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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

Wingate1217;711045; said:
I would agree. I placed a post earlier last week that coaching would make the difference but I really though Urban would be swayed by his emotions not Tress. The game is not over yet and no need to throw the coaching staff under the bus, they just ran into a buzzsaw. Let them make some halftime adjustments. Lets Go BUCKS!
Agreed. You guys kind of got hit with a blitzkreg in the first half. The true Buckeyes will show up in the 2nd half. They have to just settle down. The question will be can they make up that big of a defecit in a half? I sure hope so.
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I have to agree that Florida's playcalling has been much better thus far. We are getting spread very thin, and they are finding the gaps with room to start upfield. We had one defensive series where we were able to get pressure on Leak, and his throws were off. If we can get that type of pressure again, a turnover could result. I would settle for something resembling a 3-and-out right now. Florida gets the ball first and the Bucks need a strong stop - deep, not after the Gators cross the 50. If the offense can then move the ball with the running game highlighted, you're back to within 2 TD's. Other than the big 4th down stop, our running game has looked pretty good. Pitt and CW are running hard, just not enough. My 2 cents worth at the half.
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Onebuckfan;711047; said:
The team has two choices fold their tent or battle to the final gun. I'm betting the team shows their character and battles till the end but it may not be enough. I know its a cliche, but its games like this that show a teams character the first 12 games and that first TD were relatively easy, to get back into this game the team will have to play their best half ever there capable but Fla. maybe too much today.

If it continues how it was in the first half, I will be really disappointed with this team. Right now I don't care if we win or lose, just so long as we make a game of it and show our true colors this next half.
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Dear BCS,

Get rid of this hype for three fucking months bull shit... Honestly, you're giving Ohio State a great disadvantage already..

Dear NCAA,

If BCS doesn't comply to the above statement, move teams who don't have Conference championship games back one or two weeks to have the season end on the same week for everyone...


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WoodyWorshiper;711050; said:
We ain't gonna lose "C-Dog." I've never bullshitted you, and I ain't gonna start now. We go out on top, 38-37. Little Animal goes nuts in the 2nd half. And Robiskie gets 2 TD's. (Also one by Pitt and a Pettrey FG).

Honestly Dubs? I'm as chill as I was when we shut out Minnesota. I believe we win this game. Based on what? Fan blindness perhaps, I don't know. I can't quantify my confidence after as disasterous a first half as I recall, but it's there nonetheless.
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armycat23;711043; said:
ceicro or whatever,you don't know a damn thing about me so don't try to act like there is only one classification of start to end interest....honestly,what an idiot!I see a lot of posts revolving around troy smith and the fumble but ask yourselves this is game so far apart because of that?or is it because florida is having a field day with your whole defense?personally I say the latter.I personally think by reading some of the earlier posts that people didn't realize how good the gators are.Especially since they played and beat more top ranked teams than ohio state(6).

Really, is a personal attack necessary? This is the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Support your team. I support my team when they win, lose, get blown out or blow out the opposition. Being an Ohio State fan demands nothing less.

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G-FORCE;711053; said:
Agreed. You guys kind of got hit with a blitzkreg in the first half. The true Buckeyes will show up in the 2nd half. They have to just settle down. The question will be can they make up that big of a defecit in a half? I sure hope so.
Glad to see we've converted you into a Buckeye when the Huskies aren't playing. :)
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Cicero;711060; said:
Really, is a personal attack necessary? This is the NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP GAME. Support your team. I support my team when they win, lose, get blown out or blow out the opposition. Being an Ohio State fan demands nothing less.


No, the personal attack wasn't necessary - that's why he got an infraction. Next one, he's gone.
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skybuckeye;711054; said:
I have to agree that Florida's playcalling has been much better thus far. We are getting spread very thin, and they are finding the gaps with room to start upfield. We had one defensive series where we were able to get pressure on Leak, and his throws were off. If we can get that type of pressure again, a turnover could result. I would settle for something resembling a 3-and-out right now. Florida gets the ball first and the Bucks need a strong stop - deep, not after the Gators cross the 50. If the offense can then move the ball with the running game highlighted, you're back to within 2 TD's. Other than the big 4th down stop, our running game has looked pretty good. Pitt and CW are running hard, just not enough. My 2 cents worth at the half.

I second a lot of this. The playcalling on defense is killing me, and the execution on offense as well. We need to go after Leak. Sometimes it is that simple.
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[QUOTE]"You've got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you've got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you're lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he's never going to come off the field second..."

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