Head Coach
aint' going to lie I don't liek Fox at all for college football... I can't believe ABC/Disney/ESPN/NASCAR/Viagra/ or whoever runs ABC would allow Fox to get the championship game. I mean ABC does all the games all year and all the sudden fox wants in for the championship game/BCS games? bull shit go fuck yourself Fox. Now I'll watch your crappy ass station but only because I have to. To me Fox is a NFL station and not only are their animations horrible but their announcers are even worse. You don't fill the box with Berry Alvarez and other people who don't have the experience. Did I hear Jake Plummer is a part of the team this year?
To me college football is on 4 stations CBS- Channel 4, ABC-Channel 5, ESPN-channel 30 and ESPN2-Channel 31. Fox is not a college supportive station so why all the sudden do they get to announce our game?
To me college football is on 4 stations CBS- Channel 4, ABC-Channel 5, ESPN-channel 30 and ESPN2-Channel 31. Fox is not a college supportive station so why all the sudden do they get to announce our game?