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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

bgantz;711429; said:
I have to agree to a certain extent....to me, it just looked like we didn't take Florida's ability to defend our offense seriously. Even Troy.....had to be shocked. So many times he scrambled and made a huge play this year...but to be sacked and pounded like he was..had to be a shock.

Troy better be in shock, 'cause I sure am the hell am. No way did I think Troy would have had so little time to throw. Congrats to UF. We will see you on the hard court come March.....
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BrutusMaximus;711423; said:
Congrats to the Gators. They came ready to play tonight, we didnt. They outplayed and outcoached us in every facet (sp) of the game. How can we hang our heads though? We went 12-0, won the big 10, beat Michigan.......that is what I call a sucessful season. Can't expect to win them all. Already can't wait for next season.

Brutus, keep on posting. Just looking at your signature is making me feel better.
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milkman21;711434; said:
I think it's interesting that we only gave up ~350 yards, and yet 41 points. Field position was clearly the killer tonight... meaning we lost Tresselball.

personal fouls killed us early, put us behind the eight ball and we never recovered.

our D looked good in the second half, but the offense just didn't click
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Zippercat;711431; said:
I don't know if somebody already said this, but when they showed Troy on the pregame, I told my wife that he looked like he was sick...sweating like he had a fever and had a different look in his eyes. Anybody heard anything about the flu going around?

I swear to god I said the same thing. I just thought it was me being paranoid. Maybe, it's just us being paranoid, but I thought the exact same thing.
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Thoughts on the game

-the O-line is used to slow Big 10 DE's-Moss and Harvey are beasts
-losing Ginn hurt a lot
-Florida's receivers are so quick the bend but don't break philosophy against spread teams isn't working
-Florida's O-line kicked our guys ass-Leak had heavy pressure on him about twice tonight
-the coaching staff should apologize to the fans for a crappy gameplan-they are public employees after all....
-it is beyond pathetic that the O-line cannot pick up a 4th and less than one
-I'm really, really, really glad I did not waste $1,800 to see this fiasco in person
-both teams came out chippy, I have never seen a Buckeye team that undisciplined-Grant's shove was pathetic

Oh,well, let's hope Tressel uses this as a learning experience for himself and the troops. The sun will come up tomorrow and scUM will still suck.
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Our defense was especially surprising to me. All week long everyone talked about how Leak is mistake prone if you put pressure on him, yet it seemed like we had absolutely no pass rush all night, and most of the time were only rushing 3-4 guys. I didn't understand that strategy at all.
its because Heacock is always too conservative until he gets in the red zone then he goes man-to-man....He should have realized it early in the 2nd quarter and didn't give up on his gameplan.....and with the D being on the field all the time because the was NO gameplan on offense we had no chance....
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BuckeyeMike80;711430; said:
Ginn may after-all come back. Depends on the extent of his injury. If he needs surgery he may opt to come back and up his draft stock for next year.

That said, you're right, this can only serve to humble the players on this team.

I am kinda worried about one thing though. With the exception of Oklahoma - teams that have lose in a devastating fashion like this have taken a bit of time to recover, or haven't recovered at all, like Nebraska. Oklahoma has struggled, but they haven't fallen completely apart.

If Ohio State can come back, get into a New Year's day bowl next year, I'll be happy, of course I'll take whatever I can get too :wink2:

Nor has Miami revovered. But anyway, JT will take this as a learning experience. I hope so
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LordJeffBuck;711440; said:
Why be embarrassed? We're just fans - this is a distraction for us.

Maybe embarrassment isn't the right word.

I feel bad for the seniors?

I don't know how to describe it. I know I'm only a fan, but for the players and for the coaches and everyone actually associated with the program, I don't know what the word is for the feeling....
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BuckeyeMike80;711430; said:
Ginn may after-all come back. Depends on the extent of his injury. If he needs surgery he may opt to come back and up his draft stock for next year.

That said, you're right, this can only serve to humble the players on this team.

I am kinda worried about one thing though. With the exception of Oklahoma - teams that have lose in a devastating fashion like this have taken a bit of time to recover, or haven't recovered at all, like Nebraska. Oklahoma has struggled, but they haven't fallen completely apart.

If Ohio State can come back, get into a New Year's day bowl next year, I'll be happy, of course I'll take whatever I can get too :wink2:

Very good point -- I completely forgot about Ginn's injury influencing his decision. Maybe all 3 of them will come back? We could definitely use the leadership on offense.
As for crumbling -- I hope Tressel and the leadership doesn't let that happen. My faith in Tressel and the staff kinda dropped a notch just now, though. If our juniors return, that should really help to turn things around -- at least, theoretically.
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Well, it's been a helluva season. I can't say I am not disappointed about this loss. Anytime your team loses 41-14 it and it hurts BAD.

I am just in shock. I thought the Gators would give us a game, but I didn't think it would be a rout. Not this bad.

Something was missing from the team tonight that they had all season. Maybe it was heart, or maybe it was just all the post season hype. I HATE going into a game heavily favored. The Underdogs have nothing to loose, and everything to gain...
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BuckeyeFlorida;711435; said:
This was an unprepared team who choked away a chance at doing many noteworthy things. I felt like I was living in the 90's again watching Cooper coached teams laying goose eggs against scUM and MSU when it shouldn't have been close.

I hate to say it, but I agree 100%. As I said before, I never, ever thought this would happen to a Tressel-coached team.

By the way, to any Gator fans out there, congratulations. You guys stuck it to us tonight, and you deserve to be champs.
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