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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Anyone calling for JT's head on any board after making the championship game for the 3rd time in 6 seasons in this era of parity and people leaving early for the NFL and 85 scholarship limits and 12 game seasons and beating Michigan 6/7 should never be allowed to watch football again in any capacity.
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lilnape26;1059328; said:
4. Tressel got away from what he is known for. Special teams went down hill this year. 4 blocked kicks this year! Return teams need more work this off season.
On the plus side, it's a good thing to be inexperienced at kickoff returns *nudge, nudge, wink, wink*

But yes, the special teams weren't special this year.
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Bucklion;1059333; said:
Anyone calling for JT's head on any board after making the championship game for the 3rd time in 6 seasons in this era of parity and people leaving early for the NFL and 85 scholarship limits and 12 game seasons and beating Michigan 6/7 should never be allowed to watch football again in any capacity.

I would recommend coming up with an alternative punishment in the likelihood that they've never watched football before.
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billmac91;1059315; said:
Quick synopsis of what I saw and feel.

We played much more aggressive tonight, but got out-coached. Not in a sense that Heacock deserves ridicule, but in a sense that LSU deserves a ton of credit.

Our coaching staff should have recognized that Florida WOULD play dirty last year. Urban Meyer rarely lines up straight. His philosophy of utilizing "outside" athletes completely kept us off balance with weird formations and a game plan that treated every 5-6 yard gain as if it were a very significant win. Those 5-6 yard wins ended up in domination of our big play defense.

This year we were again fought DIRTY. We decided to be more agressive after the embarrassment we endured last year. Only problem is, the LSU coaching staff recognized where we lacked in aggressiveness last year, and recognized we would try to NOT repeat the same mistakes twice, AND THEY DOMINATED US.

LSU KILLED US WITH MISDIRECTION!!!! Plain and simple. We did not lose because we lack the athletes. We certainly do not, and will own the most NFL players single handedly after the draft this April. We got beat by a great gameplan that took advantage of our aggressiveness. LSU's coaching staff utilized our strenghths against us.

I could say a lot more, and break the game down a ton more but I doubt it makes any difference.

This loss hurts, and I won't want to hear any type of media outlet until the USC game next year.

Congrats to LSU for an excellent gameplan, and the execution of that gameplan.

Good luck to James, Malcolm, and Vernon as they proceed to the next phase of their lives. I'm sure they wish they left with a "Win" instead of a Bowl Championship Series "Loss".
I am curious about what you mean by "Dirty"
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DaddyBigBucks;1059335; said:
I would recommend coming up with an alternative punishment in the likelihood that they've never watched football before.

An excellent point. Hmmm....they have to watch this year's Rose Bowl again 2000 times with a naked Rosie O'Donnell eating tacos while sitting on their face?
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I would be lying if I said I'm not disappointed by the outcome. And thats exacerbated by my opinion that had we stuck to playing Tressel ball, this game would have been ours. However, LSU is the better football team in this game and they showed it on the field. I think there are some issues that we got to address this season. And we should start with our short yardage offense.
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Les Miles talking about devine intervention and grace getting them in this position? Uh, I doubt God values LSU prayers over OSU prayers (in Asian dialects that would be LSU players over OSU players). Winning this game was not God's compensation for Katrina. God sent Katrina. Probably to show you shouldn't let people live near an antiquated levee in a hurricane zone.

We were too jacked up and made too many mistakes to win this game but the core of this team is coming back having learned some valuable lessons. This doesn't hurt like the Florida loss because as coach Tressel put it... you can't criticize real effort. Still, like last year, I erased this game so fast I got a nosebleed.

The ESPN team just gave their top five for next year and surprise... they don't include Ohio State. The "shock" will start early next season when we beat USC. The forward thinking nature of college football is a beautiful thing... and it's still a great time to be a Buckeye.
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Back in the hotel room now. Total frustration! Dropped balls, blown coverages, turnover, personal foul, questionable play calling! On the way back from the Superdome, the announcer on XM said the OSU beat themselves more then LSU did. I agree.

Going home tomorrow, to the land of the SEC and not looking forward to listening to SEC fans for another year. I am concerned about what these two losses long term effects will be for OSU and the Big Ten.
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