woulda's" here. LSU flat won. Their defensive line is everything it's made out to be and more. No question. However, this was a much more hard fought game than last year's was. That shows in the stats. That shows in the effort on the field. The only place it doesn't show is in the score. The score, of course, is what it's all about. Don't mistake my point for some weak attempt to say "BUT look, we did better here and there!" That's not it at all. LSU won, but they won a much harder fought game than the score will suggest to those that didn't watch.

We are a very young team, and the future looks as bright as the recent past has. Don't for a second reduce what our team accomplished this year by remaining petulant about this loss for too long. We will be top 5 coming into next season. We will enter with a veteran team, and an enormously talented incoming class of recruits. This year was an extraordinary success based on general expectations, and we have no reason to expect anything less next year.

Two national championship losses in a row. 0-9 against the SEC. We're going to be roundly abused by opposing fans and the media for another year. You know what? GOOD. It was hunger that made us over achieve all this year. It will be hunger that drives us next year.

And hey, at least we're not the Buffalo Bills (yet). :biggrin:

I felt sick after last year's loss. Literally ill. My stomach and mind are still as I sit here typing this. I hate that we lost. But we lost a good game to a great team. In the process, we (as a site) evidenced again what makes us a different community than so many others. For the most part, we kept our cool, we're gracious in defeat, and we've made some new (and hopefully lasting) friends in the Tiger nation.

We have all the time in the world to break down this game and talk about what went wrong, and what went right. Don't worry about blame tonight. Don't try and roast Spitler, the O-line, Boeckman, or anyone else. These are all surface level considerations, and don't give proper time or credit to the whole of the game. I'm actually really looking forward to the community-level analysis that always comes after a loss around here, and it generally takes a few days for minds to clear enough for that to start to come together properly. It NEVER starts with "dump Boeckman" or "X, Y, and/or Z suck."

We played for the National Championship again. We lost. The latter hurts badly. The former is an undeniable source of pride, and an inarguable defense against those who would try and kick us while we're down.

THANK YOU, I say blindly and indirectly to our team and coaches, our seniors and any departing juniors in particular. Thanks to this community for ADDING to the joy of Buckeye football, at least for me, rather than detracting from it as I found so often elsewhere.

Congrats again to the National Champion LSU Tigers and all fans thereof. Enjoy this moment, I still remember what it was like as if it were yesterday, and I have the utmost confidence that I will experience it again in the near future.

LSU, USC, Ohio State -- these three programs aren't going anywhere. Maybe include Texas, Oklahoma, and Florida as well; the point was simply that next year starts this all anew, and those first three teams will be right back in the mix again.

Keep your heads up.

What he said. :) Congrats, LSU fans. Stand tall, Buckeye fans.
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Ugh, this is painful. Florida flat out beat us -- manhandled us. I could resign myself in that one knowing the better team won. This one hurts though, because the game was right there for the taking without all the stupid personal fouls. 14 points off of 15-yarders. This one will take longer to get over. No disrespect intended towards LSU. They earned it.

But this one burns.
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Quick synopsis of what I saw and feel.

We played much more aggressive tonight, but got out-coached. Not in a sense that Heacock deserves ridicule, but in a sense that LSU deserves a ton of credit.

Our coaching staff should have recognized that Florida WOULD play dirty last year. Urban Meyer rarely lines up straight. His philosophy of utilizing "outside" athletes completely kept us off balance with weird formations and a game plan that treated every 5-6 yard gain as if it were a very significant win. Those 5-6 yard wins ended up in domination of our big play defense.

This year we were again fought DIRTY. We decided to be more agressive after the embarrassment we endured last year. Only problem is, the LSU coaching staff recognized where we lacked in aggressiveness last year, and recognized we would try to NOT repeat the same mistakes twice, AND THEY DOMINATED US.

LSU KILLED US WITH MISDIRECTION!!!! Plain and simple. We did not lose because we lack the athletes. We certainly do not, and will own the most NFL players single handedly after the draft this April. We got beat by a great gameplan that took advantage of our aggressiveness. LSU's coaching staff utilized our strenghths against us.

I could say a lot more, and break the game down a ton more but I doubt it makes any difference.

This loss hurts, and I won't want tp hear any type of media until the USC game next year.

Congrats to LSU for an excellent gameplan, and the execution of that gameplan.

Good luck to James, Malcolm, and Vernon as they proceed to the next phase of their lives. I'm sure they wish the left with a "W" instead of a National Championship "L".
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buckeyes_rock;1059163; said:
daveeb;1057326; said:
liked to have seen him get a carry.

7. Robiskie. That drop killed the momentum dearly. Not the field goal block, the drop in the endzone. That said, he had tight coverage all day. quote]

It ended up being a 7 point swing...

Can't say exactly but it was a 14 point swing with LSU scoring off the blocked FG.
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Dryden;1059169; said:
Ugh, this is painful. Florida flat out beat us -- manhandled us. I could resign myself in that one knowing the better team won. This one hurts though, because the game was right there for the taking without all the stupid personal fouls. 14 points off of 15-yarders. This one will take longer to get over. No disrespect intended towards LSU. They earned it.

But this one burns.
Agreed - it was like that for me also.

We'll both raise our respective glasses to the season though - yes?
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Folks, before I go off to bed... give me some education here. Was this game an issue of youth vs. experience? Or was this a coaching staff that didn't foresee some things coming? I'm dissapointed that we seemingly forgot that TE was a part of the offense for LSU.

On one hand, I know OSU was young and a year away, and fortunate to be in this game. But one the other hand, we got to this point for a reason, and why in the hell could we not slow down an offense that Kentucky and Arkansas slowed down? After all, OSU has 3 first round draft picks (or so I've been told) on the defensive side of the ball. Am I crazy? Or should I have expected more from the defense?

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Dryden;1059169; said:
Ugh, this is painful. Florida flat out beat us -- manhandled us. I could resign myself in that one knowing the better team won. This one hurts though, because the game was right there for the taking without all the stupid personal fouls. 14 points off of 15-yarders. This one will take longer to get over. No disrespect intended towards LSU. They earned it.

But this one burns.


Just to offer an observation, it's completely the other way around for me.

I was despondent last year because we didn't show up and didn't compete.

This year we showed up. Sure, we made too many mistakes; but at least we showed up. We played hard for 60 minutes.

I'm proud of the Buckeyes this year. Last year I just wanted to die.
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