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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

Wingate1217;711439; said:
Troy better be in shock, 'cause I sure am the hell am. No way did I think Troy would have had so little time to throw. Congrats to UF. We will see you on the hard court come March.....

no doubt...just watching him play this year, having a lot of time and moving outside the pocket to create big plays. Sadly, just seemed like tonight every time he scrambled, there was someone there ready for him. Just no answers..I'm shocked our offense could be destroyed like that. Did Robiskie even have a catch? Kill me.
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JCOSU86;711449; said:
Nor has Miami revovered. But anyway, JT will take this as a learning experience. I hope so

Yep I was thinking about them too.

Their leader, Dorsey, was gone after that game and they haven't replaced his leadership yet.

That's another key, an on-field leader.

Tressel won't take this sitting down I don't think.
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stxbuck;711446; said:
-both teams came out chippy, I have never seen a Buckeye team that undisciplined-Grant's shove was pathetic

Oh,well, let's hope Tressel uses this as a learning experience for himself and the troops. The sun will come up tomorrow and scUM will still suck.

i agree 100% on both.

i was so embarrassed by the personal foul call there that was very UN-OSU
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stxbuck;711446; said:
Oh,well, let's hope Tressel uses this as a learning experience for himself and the troops.
We all like to remember that JT won four NC's at YSU, but we sometimes forget that he also lost two. No one is perfect, and yes, JT will learn from this game.
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iambrutus;711436; said:
i'm sick about this. i know this was the worst game we could have possibly played. the Gators showed up tonight and we just didn't. it fucking sucks

absolutely, maybe it was that 51 day layoff, didn't someone say something about a 51 day layoff during the game. This just did not look like the same team that we have been watching all season. Florida played well and showed they are the better team tonight, but I can not explain what we just saw. Florida is not this good.
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23Skidoo;711451; said:
Very good point -- I completely forgot about Ginn's injury influencing his decision. Maybe all 3 of them will come back? We could definitely use the leadership on offense.
As for crumbling -- I hope Tressel and the leadership doesn't let that happen. My faith in Tressel and the staff kinda dropped a notch just now, though. If our juniors return, that should really help to turn things around -- at least, theoretically.


outside of Nebraska, Oklahoma and Miami were still bringing out talented recruits.

We'll see which way this OSU teams decides to head. I'm guessing that it won't deviate far from 9-3 or so next year and then who really knows what the limit could be?

That's seeing into the future though - anything can and will happen.
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I do think that there may have been some deeper issues at work tonight. All of this Heisman hype and "sun shines out your orifices" stuff can affect young men, no matter what they say. The interviews in which Ohio State players made comments about college football players being oppressed because may have been a telltale sign of morale issues or some kind of problems.

Clearly, Ohio State was not the best team on the field tonight. It is not clear to me why we did not run the ball more or make Smith more mobile when the blitz kept coming. Perhaps we were losing at the line so badly that Tressel didn't think he could establish a running game. Line play was huge for Florida.

Whatever happened there tonight, let's give credit to Florida for playing a great game and beating us very soundly.

I have a little sports appointment of my own to run to now, but let me say one final thing.

I am very proud of this Ohio State team. They beat TSUN (again). They held on to #1 the entire season. They beat two #2 teams. With their heads in the right place and Ginn on the field, I don't think they would have lost tonight but they did and the fans need to accept that. Win or lose tonight, this has been an outstanding Ohio State team. I am very proud of them.
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Wow... Just wow, I still can't believe the game that just transpired... first things first, where the hell did our offense go? Losing Teddy was tough, but man we just fell flat. After our only offensive touchdown I figured Tress would Run it down their throats, yet he went back to the pass.

Next, I was just in shock at thier play selection, the first half there were so many plays where people were just left wide open. Over the center maybe? That play was there all night.

Overall, this kind of sucks but the season overall was a success. Bucks still won the Big 10, that's the goal every year, and Troy got the Heisman.

I think I am still a bit in shock though, a close loss I could have handled, but this was just an old fashioned ass kicking.
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Gotta apologize to "C-Dog" for "bullshitting.":biggrin:

Tough one to swallow but not totally unexpected. On my afternoon "pop" run my homey asked me my thoughts. I told him "blowout" one way or the other, and had no idea which way it would go. Looked good for 14 seconds though.
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