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Game Thread BCS Championship Game, tOSU vs. Florida - Jan 8th

:osu: Maybe we should have chose to kick our first kick-off deep, when most times, it goes for a touchback- maybe we should have tried power-run, on our first possession- maybe we should have been more aggressive on D, man up, take a chance on getting burnt and send more than they can block- maybe we shouldn't have pissed on The sparkplug, run on 4th down, after gaining 1/2" on a 3rd down QB sneak Bla Bla Bla
All I know is I'm very proud of this entire Buckeye team and organization, for what it accomplished this season. Especially for the defensive unit(coaches included)for filling some big shoes from last season's loss and fielding a very good unit.
Good luck to those players, moving on to more important things(probably never finer)but truely more important. Finer....wow! I have a left nut for any Buckeye player, that would like to trade. Having something to look forward to, helps people through life; it's scary, how many you do that for.
Here's to all Buckeye fans who know that birds fly upside down in every other state cause there aint nuthin in any other state worth shittin on.
For you young men, coming back for more, next season, go get'em!...see you in the spring.
The Ohio State 2006 Football Team.....Thank You !!
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Jaxbuck;712614; said:
I see that fans of other schools fail to realize there is a pecking order to this shit.

Quite simply, UF fans have the right to talk..no one else does. We just played for our 2nd NC in 5 years and our 4th BCS game in the same span.

I'm not apologizing to anyone for that.

Yeah... ESPECIALLY UC FANS! My god... They win a bowl game and they're suddenly the best thing in Ohio since sliced bread!
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Eating Humble Pie

From a Wolverine fan; it's just like OSU deserved to gloat AGAIN. Bummer for us, sorry you know how it feels today. Absolutely, no one expected that outcome, ESPECIALLY Michigan fans. Anyway, great run for the money. Congratulations. I have a sister who went to UF and I'm kinda happy new shoes taste good. I gave her a rash of **** about this game.
She will not let me off easy. I'm bigger and will still kick her ***.

osugrad21;712419; said:
Welcome to BP...in all honesty, most of recent issues have been with fans of other programs coming to spout off about the SEC.

Florida fans are the only ones who earned the right to gloat today.

Congrats on your championship.
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Gator fans

As in all football programs, the a* hole fans give everyone a bad name. I'm a Wolverine fan in FL for 22 yrs. Little Sis is went to UF. I was not easy on her nor she on me. I'll not live it down (temporarily). However, here in Florida, we catch gators, as you know, duct tape their mouth shut and fry up the tail meat for lunch. Tastes like chicken. Better with a good sauce.

No offense, Congrats on a well played game. Best played game won. Big 10 will be back again, like they always are.

go_gators;712417; said:
Hey Buckeyes,

Please don't think of every single Gator fan out there as an asshole. I know it is hard to think that there are good Florida fans out there because I'm sure there are a ton of them on here trashing your team, but not all of them are like that. When the Swamp fills up on a Saturday night, I assure you that it is not 93,000 drunk, redneck, inbred jerks. For the most part, I would say that we have good fans; certainly not the worst. One of Georgia's fans killed a Florida student last year. Does that mean all Georgia fans are killers? No. So please don't think badly of the Gator Nation because of a few bad experiences.

Also, your band kicks ass. I've never watched them but that is really cool how they spell out "O-H-I-O" in script and weave in between each other.
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go_gators;712718; said:
Yeah there was a gator in some guy's pool the other day dwon here around Tampa. I assume that gator is somewhere being deep-fried and served at a restraunt right now.

Fried gator is *damn* good... but I'm not sure what that has to do with anything. I do want to say congrats to UF, and I appreciate the sportsmanship shown by both teams. Besides the cheap shot from Grant early in the game, both teams showed a lot of class.
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MiamiFan4Lyfe;712561; said:
I'm not a SEC fan, but competition in the SEC is far above the competition in the Big 10. While, yes, a few SEC teams did have a down year they're still consistently better than the Big 10 (Which should be renamed the Big 3).

Oh. And in college football there are a such thing as style points. ND loses the big games and usually needs some heroic fourth quarter comeback to beat the teams they should have easily crushed.

Oh just shut the fuck up. Go diddle your hand for a day or two. I didn't come to your board in 03 and talk about what a piss ant conference the Big East was/is, or how the best decision your Ad ever made was going to the ACC and not the SEC where you'd really have to play some competition.

Oh, and don't let the door hit you in the ass.
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Alex Boone was just quoted on the news. When he was asked what went wrong, he said that our guys were just not focused. When asked to elaborate, he said that they were banking on Florida doing some things that they did not see the entire game.

That tells me three things:

1) Urban Meyer and staff prepared extremely well.

2) Our staff was not quite as prepared

3) Our staff did not make good adjustments

Anyway, glad to see the team made it home safely. How many days until spring ball? :wink:
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Buckin' A;712820; said:
Alex Boone was just quoted on the news. When he was asked what went wrong, he said that our guys were just not focused. When asked to elaborate, he said that they were banking on Florida doing some things that they did not see the entire game.

That tells me three things:

1) Urban Meyer and staff prepared extremely well.

2) Our staff was not quite as prepared

3) Our staff did not make good adjustments

Anyway, glad to see the team made it home safely. How many days until spring ball? :wink:

I didn't need Alex to tell me those 3 things happened but interseting quote all the same. :wink2:
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Man, I don't ever remember being so shocked and disapointed at the same time. I've never seen tOSU get blown out like this, and play this horrible.

I was there for the weekend and then went to the game, and I can't tell you that i've ever seen an environment more electric for Ohio State. The entire town was being taken over by Buckeyes, and the fan support was incredible. I don't know who was quarterbacking our team last night, and someone please let me know if Troy Smith is found wherever he is being held up at. Tressel got completely outcoached, which scares the hell out of me, and Florida played like a team that had something to prove.

We were completely flat, while Florida played the game of their lives. We didn't deserve to win that game. Congrats to Florida.
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