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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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Buckeyecty4;1059397; said:
I didnt understand all the empty backfield or shotgun formations on short yardage.. feed the franchise back..

The packages and playcalling in this game were mind boggling to me

tress called pass plays down field agaisnt 8 in the box. we threw downfield at the correct times. the pass to small could have just as easily been a completion as an interception. robo makes the TD catch 9 times out of ten. the ball didn't bounce our way on the pass plays.

the one play that sticks in my gut though is the 2nd and 4 play where we drop back to pass and boekman fumbles to set up a 3 and 14. RUN THE BALL ON 2ND AND 4!
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RB07OSU;1059375; said:
My thoughts:
- Initially I must admit this hurts really bad. I honestly don't think it was all that close...when someone scores 31 unanswered points on you (I know they eventually answered when it hardly mattered), you were getting dominated. Yes we had a real shot but I do think the better team won. On top of that, I have to be honest in saying I think Georgia, WVU, and USC are better teams and would have had a better shot at LSU.
- Poor coaching on JT's part. For such a good big game coach I can't figure out what is happening. We came out on a solid game plan but as soon as Robo drops that TD pass and the kick is blocked, the whole team deflated for almost the rest of the game. As soon as we started getting down, it looked like the Florida game all over again. We could run the ball with Beanie, just like we could with Pittman the year before but we panicked when we got down and started reaching.
- The SEC really is the much better conference...I know, I know...I hate hearing it constantly from the media but after 2 embarrassments to them in a row and being 0-9 vs. them in bowl games, I really don't think there is parity and that "we didn't come ready to play". We came ready to play, seemed to have the will to win, and just got beat plain and simple. There should be no more excuses...the SEC has better football right now and we are just going to have to get better.
- Thoroughly unimpressed with our WR's. We got absolutely no seperation all night almost and it was the same in the NC game. WR's quit running routes and never helped Boeckman out any. I know sometimes you the other guy can have your number but it looked like we really took plays off here. Also, I got extremely pissed off when Small didn't make an effort for the ball on Todd's first INT. He also got owned in coverage by whoever was on him.
- Beanie will go down as an OSU great...he is simply amazing. He carried the team on his back and could have carried them further.
- We need to utilize Saine more...our WR's were doing nothing and I really think he was one of our biggest threats tonight that wasn't used.
- Defense :sad:...I'm sorry but we had an absolute letdown here for most of the game. The whole first half LSU did whatever they wanted to and when they wanted to. Our DT recruiting over the past couple years is becoming evident imo (as I've been worried about all season and well before it in the '07+'06 classes). The interior OL of LSU dominated us. I heard JL getting a lot of heat from the people around me but Denlinger, Larimore, and Worthington were getting driven 10 yards down field. They got no penetration all night and no DT was even considered for getting a double team. Vernon Gholston...one heck of a game and likely his last for OSU. He played his heart out and did his job. He did a great job of containment on many perimeter run/option plays but no LB's were flowing to the ball. Grant had one heck of a last performance and I will miss him for sure. However, Marcus Freeman was nowhere to be found. JL...great game as well (I think I saw 18 tackles total) and great effort. Jenkins was up and down tonight but he played with a lot of fire I wish we all had. Washington seemed to do ok but our safety play was awful. Russell and Coleman missed tackles all night long and I can't remember either making a play on the ball. After such a good year from both of them, I don't know where their tackling technique went.
- Poor composure for the team. Penalties galore and at critical points in the game. We were really undisciplined and LSU played a mistake free game.
- Our '08 class coming in is going to help. I think Brewster can play immediately and Cordle really got demolished tonight, granted it was by the best DL in the country. Posey and Thomas could have a great impact on our passing game (no gamebreakers as of now) and Stoney will create mismatches.
- Overall for this season...even though I want to tell myself in anger that we embarrassed ourselves again on the biggest national stage possible, I can't. I thought we would lose 3-4 games this year and be lucky to get into a January first game. For this team to make it to the NC game is astonishing and one heck of an accomplishment. Amazing year guys and it was a privilege to watch you. I feel bad for Barton, Johnson, Whaley, and Grant because they really all wanted it on their senior year. We are going to have a great team next year but this year can and will not go down as a disappointment. It is very, very, very upsetting to lose like this again...however we can hang our heads high and be proud of the guys. They really did want it but were just outplayed. It's going to a rough next couple of days but the sun will shine again. Go Bucks!

I agree with everything..

Two years in a row our WRs have been man handled by SEC DBs.. we need guys who can combine size and speed.. we need guys who can go up and get balls and make catches in traffic.. we dont have that..

Ray Small, i just dont know what to say, he looks like a high school player out there.. just too small and lacks strength.. I personally dont know why he's playing an outside receiver position.. He's a slot guy in my opinion cause he cant handle physical outside CBs, cant get off press on the outside or fight for balls in the air..

As stated above the DT recruiting or lackthereof really has bitten us in the butt...

As for Tressel.. very disappointed.. the team played with no poise, no discipline, and no heart at times.. I felt the playcalling was also poor on offense, the personel packages at times mind boggling, and defensively I have no idea how we look this bad vs the SEC..

Just a methodical destruction of our defense where guys look out position, confused by the opposing teams formations, and play sloppy in the tackling game.. Our safeties were horrid tonight..

Personally, as a fan im very confused right now.. left wondering

1)Do we have as much talent as we all think we do??
2)What is the future of our offense? Do we have an identity?
3)What is going wrong on defense in big games?
4)Do we need to reevaluate our systems and make considerable changes?

Well that's it for me tonight.. just a wierd evening.. back to back beatdowns in the title game.. something is wrong, nothing drastic, but things need to be tweaked because we shouldnt be getting handled like this every yr
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Nobody expected this team to achieve what they achieved. I thought this team would lose three games this year. It looks like they lost fewer games because the Big Ten was so incredibly down this year but one also cannot ignore what they did to give themselves this achievement.

You know what, I am proud of these guys despite the loss. This team exceeded my expectations and we should all be very proud of them.

Last night we were beaten by a better team. Congrats to LSU. I accept the criticisms that SEC football is just better than Big Ten football right now. And there may be four teams better than us, as the AP poll suggests. But, I accept that for this year, not the future.

So what? Who thought that just four teams would be better than Ohio State this year?

We had a lot of chances. I didn't see the game but there are glaring execution errors in the highlights I saw.

What this all says to me is that we need to take a hard look at how we are using the assets at our disposal.

Coach Tressel and his team need to spend the next six months being very honest with themselves about their performance in this game. Playcalling appears to be a real problem. The offensive packages we are deploying are too predictable and offer too little variation in today's game. The players need to work very hard over winter and get their strength and conditioning to new highs. And they need to think about how they will get their heads into the game for the entire game the next time. Mental conditioning needs to be a priority.

Next year is another year. Next year we'll make another run. Next year, given that the guys put in the effort, I think we might just do it.
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TJnTN;1059419; said:
I can't sleep. :(

You are not alone. It is now after 11am in South Africa and I am just getting on with the day.

I tell myself to remember that the key is to recognize boundaries and have a sense of proportionality. We're fans, not members of the team. Today more than 4000 people will die from starvation.

So, let's put this disappointment behind us and look to the future...

...sounds great in concept, doesn't it? :smash: :2004:
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This loss hurts so bad. So bad.

This loss hurts more than just one game. This one might have serious repercussions. Here's why: when you're told you can't do something because you didn't try hard enough, it hurts, but you know that you have the potential to do it. And then when you get that one chance to redeem yourself - to try really hard this time, and you cant do it... that's when you begin to believe you really can't.

I am worried about the resiliency of this team's mental state. I hope that next year's team can just take it one game at a time. One game at a time. Because of they don't, then they could be left wondering if its not all for naught.

About how the game was played, I definitely have a few questions.

- Does coach Hazell teach any routes other than: the wheel, the streak, and the slant? I don't understand this at all. I didn't see a hook, a post, a crossing route... I just don't get it.

- Did anyone else notice that our offensive line was being funked around with ALL night? Boone would be on the right side next to Barton, leaving a tight end to be the left tackle or vice versa. We would snap from a guard... I just don't get it. Things we had NEVER seen before.

- Why are we running the counters on EVERY run play? What happened to the dive? And why so many tosses?? I can't even REMEMBER a game when we used the toss so much!

- On defense, and this one has been said over and over, our defensive tackle play is a joke. A joke. I love the athleticism of Worthington, Denlinger, and Larimore, but there is no goddamn penetration or run stopping ability. 3rd and short, you know what's coming. But you can't even CHALLENGE Hester's dive. He gets 5 yards a pop. FIVE YARDS A POP. They could have run that one play all night and beat us by the same score. I need to see some meat up front. The coaches will agree. What's even worse? When we looped the d-line, worthington or larimore would just be slow. I just don't get it. Not fast, not big. What is going on?

- Todd: throw it long, never wrong. Throw it long, never wrong. On top of that, I need you to step up and plant. Other than that, you can't ask him to score 40 for the team. You can't put that on Todd's shoulders. Todd isn't the reason we lost the game.

- The tackling. God, the tackling.

- The playcalling. I don't understand spreading Beanie out wide. I can't even take that seriously. I just find it unbelievable. I don't care if it's 1st and 10 or 3rd and one. I never want to see that again.

-Why was Vernon NOT with a hand in the dirt? WHY do we change the best part of our defense? I want to stay with what we DO. I want Vernon to be in a 3-point stance.

-What the hell happened to our special teams? We used to be the best. The leaders of the pack. The block really turned that game.

I'm sorry, I'm being very negative, but I am heated.

There are positive things:

- Our team is so young. We'll be back next year. I'm not going to say 'and they'll be pissed so they'll be even better,' because they won't. We've played that card out. We've played the disrespect card right out of the deck. The talent needs to be there. It's time to fess up and face the music. The talent isn't where it needs to be to take it all. I'm not saying it's real far off, but it's off just a little bit. I truly believe that the talent incoming is going to take us right over the top.

- We played hard. To a fault, actually - the Spitler penalty and the personal fouls were just unnecessary.

- Our offensive pass blocking was decent. Neutralized Dorsey. Our run blocking, however, is just atrocious. Atrocious.

- When Todd had time, he was decent.

- Beanie showed signs of being the legend.

I'm tired, and I'm upset.

On to '08, on to '08.
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Tresselbeliever;1059424; said:
I haven't watched any ESPN, or TV for that matter, for the past couple of years and it's really helping out.
Great strategy. If anybody gets bent out of shape about disrespect towards tOSU, now might be a good time to take up reading. May I suggest...




or my personal favorite...
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^I can't say I disagree with any of what Oneshot said. I can accept losing if we play our best game and they just flat out beat us. But I can't accept seeing the team make uncharacteristic mistakes and look timid out there. What's really disheartening is we saw a lot of the same things from last year's NC game. The horrible soft zone, the poor tackling, the bad pass protection, the personal fouls, the head-scratching offensive gameplan. I really think the coaches need to re-evaluate where things are. It feels like Tressel has really gone away from what made him such a great big game coach. I didn't see any "wrinkles" last night. I didn't see any adjustments to the pressure LSU was bringing which is really disturbing. We knew they were going to try to rattle Todd going into the game yet we had nothing to counter it. NOTHING. What about a screen pass or some short crossing routes or a draw? Something, anything! Our physical conditioning wasn't the problem this year but we looked lost and unprepared again. I don't want to be too hard on Heacock but I think we can all agree just how great Dantonio was.

Despite all that, we still outgained a healthy veteran LSU team that has a lot of players that will play on Sundays and we weren't even supposed to be here. A win over USC would go a long ways towards restoring our confidence and national respect.
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OregonBuckeye;1059427; said:
^I can't say I disagree with any of what OneShot said. I can accept losing if we play our best game and they just flat out beat us. But I can't accept seeing the team make uncharacteristic mistakes and look timid out there. What's really disheartening is we saw a lot of the same things from last year's NC game. The horrible soft zone, the poor tackling, the bad pass protection, the personal fouls, the head-scratching offensive gameplan. I really think the coaches need to re-evaluate where things are. It feels like Tressel has really gone away from what made him such a great big game coach. I didn't see any "wrinkles" last night. I didn't see any adjustments to the pressure LSU was bringing which is really disturbing. We knew they were going to try to rattle Todd going into the game yet we had nothing to counter it. NOTHING. What about a screen pass or some short crossing routes or a draw? Something, anything! Our physical conditioning wasn't the problem this year but we looked lost and unprepared again. I don't want to be too hard on Heacock but I think we can all agree just how great Dantonio was.

Despite all that, we still outgained a healthy veteran LSU team that has a lot of players that will play on Sundays and we weren't even supposed to be here. A win over USC would go a long ways towards restoring our confidence and national respect.

The offensive game planning in short yardage situations was very perplexing, to put it nicely. Three times in crucial junctures of the game, 3rd and 4 inside the LSU ten when we were up 7-0, 3rd and 3 inside LSU's 30 when we were driving, and finally, 3rd and 4 (clearly in four-down territory) deep in LSU's territory when we could have made it a one score game, we elected to pass. And two out of three, we passed out of an empty backfield. Boeckman really didn't have much of a chance in those situations.

Defensively, I think the players played hard. They did the best they could. They made mental errors that cost them, but the field position made it very tough for them tonight. Outside of that, it was just pure LSU. LSU proved that they had a core game plan consisting of tough running and opportunistic passing that proved to be too much. It is ironic that the team that put up 38 points tonight did not attempt to go deep one time. It was just flat out getting to the first down marker, something that Ohio State got away from.
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