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Game Thread BCS National Championship Game: tOSU 24, LSU 38 (final)

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LSU's Dorsey, Miles respect Laurinaitis

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
BATON ROUGE, La. ? ? In the past two weeks, LSU defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey has traveled to Charlotte, Houston, Orlando and Los Angeles. There was more discomfort than simply jet lag.
"See, I'm not a big-time flier," said Dorsey, the 6-foot-2, 303-pounder. "I don't like flying too much, so that was the biggest thing for me."

Along the way, Dorsey picked up several national awards, many of them in direct competition with Ohio State linebacker James Laurinaitis. While weathering his fear of the skies, Dorsey took home the Outland Trophy (best interior lineman), Bronko Nagurski Award (defensive player of the year), Lombardi Award (outstanding lineman) and Lott Trophy (defensive I.M.P.A.C.T. player of year).

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Distraction ends for Les Miles Michigan's filling of job lets Tigers' coach focus on title game with OSU
By George M. Thomas
Beacon Journal sportswriter

Published on Tuesday, Dec 18, 2007
Even those not used to hearing Louisiana State football coach Les Miles speak could sense the relief in his voice in a news conference Monday.
With West Virginia's Rich Rodriguez hired to coach at the University of Michigan, Miles is free to talk about his football team. Miles, an Elyria native and Michigan alum, turned down an offer to coach the Wolverines.
''I am happy, to be honest with you, that Michigan picked a quality coach,'' Miles said. ''I can tell you that it will certainly end questions that I will have to field. I can also tell you that I have a Michigan background, and that will never change. I will be loyal to that memory and that school.''

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Ohio roots deep for Tressel, Miles
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
By Todd Porter

Long before coaching the country?s top two college football teams, Jim Tressel and Les Miles were opponents. Tressel played at Berea. Miles, a year older, cut his teeth on the game in Elyria.

That was Tressel?s sophomore year in high school. Berea scrimmaged Elyria. Tressel was a quarterback. On Jan. 7, he?ll lead No. 1 Ohio State against No. 2 LSU in the BCS National Championship Game.

?We scrimmaged them, and I threw like five interceptions,? Tressel said. ?I hope he didn?t have any of them.?

Tressel?s late father, Lee, sent Miles a recruiting letter to play at Baldwin-Wallace. But Jim Tressel couldn?t remember his left guard from that year, let alone Miles.

?He might remember I threw those five picks in that scrimmage,? Tressel said.

Probably not.

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Ohio State football
Scalping might be easier this time
More tickets, local pickup play role
Tuesday, December 18, 2007 3:14 AM
By Encarnacion Pyle

More Ohio State University students, faculty members, donors and alumni are getting tickets to the BCS national championship than did last season because the band doesn't need game tickets this time. And unlike for the last title game, those lucky people can pick up their tickets at Ohio State before heading to New Orleans, making it more likely that some will sell their tickets at a big profit.
"Can students scalp their tickets? Absolutely, there are no laws in the state that doesn't permit it," said Bill Jones, Ohio State's director of ticketing. "But how many students will do it? I have no idea."

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Here is a good article about Les Miles and the Tigers.

2theadvocate.com | LSU Sports | Dubois: Michigan does Miles, LSU favor — Baton Rouge, LA

Pelini coaching
LSU defensive coordinator Bo Pelini, an Ohio State safety from 1987-90, has accepted the head coaching job at Nebraska but will continue to coach the LSU defense in the championship game. Miles was asked what his terms were for Pelini to return for this game.

"I agreed that he could call the entire defense, call the plays, and I also agreed that we would be ahead at the end of the game," Miles joked. "If he called the defense that didn't allow that then he would be relieved of duty immediately."
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osugrad21;1031602; said:

LSU's Dorsey, Miles respect Laurinaitis

By Kyle Nagel
Staff Writer

Tuesday, December 18, 2007
BATON ROUGE, La. ? ? In the past two weeks, LSU defensive tackle Glenn Dorsey has traveled to Charlotte, Houston, Orlando and Los Angeles. There was more discomfort than simply jet lag.
"See, I'm not a big-time flier," said Dorsey, the 6-foot-2, 303-pounder. "I don't like flying too much, so that was the biggest thing for me."

Along the way, Dorsey picked up several national awards, many of them in direct competition with Ohio State linebacker James Laurinaitis. While weathering his fear of the skies, Dorsey took home the Outland Trophy (best interior lineman), Bronko Nagurski Award (defensive player of the year), Lombardi Award (outstanding lineman) and Lott Trophy (defensive I.M.P.A.C.T. player of year).


It seems both these men, Dorsey and Laurinaitis, are what is right about college football...

On how Miles feels like his team has a speed advantage over Ohio State …
“If we were racing, I bet that I have one guy that might be faster than any of their guys, but we’re not racing. I promise you I watched that team (Ohio State), and there is no appreciable difference. They’re as quality, capable and talented as any. If anybody wants to race us 60 yards, my entry will be Trindon Holliday, and if there is a chance it was worth points we’d like to do it a lot. I don’t know if I have that opportunity.”
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This is going to be a good game. Both teams are finding reasons to pissed...

After tough SEC schedule, LSU thankful for rest - NCAA Football - Yahoo! Sports

Dorsey said LSU's defense is eager to send a message of how well it can play when key players are all fresh.
"We're real excited. Everybody started talking down on us when we started giving up points on defense," Dorsey said. "We tried not to listen to that because, I mean, nobody knows what's going on in our locker room. So for us to have an opportunity to be healthy, we can come out and do what we're supposed to do and do what we know how to do."

Rested LSU ready to go
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SanClementeBuck;1032582; said:
Bucks show 4 down in Vegas. Bucks choose Scarlet. Forgive me, but Bucks are gonna win this bcs.
I always forgive the delusional.....

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MililaniBuckeye;1030899; said:
You're a dipshit. If you think a 41-14 loss was bad, ask Oklahomo fans about the 55-19 ass-raping they took from USC in the 2004 NC game. You had best pray that LSU wins on Jan 7th, lest you be humilated on your home field by a bunch of "little girls"...
And doesn't Florida remember their Fine game against The Huskers in 1996.
Nebraska 62 Florida 24... if 41-14 is an embarrassment then lets not compare The 1996 Fiesta Bowl.
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Last years game is exactly that, LAST YEARS GAME!!! I wish everyone would quit harping on it.

Question for this year's game.......

If by some chance LSU happens to shut down Beanie Wells, what does OSU turn to? And what's the faith on this board of the 2nd option being able to win a NC??
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