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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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As far as the refs go, screw that IMO, no offense to anyone who is frustrated, because I feel your pain. But they didn't get called for holding, but we didn't either. No mysterious PI calls out there on either side. No "lined up in the neutral zone" ticky-tack calls that annoy the crap out of me. Jenkins was definitely OB on the INT. I thought they let a lot go, but they let a lot go for both teams. They flagged the late hits, and they should. Everyone out there had played a 12 game season...they should have known when they were going to get flagged by now, and if they didn't the first call or two should have clued them in.

Also what the hell happened to Saine? He was a spark early, the he disappeared. The offensive coaching was what it has been quite a bit...innovative enough to look elite on occasion, but not often enough to be above mediocre in totality. We took a couple of ill-advised shots downfield when we had momentum running the ball, we'd complete a couple of passes and then run a bad play that it looks like wasn't practiced more than twice...it was like they had a bunch of good stuff but didn't know what to do with it. It was like starting a chess match setting up the board exactly the way you want, then having no idea what tactics to use from there. Puzzling.
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starBUCKS;1059187; said:
Just getting back and not having the heart to read through this thread. 2 things that bothered me.

1: Why didn't they look for Nicol or Ballard. They are perfect for the 5-7 yard plays plus more.

2: Like some may have said. I don't know why they would have practiced Henton. I would have liked to see on the 3rd down with six mins to go atleast, bringing in Henton and Boeckman to the huddle, split Todd far right, and option run Antonio with Wells. Arkansas pounded that play, and suceeded it.

Coaches utilize what works for other teams. LSU started trying to run a spread, and drawing Flynn up the middle....just like Illinois.

The penalties killed us, same shit last year... were starting to look like sore losers with all these unsportsmenships.

Again I'm sorry Jake and Rory weren't given the chance to help.

Pryor would definetly challange for the job. Freshman or not, high school competition or not... he would at least share some series...minimum.

It's not that I completely disagree, but I do feel this post is off base.

Todd played a pretty damn good game IMO. He certainly wasn't Tom Brady or the Todd Boeckman we saw against PSU.

Please keep in mind however, tje reads he made and the situations he was in. At least twice, he checked off to another route with Hartline in 1-on-1 coverage where he tried to beat LSU once over the top which did not work, and once on a double move that resulted in a slant over the middle, which again did not work.

Todd certainly made the correct call on both those plays however. it isn't his fault, his wideout couldn't get the seperation he needed to get in 1 on 1 coverage.

Last, but certainly not least.......anyone who knows the game of football, even a smidgen of an amount, knows the pick he threw downfield while trying to find Ray Small was not his fault. That pass has to be caught by the offensive player, be vroken up for an incomplete pass, or an offensive interference call to prevent the pick. Any way you slice it, Todd deserves a pass on that turnover.
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Bucklion;1059234; said:
As far as the refs go, screw that IMO, no offense to anyone who is frustrated, because I feel your pain. But they didn't get called for holding, but we didn't either. No mysterious PI calls out there on either side. No "lined up in the neutral zone" ticky-tack calls that annoy the crap out of me. Jenkins was definitely OB on the INT. I thought they let a lot go, but they let a lot go for both teams. They flagged the late hits, and they should. Everyone out there had played a 12 game season...they should have known when they were going to get flagged by now, and if they didn't the first call or two should have clued them in.

Also what the hell happened to Saine? He was a spark early, the he disappeared. The offensive coaching was what it has been quite a bit...innovative enough to look elite on occasion, but not often enough to be above mediocre in totality. We took a couple of ill-advised shots downfield when we had momentum running the ball, we'd complete a couple of passes and then run a bad play that it looks like wasn't practiced more than twice...it was like they had a bunch of good stuff but didn't know what to do with it. It was like starting a chess match setting up the board exactly the way you want, then having no idea what tactics to use from there. Puzzling.
Great points. Agreed on all counts.
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Tigertracker;1059228; said:
One thing I would like to see come from this game is some respect for Coach Miles. He has been pictured sometimes as the village idiot. I am not saying in any way that he outcoached JT, because I don't think it came down to that. I am sure that OSU fans will find fault with the coaching, that comes with the territory of coaching. But keep in mind that LSU healthy is a very good football team, we didn't show it late in the season, and we had a problem with penalties with all the subs having to play so much. From what I saw all the penalties that were called were correct ones. I am sure that OSU fans saw many that they felt should have been called against LSU, the same as I saw some that should have been called the other way. As far as I am concerned the roughing the punter call changed the game. I have a rgreat deal of respect for beanie after watching him, I really haven't paid any attention to him before. I wouldn't trade him for Hester, because Hester fits our offense better, But I would like to be Beanies agent. Ya'll did pretty damn good for what was supposed to be a rebuilding year.

I don't know if you are going to get a lot of Miles love here. I mean, he is a Michigan man, so it may come down to the best you're going to get is people not saying anything at all :p

I don't really know what to say about this game, I'll be honest when I say I didn't think we were going to win at the beginning of the night, I was hoping, but I just though that we were inexperienced at a few key positions.

Coaching, there's some question marks, Tressel seemed to almost abandon the run and relied on Boeckmans arm, which at times has paid off, but tonight, well, not so much.

But the key to me was the fact that LSU's corners were as good as our WR's, and our corners were not as good as theirs. So you take it for what it's worth, we got beat on the pass in the beginning, it opened up the run and we didn't quite adjust. The defensive line gave Flynn enough time to pass, and he made the best of it. Unlike most games, I can't say this was lost in the trenches, we gave Boeckman time, but he didn't have anyone open. He didn't spend the whole game on his back, but when he needed a big pass play, the corners for LSU were there and didn't allow it.

Next year, though I hate to say it, will be better. More experience, players being able to gauge the talent level of their opposition better. Our schedule did hurt us, but not as bad as I thought. Our toughest games, Penn State, Wisconsin and a battered Michigan team weren't up to par this year. Tonight, we were beaten by a better team, I don't know if we were out coached, or if it was a better group on the field, or of god just wanted to give Louisiana some love after that whole Katrina thing, either way, congrats to you guys, enjoy it, hopefully you guys burn a few couches or something :)
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This isn't aimed at any one person...

I think Tressel's quote after the game sums it up best. It went something like, "If you can't take criticism, you probably aren't tough enough to play this game. There are a lot of people who think they know this game, and what it takes to be successful at this level, and of course they all have opinions."

I'm a tremendous Tressel fan, and many laymen think they understand what goes into game planning, endlessly and ignorantly questioning calls without merit. Unfortunately, we don't know what feedback players are giving coaches in reference to opportunities on the field during a game, we don't see what they see up in the booth, and we don't know what the staff is trying to set up for the next play. We made it to TWO National Championships in two seasons, THREE in six years. These coaches know what they're doing, and unfortunately most of the naysayers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

The Chicken Little shit kills me. Celebrate the season, celebrate each member of this team, and celebrate the fact that we have a realistic shot to win a NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP each and every year.

I love being a Buckeye. I wouldn't trade my colors in to be a Tiger today, nor would I ever wish to be anything but a proud member of the Scarlet and Grey.

To 2008- :drunks:Salut...

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Bucklion;1059234; said:
As far as the refs go, screw that IMO, no offense to anyone who is frustrated, because I feel your pain. But they didn't get called for holding, but we didn't either. No mysterious PI calls out there on either side. No "lined up in the neutral zone" ticky-tack calls that annoy the crap out of me. Jenkins was definitely OB on the INT. I thought they let a lot go, but they let a lot go for both teams. They flagged the late hits, and they should. Everyone out there had played a 12 game season...they should have known when they were going to get flagged by now, and if they didn't the first call or two should have clued them in.

Also what the hell happened to Saine? He was a spark early, the he disappeared. The offensive coaching was what it has been quite a bit...innovative enough to look elite on occasion, but not often enough to be above mediocre in totality. We took a couple of ill-advised shots downfield when we had momentum running the ball, we'd complete a couple of passes and then run a bad play that it looks like wasn't practiced more than twice...it was like they had a bunch of good stuff but didn't know what to do with it. It was like starting a chess match setting up the board exactly the way you want, then having no idea what tactics to use from there. Puzzling.

LSU deserved to win, and I'll never point to the officials as a reason we lost. But you should be careful, b/c two of those 15 yard personal fouls were BS and they had a significant impact on the game.

The personal foul on the sideline was brutal. They called it on a DT that was nowhere near the play, and there was no late hit period on the play to boot. That was awful and it gave LSU GREAT field position.

The personal foul on Rerhring was also puzzling. DVR'ing the game didn't show anything ridiculous. He talked a little bit and finished his block aggressively, but other than that I'm pretty puzzled.

Even Cam Heyward's 15 yarder gets let go a majority of the time. Needless to say we got called on all of it and have to accept it.

Hopefully this talented group makes a solid run at USC and re-establishes respect in the Big 10 b/c it has most definately been lost.
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good point OCBF in regards to LSU's CBs

they were covering OSU's WRs man to man and we in their pockets ALL NIGHT. OSU's routes were pretty bland, mostly streaks, but the DBs did an outstanding job locking down Hartline, Small, and especially Robiskie in the passing game.
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I am so disappointed and pissed off right now. We could've won this game. What was with the deep routes on third downs? What was with the lack of running game in the first half (actually, we had a running game, we just didn't use it enough)? There are so many questions I want to ask. The penalties were unbelievable. Officials did call a bad game, but they didn't change the outcome. LSU won. Congrats on that. Enjoy it. The better team on this night won, although I can say for sure that our team is better than this. Last year, Florida was going to beat us that night even if we played our best. This year would've been different.

LSU fans, I have a ton of respect for you. Please teach your fellow SEC fans what the word humble means, and teach them your respect. You guys are great, and I couldn't ask for a better group of fans to have beaten us tonight.

I don't mean to throw any of our guys under the bus, apologies if it sounds this way. I am crushed.

EDIT: To verify my comment about teaching other SEC fans character, I am active on multiple forums. Pretty much all LSU fans were great, and the rest of the SEC teams were more opinionated and biased than any ESPN character. I hate when people judge OSU fans, so I do realize the hypocrisy in this post. I've just heard so much shit in three hours, I can tell that I'm going to want to kill everyone tomorrow.
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Buckeye Chris;1059246; said:
Like most people said at the end of the game. 2008 is the year to watch out for the buckeyes! I see us in the NC next year.

Honestly the only thing I heard after the game that really pissed me off was the talk of a playoff with the ESPN crew. Basically what was said was "All the conferences want it but the Big Ten, who can navigate a weak-assed schedule and take their chances in the NC game every year." Obviously demeaning to us more than the conference. When someone brought up the fact that the PAC-10 has many of the same situations we have (no conf. cham. game, etc.) it was "No, No, USC definitely wanted a playoff this year! They wanted it! They would welcome it!" Well of course they did dumbasses, because once again they were a 2-loss team that couldn't beat Stanford at home but could obviously beat the NE Patriots 8 straight times in the NFL playoffs if they could just play them now. Only ESPN can make a NC game about a team that didn't even play in it because they lost the biggest point spread game in college football history. At home.

We earned our way there last year, we earned our way there this year, and if we go next year, we'll earn that too...though, even if we beat USC, I'm positive they will be able to pound the crap out of us by the end of the season :shake:
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I thought the refs called a pretty even game, there were a couple of times I thought a flag was coming on our OL for holding but they let it go for both teams tonight. Frankly it was a breath of fresh air compared to Big 10 refs, but that's a whole other thread. The refs did not decide the game tonight, the guys on the field did. That is the way it is supposed to be.
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Do you consider this game a blow out???

Not sure I agree with the announcers and many fans that we were "blown away" for the second time. I thought we played an average game and fared fairly well. Unfortunately, average doesn't cut it in the NC game. LSU played lights out, a fantastic game for them. This will be hard to choke down, but it doesn't feel as bad as last years loss, I felt lucky for us to even be there. In an interesting side note - the game @ USC next is now a MUST WIN. If we lose there, our program is officially toast in the eyes of the nation.
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O'Rourke;1059275; said:
I thought the refs called a pretty even game, there were a couple of times I thought a flag was coming on our OL for holding but they let it go for both teams tonight. Frankly it was a breath of fresh air compared to Big 10 refs, but that's a whole other thread. The refs did not decide the game tonight, the guys on the field did. That is the way it is supposed to be.
Agreed. That doesn't mean I won't still bitch about the refs until I go to the grave though. :wink2:
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