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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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GeauxTigers99;1032626; said:
If by some chance LSU happens to shut down Beanie Wells, what does OSU turn to? And what's the faith on this board of the 2nd option being able to win a NC??

If Beanie Wells gets shut down it's a pretty safe bet that LSU will be loading the box, opening up the passing game (potentially). Ohio State has some solid receivers, especially Robiskie. Boeckman has shown the ability to shred a solid defense (Penn State) and look great, and he has also thrown some really bad picks at really bad times in a game (Illinois). So if Beanie gets shut down Ohio State can still move the ball, but obviously the confidence won't be as high since Boeckman has had a few bad games this year, including a terrible game against Illinois in the second to last game of the year. Adding to the nervousness is the fact that Boeckman didn't have a chance to show he had gotten over his poor performance against ttun (we threw a total of two passes in the second half).

If Penn State Boeckman shows up against LSU though, look out, because when Boeckman is on and hitting his receivers I don't think any defense can stop us. If he is off and you shut down Beanie we would be in big trouble (obviously).
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Whenever you can make the opposing team one dimensional, you've got a great shot at winning. We need Beanie to have a good game, to help set up play action and keep LSU's Defense off balance. Shut down the run, and I think we will struggle with the passing game, if Dorsey and Co can pin back their ears and go after Boeckman.

I think that we have a balanced enough attack though that your D is going to have to respect both the pass and the run. Robiskie is our "go to" guy that is also a deep threat, Small is a burner who can stretch the field, and Hartline can get the tough catches in the middle of the field. We also have a great 6'7" TE in Ballard who is a fantastic blocker, but also has exceptional hands as a receiver. Our RB's are pretty decent receivers out of the backfield, as well.

Simply put, Coach T will throw too much variety at you guys, so your D will have to play honest and not load up against the run.
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GeauxTigers99;1032626; said:
Last years game is exactly that, LAST YEARS GAME!!! I wish everyone would quit harping on it.

Question for this year's game.......

If by some chance LSU happens to shut down Beanie Wells, what does OSU turn to? And what's the faith on this board of the 2nd option being able to win a NC??

The reality is Todd can throw a mean long ball, if he's got is confidence up. If you look at his stats, he's got some nice throws, if Beanie gets shut down, we can use the pass to open it back up. We're not a one dimensional offense, Todd was having problems in the Illinois game and they carried over to Michigan, so Beanie just carried the game.

I have also heard rumors that our Defense isn't half bad :p
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I guess it's just hard for me to imagine a team lining up in a "traditional" formation and pounding it down the Tigers throats. It seems like it's been a while since that's happened. I think a healthy D-line could cause Beanie some problems, and the fact that Steltz may be one of the better run stopping safeties in college.

I haven't heard much about your TE, I'd be suprised if you guys don't utilize him if he has the hands that you claim. It seems to be a weak point of our D, especially when matched up in coverage w/ one of our LB's.

On the same note, keep an eye out for Dixon. He's an under-used weapon, but always seems to come down w/ it when he's targeted.
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I think a healthy D-line could cause Beanie some problems, and the fact that Steltz may be one of the better run stopping safeties in college.
It was awhile ago (and I was flipping channels), but I seemed to remember Kentucky giving Woodson a lot of time to make plays. Was this a product of moving the pocket? That was before the injuries truly took their toll, right? (honest question, I would not know if your lesser known DL were nicked up)

I haven't heard much about your TE, I'd be suprised if you guys don't utilize him if he has the hands that you claim. It seems to be a weak point of our D, especially when matched up in coverage w/ one of our LB's.
They are both very good rumblers with soft hands. Neither is much of a speed threat, though both are pretty athletic in attacking the football. Very rarely are they featured, though.
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Last I heard Schoenhoft was just playing TE on the scout team, but does anyone think we might use him at TE for a different look against LSU? I was just thinking it might make sense since (from what I have heard) TEs have had relative success against LSU's D in the past.
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GeauxTigers99;1032626; said:
If by some chance LSU happens to shut down Beanie Wells, what does OSU turn to? And what's the faith on this board of the 2nd option being able to win a NC??

There is no doubt in my mind that LSU has more guns on offense than OSU in this affair. Tressel anticipates a very physical game and perhaps that's why he is moving Hines to RB and Schoenhoft to TE for this game. The best way to make sure that Wells doesn't get shut down is to establish the playaction early and test LSU's corners.

If LSU really stuff the box and shuts down Wells, I guess the logical thing to do would be giving the ball to your fastest players in space. Maybe pitch the ball to Small or Saine or run some reverses.

If nothing works, bring Henton into the game and let him just wing it. Run or pass, he could keep LSU off-balance. A lot of those linemen that he faced in Georgia went on to play for the big southern schools and Henton has had success with them in the past.
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If by some chance LSU happens to shut down Beanie Wells, what does OSU turn to? And what's the faith on this board of the 2nd option being able to win a NC??
I'd feel a little better if we could bring back September Brandon Saine, before shredding his knee. Not overly experienced, but brings a ton of potential to the table. Mo is a tremendous blocker and hard runner, but his overachieving this season is about equivalent to a below average output from Beanie.

Earlier in the season when the RBs were limited due to injury, Henton burned a lot of clock as a runner. If Beanie is gone and Boeckman cannot compensate by himself, perhaps some packages with Henton would become a possibility. His game is very reminiscent of an early Troy (early 04).
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I dont doubt Steltz as a saftey because I think he's a big hitter, but with all due respect I don't think LSU has faced a runner like Beanie this year. Sure ya'll have faced tremendous talent especially with Mcfadden/Felix Jones but beanie is a different type of talent. I promise you in the beginning of the game you'll be saying "this kid ain't so bad" but by the 3rd or 4th quarter you'll be saying "why can't we bring him down before he gets 5 yards". I'm not saying we're going to win but I'll say this I believe It won't matter if LSU stops Beanie because we have got to get him on track he IS our offense and we have to keep feeding him the ball because him and the big line will wear a team out after a while. Getting some passing game from Boeckman will definatly help as well, but I look for osu to keep going to beanie even if LSU is having success stopping the run in the early going.
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jwinslow;1032719; said:
It was awhile ago (and I was flipping channels), but I seemed to remember Kentucky giving Woodson a lot of time to make plays. Was this a product of moving the pocket? That was before the injuries truly took their toll, right? (honest question, I would not know if your lesser known DL were nicked up)
LSU played Kentucky this year??? :biggrin:

No, seriously, you're right. They weren't able to get a lot of pressure on Woodson this year, but then again, I don't remember him needing much time, lol. He seemed to get rid of the ball pretty quickly, and I'm not sure that I would call Kentucky's 5-wide a "traditional" offense.

Hell, while I'm making excuses, I might as well throw these out there as well: 1. LSU had just finished a nail-biter w/ Florida that took a lot out of both teams 2. They were looking ahead to Auburn the following week 3. Kentucky wanted revenge for the 49-0 beatdown LSU put on them the year before 4. Kentucky was actually playing pretty good football at the time 5. The dog ate Miles' playbook before the game

Honestly, I don't know what to expect from LSU's pass rush. Early in the season, I didn't think anyone in the country could stop the rush put on by the D-Line. As the season wore on, It seemed like LSU needed to blitz every time it needed to pressure the QB, which opened up some holes in the D. Right or wrong, I know that a lot of LSU fans are expecting the month off to really help in that aspect of the game. We'll see soon enough I guess. :cheers:
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Does being the favorite scare any of ya LSU fans?? I mean I remember last year being a bit uneasy because people expecting us to win.

Also about our starting tight ends... They are very incosistent in our offense. In some games they'll have big games and even a touchdown or so, and then others we don't even look their way. They are extremely big the both of them ranging from I believe 6'4"-6'7" and like 240-265. We love to throw our bigger end out there at 6'7" 260 as an extra blocker (I believe he's that heavy but its slipping me at the moment, but regaurdless he's huge)
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bukIpower;1032740; said:
Does being the favorite scare any of ya LSU fans?? I mean I remember last year being a bit uneasy because people expecting us to win.
Yeah, I can't say that it doesn't. I know last year that's all I kept thinking when the blowhards at ESPN were blowing OSU up to mythical proportions. I knew you guys were going to be in for a dogfight, and if you bought into what everyone was saying, that it could possibly get ugly. (w/o getting into last years game, I don't believe that's the only reason it got ugly)

I just hope that LSU also learned a lesson from that game last season. The fact that one team's an underdog doesn't mean a whole lot when you're playing a game of this magnitude. It's one game, and any team that makes it that far is great. If you come out and take the game lightly, you could get embarassed pretty quickly.
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OmahaBeef;1032728; said:
Last I heard Schoenhoft was just playing TE on the scout team, but does anyone think we might use him at TE for a different look against LSU? I was just thinking it might make sense since (from what I have heard) TEs have had relative success against LSU's D in the past.

:osu:I would have a hard time believing that Tressel would use an inexperienced Schoenhoft in this game. I think he realizes that he would go to Henton if Boeckman goes down with an injury, so why not use Schoenhoft as a TE simulation. Regardless, I think it is important that our TE's are used in this game, with all of the attention going to Robiskie & co, they will most certainly be open. Also, our offense needs to go deep early to free up the middle for Beanie. Haven't seen much of LSU, but I have to believe running wide won't be successful. Watch for Tress to use Dionte Johnson a few times on quick hitters.:osu:
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don't mean to hate on you but Dionte will not be getting the ball. Sure he's 250 or something like that, but you give it to your 240 pound tailback who can actually run with the ball. A coupld quick hitters with Beanie and that then PA over the top is what I wanna see.

Yeah, last years game... ummm.. It sucked....I still hate the fox network because I have no doubt if we play that game on ABC with Brent Musberger (or whatever) that we win by atleast 21..... haha j/p.... DA BEARS
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bukIpower;1032755; said:
don't mean to hate on you but Dionte will not be getting the ball. Sure he's 250 or something like that, but you give it to your 240 pound tailback who can actually run with the ball. A coupld quick hitters with Beanie and that then PA over the top is what I wanna see.

Yeah, last years game... ummm.. It sucked....I still hate the fox network because I have no doubt if we play that game on ABC with Brent Musberger (or whatever) that we win by atleast 21..... haha j/p.... DA BEARS

In all seriousness, watching a big OSU game without Brent announcing just feels weird. I'm still bitter that Fox gets the BCS title game. I've always loved ABC's college football coverage.
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