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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

ScarletBlood31;703339; said:
I know this is a little random, but does anyone know what they will be doing for the halftime show?
Well, I will adhere to BKB household superstition and go outside and throw the football with DGADBTWSOM. (Yes, I am aware it will be very dark outside. I am but a slave to the Mojo).

Oh... you mean FOX, don't you.... :biggrin:
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zincfinger;703006; said:
All that indicates is that Florida consistently challenges itself with the best opposition - SEC opposition - whereas OSU, by necessity, goes outside the midwest in search of a reputable opponent.
He doesn't mean playing in your own conference, he means playing only teams located in states which have an Sorry Excuse Conference team. Since Florida's 1986 win over mighty Rutgers, Ohio State has played teams from all over the country, including Texas (number 2 at the time) Washington State (number 7 at the time), Miami, Washington, UCLA, North Carolina State, etc. Meanwhile Florida stays in its comfort zone and doesn't want to miss the opportunity to play teams like West Carolina, Middle Tennessee State, Louisiana Tech, and the University of Alabama AT Birmingham. West Carolina isn't D1, and Middle Tennessee had just got promoted -to D1a. lol lol lol
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Mr. Clutch;701431; said:
...holding on to the number one ranking the whole season has not only never happened but is unheard of.

Skipped reading posts after this one. Florida State went wire-to-wire in '99, and I think one other team has done it...
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Jaxbuck;703349; said:
2002- We couldn't handle Miami's southern speed
2003-We couldn't handle El Roberson and Darren Sproles
2004-We couldn't stop Oklahoma State's running game
2005-We hadn't seen an offense like ND's all year

And we spanked the last three...
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jwinslow;703529; said:
I know you feel it's your calling on this big ten board to defend everything pac-10 related... but defending pac-10 refs is about as smart as defending Carr as a big game coach.

Well, considering I'm a diehard Ohio St. fan and like the Big-10 a hell of a lot better than the Pac-10 I can't say I'm biased. I do stick up for Oregon and the Pac-10 but my loyalty lies with tOSU and the Big-10. Having said that, from what I've seen the Big-10 officials are worse than the Pac-10. The Pac-10 gets more pub for that fuck up in the UO-OU game but the Big-10 has consistently been worse. I mean, how many times did we get screwed on official reviews? Our opponents were pratically never called for holding either. Pac-10 is bad but the Big-10 is worse, IMO.

Not surprising, coming from an Oregon native... :shake:


EDIT-I do think the Big-12 overall is pretty good. SEC is crap.
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did anyone see lou holtz "garauntee" florida beating ohio state? man, he needs to get his dentures out of his ass. so what if florida has a great safety, you cant really stop a spread offense. if you put pressure on troy, he'll escape the pocket and make plays! i didnt like holtz's comments....:(
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EidoloN;703550; said:
did anyone see lou holtz "garauntee" florida beating ohio state? man, he needs to get his dentures out of his ass. so what if florida has a great safety, you cant really stop a spread offense. if you put pressure on troy, he'll escape the pocket and make plays! i didnt like holtz's comments....:(
Lou Holtz has about as much credibility as Lee Corso. He's a clown, nothing more. Him picking UF is pretty much a guarantee that we win.
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i actually like it better when Corso and the rest of em pick against Ohio St. I guess it makes me think the team is listening in then when they win they prove them wrong.

So, if they pick Florida, good. Its just another reason to go out there and prove them wrong.
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EidoloN;703550; said:
did anyone see lou holtz "garauntee" florida beating ohio state? man, he needs to get his dentures out of his ass. so what if florida has a great safety, you cant really stop a spread offense. if you put pressure on troy, he'll escape the pocket and make plays! i didnt like holtz's comments....:(

He thought ND was going to beat us in the Fiesta too..........:wink2:
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