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Appalachian State 34, Michigan 32 (Final!)

WolverineMike;1782972; said:
:lol: Jax, you're so angry. You must have gotten it rough during the 90's, bro.

Do you mean the 1990's or the 1890's? Its always so hard to tell which golden age you guys are referring to when you start down memory lane.
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Jaxbuck;1783000; said:
Do you mean the 1990's or the 1890's? Its always so hard to tell which golden age you guys are referring to when you start down memory lane.

I've only ever pimped or claimed or talked about stuff that's happened since I was alive. I don't care about that old school shit. I know a lot of UM fans that use it as a crutch, but I don't care. What have you done for me lately, that's what i'm about. Tradition is cool and all, but that's about it.

so to answer your question, the 1990's :lol:
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