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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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daveeb;1057326; said:
7. Robiskie. That drop killed the momentum dearly. Not the field goal block, the drop in the endzone. That sad, he had tight coverage all day.

True man...I remember thinking after he couldn't hang on to that potential TD what a huge change of momentum that was. It ended up being a 7 point swing and then when we tried to get it right back on the next drive the INT costed us another 7. Huge swing in the ball game. But that's football. Breaks didn't go our way tonight.

But have to give Robo props on his 4th down catch for his TD. Great hands on that one.
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Elkbuck;1054891; said:
I'm not at all blaming the officials but what conference where they from. It seemed to me that there were only three penalties for LSU.
Again, we lost the game, we go on.:osu:

You take the high road, I'll lay blame the at the officials feet. Lousy, one-sided calls - this is amateur athletics, not professional wrestling. I would like to see more scrutiny of the calls in college football, maybe a top 5 worst calls of the week and a means to address them rather than just sweeping it under the rug and pretending bias doesn't exist so that it doesn't hurt the bottom line.

Don't get me wrong, LSU is definitely #1, but if the officials are going to call a tight or loose game, the same standards should be applied to both teams.

No regrets, OSU played as well as LSU, but OSU made more mistakes and got the blunt end of 3-4 BS personal fouls that took the wind out of them. LSU would not be where they are without the benefit of some really bad calls in several games (Alabama, Auburn, and now OSU).

Great job Buckeyes! You are the better team!!!
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sandgk;1059175; said:
Agreed - it was like that for me also.

We'll both raise our respective glasses to the season though - yes?
Absolutely. LSU earned the victory, and I don't want my ranting to be construed as taking anything away from them, or sour grapes, or whatever -- take it as the angry ramblings of a drunk man, but the non-holding calls in the 1st quarter (two times clearly evident while Ironhead was flailing one arm), followed by the defense completely quitting in the 2nd, plus the personal fouls. It went to our head tonight.

I absolutely will not make excuses. But this one hurts.
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Just two things hurt about this loss:

1. Not winning the national championship.

2. The disrespect from the rest of the nation.

The first will suck anytime you lose with a chance to hoist the big one. The second will sting only if you pay attention to the uninformed.

Other than that, this was a good team this year. No sugar-coating, because great teams win national titles. But forget what everyone else says about this team. Beating Michigan and winning the Big Ten isn't a bad consolation.

In case you need reminded every once in a while in the face of unrelenting criticism - We don't suck. We have a great program.
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Just getting back and not having the heart to read through this thread. 2 things that bothered me.

1: Why didn't they look for Nicol or Ballard. They are perfect for the 5-7 yard plays plus more.

2: Like some may have said. I don't know why they would have practiced Henton. I would have liked to see on the 3rd down with six mins to go atleast, bringing in Henton and Boeckman to the huddle, split Todd far right, and option run Antonio with Wells. Arkansas pounded that play, and suceeded it.

Coaches utilize what works for other teams. LSU started trying to run a spread, and drawing Flynn up the middle....just like Illinois.

The penalties killed us, same shit last year... were starting to look like sore losers with all these unsportsmenships.

Again I'm sorry Jake and Rory weren't given the chance to help.

Pryor would definetly challange for the job. Freshman or not, high school competition or not... he would at least share some series...minimum.
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buck e;1059177; said:
Folks, before I go off to bed... give me some education here. Was this game an issue of youth vs. experience? Or was this a coaching staff that didn't foresee some things coming? I'm dissapointed that we seemingly forgot that TE was a part of the offense for LSU.

On one hand, I know OSU was young and a year away, and fortunate to be in this game. But one the other hand, we got to this point for a reason, and why in the hell could we not slow down an offense that Kentucky and Arkansas slowed down? After all, OSU has 3 first round draft picks (or so I've been told) on the defensive side of the ball. Am I crazy? Or should I have expected more from the defense?


It sounds like you want to know why OSU lost this game.


OSU lost because LSU was the better team.

OSU lost because they are a year away from peaking. LSU peaked this year. We'll peak next year (if the team comes together as a unit).

OSU lost because a down year in the Big 10 didn't properly prepare us for a game like this. But then, a team that is a year away from peaking might not have made it through the Big 10 in a good year for the conference.

So yeah, it's partially inexperience. It's partially a lot of things.

But inexperienced or not, the Bucks should hold their heads high. They put together a fine season.
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NW_Buckeye;1059181; said:
You take the high road, I'll lay blame the at the officials feet. Lousy, one-sided calls - this is amateur athletics, not professional wrestling. I would like to see more scrutiny of the calls in college football, maybe a top 5 worst calls of the week and a means to address them rather than just sweeping it under the rug and pretending bias doesn't exist so that it doesn't hurt the bottom line.

Don't get me wrong, LSU is definitely #1, but if the officials are going to call a tight or loose game, the same standards should be applied to both teams.

No regrets, OSU played as well as LSU, but OSU made more mistakes and got the blunt end of 3-4 BS personal fouls that took the wind out of them. LSU would not be where they are without the benefit of some really bad calls in several games (Alabama, Auburn, and now OSU).

Great job Buckeyes! You are the better team!!!

When the wife thinks the officials called a bad game... for her to notice it had to be bad
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buck e;1059177; said:
Folks, before I go off to bed... give me some education here. Was this game an issue of youth vs. experience? Or was this a coaching staff that didn't foresee some things coming? I'm dissapointed that we seemingly forgot that TE was a part of the offense for LSU.

On one hand, I know OSU was young and a year away, and fortunate to be in this game. But one the other hand, we got to this point for a reason, and why in the hell could we not slow down an offense that Kentucky and Arkansas slowed down? After all, OSU has 3 first round draft picks (or so I've been told) on the defensive side of the ball. Am I crazy? Or should I have expected more from the defense?


Great observation and post here, although most will dismiss it.

This coaching staff and team prepared to NOT GEAT BEAT BEAT LIKE THEY DID LAST YEAR.

With that in mind thet were more aggressive and played more man defense, Unfortunately LSU recognized that OSU was going to be VERY aggressive and came up with a genious plan.

Slip the TE into the secondary. We got beat on that play so many times as our outside LB came on a blitz and left the TE uncovered for huge plays.

We need to learn how to become more aggressive in a system that backs plays up rather than brining a blitz that you get F'ed on if they pick the blitz up.
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I heart roughing the punter penalties. Fucking Not. Jesus H Cruise in the number of games I've seen in my life, which has to be in the thousands, I've seen that very penalty stick a dagger in HS, college, and pro teams more often than I can count. Note, I'm not saying that's WHY we lost the game by any means, but if there's one play that stuck the knife in for good, that was it. I never do get it. You've got guys in there who barely ever play rushing the punter, when blocking a punt is an almost zero percent play anyway. Possession is gold in a game like tonight, and that was an absolute killer from where I sat. The blocked FG was bad too,so of course they say specialty teams decide games and...

Herbie just said that he thought national perception has the Big Ten with Conference USA and the MAC. Seems a little stiff to me, but we definitely got kicked in the balls this year. My question is why is no one ragging on the ACC? They play in the south,with all that speed, and they were what...2-6 in bowl games? Where's the "MWC could beat the ACC in a football challenge" debates on ESPN? Seems like all they want to do is kick the conference that has put a team in the title game the past 2 years...I guess because their favorite Trojans keep getting left out with all their, what, Western Speed?

Anyway, it was a tough loss, LSU played a far superior football game, they did their thing, we didn't, I thought some of our guys underachieved (one OL in particular played the worst game I've ever seen him play), LSU played pretty well, and we didn't. We couldn't sustain our momentum, or stop theirs, for most of the game. We were within striking range a few times, and they rose up. Kudos to them.
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well... not quite as bad as last year. I really think we only ran 7 or 8 plays on offense all night. So, although I think Boeckman did a good job, it seems like JT is keeping a small playbook so as to make it easier on the QB.

The defense was okay, good int. by Jenkins. But ridiculous penalties.

I was most disappointed in the roughing-the-kicker penalty, and then also when we had a 3d and 7 or whatever, 12 minutes left, we call a time out, spend 3 minutes scheming and coming up with a brilliant move, and we get.... Boeckman fumbles getting hit.

One last thing I'm disappointed in, go back to our pre-season projections, and the tight ends were gonna see the ball a lot this year. If my kid was a 5 star tight end and OSU was recruiting him, I'd probably suggest he go somewhere else.

What did I like? a rebuilding year, and we end up in the NC game.

What else do I like? Next year we play USC. Beanie comes back for his final, glorious season. The new o-line starts to take shape.

It's all good.

Since I live in tsun, I'll have to take a lotta shit tomorrow, but oh well....

Good night and go Buckeyes!

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Tigertracker;1055336; said:
If it's OK with you folks, we would be happy to have a rematch next year at this same time. You guys seem to have a fatalistic view of this game, but please remember that there are about 116 other teams in div 1 that would have loved to be in your position. Congratulations on a fine season and beat the hell out of Michigan.

You know, I must say, that I have been nothing but impressed by the majority of the LSU fans who have posted here. Greenies for ya!

Congrats on your win, While I didn't see the fabled SEC speed everyone was screaming about, I did see near FLAWLESS execution on BOTH sides of the ball. While I will always love my Buckeyes, and tonight is painful, I was deeply impressed by the overall program you guys have [Even if you have a traitor for a coach - I did not know he was from Elyria- figures!].

You guys been through hell and back literally, so I can't think of anyone [besides us that is :)] More deserving.
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I hurt so bad right now everything that I start to write is so negative that it is hard to say anything at all. First the positive, THIS team at least played it's heart out and over achieved and left everything on the field but came up short. At this point in time, maybe we need to sit back and admit that the SEC is a tougher conference right now and maybe we are not quite as good as we would like to think we are. How in two back to back NC games can we give up so many points on defense if we are indeed the number 1 rated defense in the country. Could it be the level of competion that we face in the Big Ten, maybe if we played in a tougher conference we dont lead the country in defense. Everybody is pointing fingers at the offense, but how many times to we have to give up TD's to wide open receivers and not realize that either the talent isnt there or maybe something is not quite right with our game plan. (I vote game plan as our players lining up on Sunday speak for themselves)
Am I proud of our team, HELL YA but all I am saying is that maybe we have to admit that we are not the dynasty we would like to think we are especially if you do a gut check and see who we have been beating and who we have been losing to. Hell we are a holding call away from being 0-3 in the NC game, and when we kick ass next year (In the Big Ten) and go 12-0, do not be surprised if two 11-1 teams get picked to play in the NC game. The sting from this one is gonna last a long time and I think Tressell is gonna have to do his best coaching job ever to pick the team up off the mat and get em ready to play again next year.
It hurts, I am proud of our players, but maybe it is time for a reality check.
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We still beat scUM, and we will do it again next year. We outgained LSU, and the key, Boeckman, just didn't make enough plays to let Beanie control the game. I think we could have been much more dependent on the run, but I refuse to play the "we could have" game. I hope the buckeyes take it the right way, learn from their mistakes, and create a better team for next year. I guess...that's always what we hope for our Buckeyes!!!
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DaddyBigBucks;1059178; said:

Just to offer an observation, it's completely the other way around for me.

I was despondent last year because we didn't show up and didn't compete.

This year we showed up. Sure, we made too many mistakes; but at least we showed up. We played hard for 60 minutes.

I'm proud of the Buckeyes this year. Last year I just wanted to die.
Last year was last year. This year the game was right there for the taking. The personal fouls absolutely killed us, especially the roughing the punter. Every single time there was a glimmer of momentum swinging our way, there was a yellow hankie there to smack us back to reality.

The lack of discipline is what was most infuriating to me. Look, I like to be a homer and scream at the TV and whatnot too, but every replay, I grabbed my forehead in disbelief at how stupid and obvious the penalties were. Kick a FG, get a stop ... totally different ballgame.

Mistake after mistake after mistake.
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One thing I would like to see come from this game is some respect for Coach Miles. He has been pictured sometimes as the village idiot. I am not saying in any way that he outcoached JT, because I don't think it came down to that. I am sure that OSU fans will find fault with the coaching, that comes with the territory of coaching. But keep in mind that LSU healthy is a very good football team, we didn't show it late in the season, and we had a problem with penalties with all the subs having to play so much. From what I saw all the penalties that were called were correct ones. I am sure that OSU fans saw many that they felt should have been called against LSU, the same as I saw some that should have been called the other way. As far as I am concerned the roughing the punter call changed the game. I have a rgreat deal of respect for beanie after watching him, I really haven't paid any attention to him before. I wouldn't trade him for Hester, because Hester fits our offense better, But I would like to be Beanies agent. Ya'll did pretty damn good for what was supposed to be a rebuilding year.
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